
Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

author:That little thing about recent history

On Mao Zedong's 71st birthday, he invited many guests to his home for dinner, including several very special guests. The treatment of this meal can be said to be a treatment that even the founding marshal cannot enjoy. But what makes people wonder is that after three rounds of drinking, Mao Zedong suddenly said in a deliberately loud voice at the birthday banquet: "Some people's tails are too high, this is very bad, we must learn to be a person with their tails between their legs." ”

Why did Mao Zedong say such a thing at his birthday banquet, or did he deliberately say it to some people?

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="72" > special birthday feast</h1>

On December 26, 1964, Mao Zedong ushered in his 71st birthday, and on this day, he who had always advocated thrift and thrift and opposed extravagance and waste, actually broke through his own writing fees and took the initiative to list three tables for his birthday. It was the first and last public birthday party in his life. At the same time, unlike ordinary birthday banquets, Mao Zedong's banquet this time was themed, and the invited guests were also very special.

On the same day, in a room in the Great Hall of the People, Wang Dongxing and Jiang Qing operated together and set up three tables. But what makes people curious is that at Mao Zedong's special birthday, Yu Qiuli, Peng Zhen, Luo Ruiqing and others were specially invited to accompany him, and a total of four special guests who were invited sat at the main table, Next to Mao Zedong.

These four guests were neither founding fathers nor celebrities, but they were treated more like this than the founding marshals. The guests at the other two tables were Zhu De, He Long and several other founding marshals, as well as some important cadres.

Most of the people arrived at the banquet site first, and after a while, Mao Zedong came in, looked around, and sat down after a few words of greeting with everyone. Not long after, Jiang Qing also came in, but she was followed by several guests with very special identities, and on a closer look, it was Xing Yanzi and Dong Jiageng, the leaders of the intellectual youth who went to the mountains and went to the countryside, Wang Jinxi, the "iron man" of Daqing, and Chen Yonggui, secretary of the party branch of Dazhai.

Dong Jiageng and Xing Yanzi were the most ordinary rural intellectuals, while Chen Yonggui was the most ordinary peasant in Dazhai, and Wang Jinxi was also the most ordinary Daqing oil worker. However, these four people were also representatives of the Third National People's Congress at that time.

These guests with special status are all coming to Zhongnanhai for the first time in their lives. On this day, Chen Yonggui put on the outside of his black cotton jacket the best black cloth cardigan jacket in the house, and wrapped a white towel around his head. Xing Yanzi and Dong Jiageng were dressed as peasants, and they all looked a little nervous, but also a little uneasy and excited.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

When Mao Zedong saw the four people entering, he gestured for them to sit down beside him, and invited everyone to smoke and eat candy. Zhou Enlai arranged for Dong Jiageng to sit on the chairman's left, wang Jinxi on the left, Xing Yanzi on the right, and Chen Yonggui on the right.

After the feast began, Mao Zedong first stood up with his wine glass and spoke:

"Although today is my 71st birthday, I am holding a banquet neither for your birthday nor for you to celebrate your birthday, but to actively implement the principle of 'three sames'; today I have not made public funds from the state, but have used my own contribution fees to invite everyone to dinner, and there are peasants, workers, and leaders of the People's Liberation Army present here, and today they are gathered together, not only to eat, but also to talk, so I did not let any of my children come out, because they are not qualified."

Mao Zedong's simple opening words seemed like a family routine, but they made the qi in the room instantly tense. Later, during the meal, Mao Zedong also drank wine and talked, and that night he said a lot, and many of them were "words in words".

However, during this period, Mao Zedong was still very kind to talk with the four ordinary labor models who were specially invited.

During the meal, when talking about Daqing, Mao Zedong said to Wang Jinxi: "It is very good that the oil workers work together to make a big celebration!" The workers worked fiercely and well. To celebrate industrial science. Wang Jinxi heard Mao Zedong's words and smiled shyly.

