
The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

author:Ancient and modern nagging people

On December 26, 1964, coinciding with the 71st birthday of the great man, the great man who had always refused to live a birthday actually set up three tables for dinner. He feasted on four "ordinary" and special guests, but these guests enjoyed a higher treatment than the founding marshals, and when the feast was in the middle, the great man said a word secretly: "Some people, the tail should not be cocked too high, remember to be a person with the tail between their legs." ”

Who are these four special