Then Mao Zedong turned to Chen Yonggui and asked, "You are a crop expert, how old are you?" Chen Yonggui replied, "50 years old." After hearing his answer, Mao Zedong sighed: "Forty is not confused, fifty and knows the destiny of heaven." Through hard work, you have developed a self-reliant Dazhai spirit, which is very good! ”

Speaking of this, Mao Zedong turned his words sharply, and his slightly majestic gaze swept over everyone's face, while raising his voice and continuing: You should not your tail, you should not your tail for the rest of your life, some people's tails are just too high, it is very bad, we all have to learn to be people with their tails between their legs. Mao Zedong replaced the names of the people in his heart with "some people", but the meaning was very clear:

No matter how many military achievements they have made in the war years and how outstanding their contributions have been to China, state leaders and cadres must not enjoy a life in better conditions after the founding of New China.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

This night's feast did not have the atmosphere of a birthday banquet, but everyone felt nervous and confused. When Mao Zedong spoke, the room was also very quiet, and everyone only listened to the chairman's teachings and did not dare to make any conjectures at all.

Because not long after the three years of difficulty at that time, the cuisine that Mao Zedong hosted at this banquet was also very ordinary and simple. Each table is a common meal eaten by ordinary people, a total of 12 dishes, in addition to a plate of brine shrimp, the rest are bitter melon, pepper, carrots and other ordinary vegetables. The staple food is dumplings, dumplings, rice, and burnt cakes, but each dish is only a little, plus a small bowl of soup.

However, this dinner was very different for several special guests, Xing Yanzi recalled: "I did not know that the dishes were on a dish, and every time I tasted a little, I withdrew, and I thought in my heart: if you don't finish eating, you will take it more wastefully, so I ask the waiter not to take it." When Chairman Mao saw it, he thought that I had not eaten enough, so he asked the waiter to bring me and Dong Jiageng some food, and he was not at ease, and gave us both his own share of dumplings and burnt cake clips. ”

Xing Yanzi's heart was warm at that time, and although Mao Zedong misunderstood her meaning, it made her feel the great leader's love for two young people from the countryside. At the same time, it also reflects Mao Zedong's deep friendship with the working people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > four special guests</h1>

1. Do not go the ordinary Xing swallow

Xing Yanzi and Dong Jiageng are both leaders of intellectual youth going to the mountains and going to the countryside, and they have also deeply influenced a generation.

Xing Yanzi was born in 1940 in Sijiazhuang Village, Baodi County, Tianjin. In July 1958, when the rural labor force began to enter the city in large quantities, Xing Yanzi, who was only a 17-year-old ordinary junior high school graduate in Tianjin at that time, did not follow the trend and did not return to the Tianjin urban area where his parents were, but actively responded to the call, still gave up the employment opportunities in the big city, bid farewell to a comfortable life, and took the initiative to return to his hometown to farm.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

At that time, she did not want to catch up with the trend of "going to the countryside", Xing Yanzi's original idea and purpose was relatively simple, just to accompany her grandfather who was alone in the countryside. At that time, her father was already the deputy director of a factory in Tianjin, and no one expected this beautiful girl in the city to stay in the countryside for long. Therefore, since her return, many people in the village have been privately talking: "It is not long to stay, and after a while, I will always return to the city." ”

When she first arrived in the countryside, the village cadres saw that this young woman from the city could not do farm work at all, so they arranged for her to go to the canteen to help, and Xing Yanzi at that time did make a lot of jokes. But it didn't take long for the brilliant and spiritual Xing Yanzi to quickly learn some basic housework and simple farm work.

Since then, Xing Yanzi has gone to plant seedlings and sorghum with the villagers every day, and worked with the peasant masses. Gradually, Xing Yanzi became a labor expert. At that time, many villagers did not think that this city girl, who could not even cook porridge at first, would become the "Iron Maiden" that the people of the whole country would learn in the future.

After Xing Yanzi gradually understood the countryside, the idea of changing the backward appearance of her hometown and becoming the first generation of educated new farmers in the motherland quickly took root in her heart.

At the beginning, Xing Yanzi and a few partners suddenly let more than 20 young and middle-aged women free their hands to go down to the farmland, and formed a women's "production commando team" to work in the fields. She told the women: "Idle is idle, work in the fields, and earn some work to eat grain." Soon, the "commando team" expanded from 7 to 16, and the influence led the women of the whole village to work.

During the three years of natural disasters, Xing Yanzi led the "Xing Yanzi Commando Team" to reclaim 560 acres of wasteland; in addition to reclamation, everyone also had to control fish, beat reed curtains, and braid straw hats, often sleeping only five or six hours a day. Their hard work was not in vain, and in 3 months they earned more than 3600 yuan for the village, which was a lot of wealth at that time.

The 3,600 yuan of life-saving money helped them plant 430 acres of high-yield wheat the following year, which played a great role in helping the brigade survive the famine. Soon, Xing Yanzi's deeds were publicized in major newspapers, and at once they became popular, and a well-known youth model of "striving to be strong, taking root in the countryside, and running agriculture on a large scale" was also born.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

Heaven entered the earth and cultivated

And Dong Jiageng's experience is very similar to Xing Yanzi. In 1941, Dong Jiageng was born into a poor peasant family, and his ancestors were ordinary farmers. But when he was a teenager, he did not want to do farm work, only wanted to study.

Dong Jiageng, who has always been excellent in character and learning, joined the regiment at the age of 14 and joined the party at the age of 18, and his tuition fees and tuition fees are almost all earned by his own work-study and small work. Dong Jiageng, who graduated from high school in 1961, was successfully sent to the Philosophy Department of Peking University, but he made a surprising decision at this time: he gave up Peking University, returned to his hometown to work as a farmer, and changed his name "Dong Jiageng" to "Dong Jiageng", which means to redouble his efforts to cultivate his hometown.

In the midst of the condemnation and doubts of everyone around him, Dong Jiageng resolutely took up the plough rake. Dong Jiageng has not said anything about their discussion, he can go to college and go far away, but there are still many fathers and fellow countrymen in the land where he was born and raised.

Dong Jiageng, who is not very peaceful by nature, has knowledge, does not regard himself as a simple labor force, and he is determined to do his part to bring the hope of prosperity to the villagers. In 1964, when Dong Jiageng went to the province for a meeting, he proposed that in the first year, he would face the whole province and the second year face the whole country to conduct training in agricultural science and technology and culture, so as to better exert the power of knowledge.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

In the production process, Dong Jiageng used his knowledge to realize the rice and wheat, green manure and cotton rotation system. The more fertile the field is planted, the more the peasants earn more and more. In the past, the land in his hometown never grew cotton, and Dong Jiageng planted cotton by improving the soil and applying fertilizer scientifically. The paddy fields were changed to dry fields, which greatly reduced the labor intensity, and the income of the members of the company also increased a lot at once.

Relying on the strength of science, Dong Jiageng did not engage in a pot of cooking, did not engage in a nest of coaxing, correctly absorbed the lessons of the past, and waited for the harvest season to achieve a bumper harvest of grain. For the first time, cotton grew in the water village

Flowers, the first year to get a good harvest. This experience was later also widely promoted in many areas, and was fully affirmed by agricultural experts at home and abroad.

The successful experience was exchanged for the joy of the harvest, the hard work and sweat produced fruitful results, and the members admired this ambitious and educated young man from the bottom of their hearts. The kind and simple Dong Jiageng did not expect that his determination to work as a farmer had a huge encouraging effect on the whole country, and he did not expect that his behavior would have such a great publicity value.

Later, even Chairman Mao affirmed his approach, and for a time Dong Jiageng's name spread throughout the country along with the key propaganda of the main newspapers and periodicals throughout the country.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

Iron Bone Soft Sausage King Jinxi

Wang Jinxi, a "guest of honor" at Chairman Mao's banquet, was praised by the chairman in person at that time. On March 25, 1960, Wang Jinxi led the well team to Daqing day and night. At first, the shoulders of the workers who participated in the oil battle were swollen and worn, their hands and arms were bruised by wire ropes, and their palms were strangled by brown ropes, but only the drilling rigs were transported to the well site.

There are no water supply lines in the wilderness, there are very few water tankers, and it is difficult for everyone to cook, wash dishes, and even drink water. More than 2 miles away, there was a large blister, frozen a thick layer of ice, Wang Jinxi led the workers to chisel through the ice, break the ice to get water. Nearby compatriots also rushed to support. In an instant, more than 100 people formed a water transport army, pots, barrels, and burdens, and after the day, they picked up the lights and fought at night.

After a fierce and fierce battle, the mud pool was full, and so was the pool. People used various indigenous methods to carry more than 60 tons of water a day and a night, ensuring that the first well drilled in Daqing could finally be drilled normally.

In the process, there was a blowout, Wang Jinxi sent someone to notify the whole team to assemble and discuss a solution; then everyone added dozens of bags of cement and loess to the mud pool, but because it could not be fused with the mud, not only did the blowout not stop, but the water column also kept channeling high.

At the moment of a thousand gunshots, Wang Jinxi suddenly threw away his crutches, opened his arms, and jumped directly into the mud pool more than two meters deep, stirring the mud with his body, and he also drilled into the water to clean the mud. Immediately after that, more and more people jumped down, and they had to push back the mud of such a strong pressure little by little... After 3 hours of intense fighting, the blowout was finally subdued.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

At this time, Wang Jinxi was still in the mud pool, but he was exhausted, the bandage gauze on the injured leg did not know where to go, the wound was washed by the super alkaline mud to blur the blood, and his body, face, and hands were also burned out of blood bubbles. Everyone pulled him up, and he fainted on the ground at once.

Then everyone sent him back to the team to rest, and The first thing Wang Jinxi said after waking up was to say loudly: "Leave me alone!" Don't let the cement solidify! Hurry up and deal with the mud! "The well was drilled in just four days, and it set a record for the highest in the entire theater at the time." Like an eagle, Wang Tieren opened his arms and jumped recklessly, solidifying into a historical moment and fixing it as the eternity of life.

At the end of Chairman Mao's birthday feast, each model worker was personally given an apple by the chairman, and since then Wang Jinxi has not been willing to eat it himself, but has brought the apple back to Daqing and honored his old mother.

At the banquet that night, Wang Jinxi did not eat enough, not because the number of meals was insufficient, but because he almost did not eat, perhaps because he was too close to Chairman Mao, Wang Jinxi was a little excited.

But it is regrettable that Wang Jinxi's close contact with Mao Zedong did not leave photos or other video materials at that time. Chairman Mao's low-key birthday deeply infected Wang Jinxi, and after returning to Daqing, he also kept a tight-lipped view of attending the chairman's banquet and never revealed it to anyone. This was a secret kept until his death.

Until more than 20 years later, when the memorial hall of the Iron Man King Jinxi began to be built, the people of daqing oilfield did not know that Wang Jinxi had such glory. It was not until 1993, when Dong Jiageng published an article commemorating the 100th anniversary of Chairman Mao Zedong's birth, that he revealed that he and Wang Jinxi accompanied Chairman Mao on his birthday.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

A lifetime of ups and downs Chen Yonggui

Chen Yonggui was born in Shishan Village, 30 miles away from Dazhai, and lived a life of hunger and cold before liberation. The misfortune of the family and his own suffering have made Chen Yonggui have a profound experience of the difference between the rich and the poor, and also accumulate hatred for the rich and sympathy for the poor.

Chen Yonggui has an advantage, although the culture is not high, but he is good at expressing ideas and summarizing experience, such as he put forward the slogans of "three don'ts" and "three don'ts", and also summarized the ten advantages of doing so, at that time, many of his summary slogans were even widely recited throughout the country.

In the era of the "Great Leap Forward", when others reported more than 10,000 kilograms of mu of property, Chen Yonggui only truthfully reported 540 kilograms, and how he was "inspired" by his superiors did not change his mouth. When some people said that if the output did not go up, they could not continue to be a labor model, Chen Yonggui only replied: "It is better not to go to Tiananmen Square, and the output is not over-reported for a pound." Chen Yonggui is also the only model worker in the Jinzhong region who does not tell lies.

Chen Yonggui loved Mao Zedong in his heart, listened to Mao Zedong wholeheartedly, and followed the party. Therefore, after he became the secretary of the party branch in Dazhai, he has always worked according to the instructions, because he has a certain political mind, strong organizational ability, many methods in work, and strict requirements for himself, so he has a high prestige among the masses and can lead the masses to achieve results in almost every work.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

Under the leadership of Chen Yonggui, the production of the Dazhai brigade has developed new every year, the economy has become more and more consolidated, and the living standards of the masses have also steadily improved. However, Chen Yonggui was not satisfied with these, he was leading the farmers in Dazhai to renovate the land, explore a set of production management systems, summarize a set of work experience such as playing an exemplary and leading role, and mobilizing the peasants' enthusiasm for production. These were indeed advanced in rural China at that time.

In the summer of 1963, Dazhai suffered a huge flood, which brought almost a devastating blow to Dazhai, not only the villagers' houses, but especially seriously: Chen Yonggui led everyone to work hard for more than ten years to repair the terraces, all of which were washed away by the flood, and the crops and soil were all washed away by the water.

At this time, many members of the society lost the confidence to rebuild, and they found Chen Yonggui and said: "The ground has collapsed, and the house has also been destroyed. Chen Yonggui replied confidently: "We don't have one less person, people are still there, this is victory." As long as people are still there, the ground can be rebuilt when it collapses, and the house can be rebuilt when it collapses! ”

After the superiors learned of the serious disaster in Dazhai, they attached great importance to it and decided to distribute relief grain and relief materials at that time. But to their surprise, Chen Yonggui didn't want anything at that time.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests

In the second half of 1963, under the leadership of Chen Yonggui, the members of the Dazhai Society rebuilt houses and rushed to plant crops with great enthusiasm. After several months of hard work, Dazhai won a great harvest in the year of the catastrophe. In that year, the grain output was not only not less, but also a lot more than the previous year, the average yield per mu reached more than 700 catties, the total output reached more than 200,000 catties, the company's rations were sufficient, not to mention, but also 120,000 catties were handed over to the state.

Houses that were destroyed by the flood were rebuilt and were better than the original. This is indeed a miracle. Many cadres who had previously felt that Chen Yonggui was bragging were dumbfounded when they saw this result.

At Chairman Mao's birthday banquet, Chen Yonggui was warmly invited to the seat next to him. During the banquet, Mao Zedong and Chen Yonggui spoke a lot and praised him: "You are an agricultural expert!" Later, he was also introduced to others, and praised him: "Chen Yonggui has practical experience, knowledge, he is really dialectical, he is smart, and the more we read the books in college, the more stupid we read." Some of our cadres are very stupid when they are separated from the masses, and they do not have the level of Chen Yonggui. It is rare for Mao Zedong to praise a rural grassroots cadre in this way, and it can be seen that Mao Zedong really looked at Chen Yonggui differently.

The special guests invited by Chairman Mao to his 71st birthday party were not well-known generals, but they were all people of high moral character and selfless and fearless.

Chairman Mao's 71st birthday, the special banquet invited four guests, Chairman: some people with their tails cocked high in the special birthday banquet four special guests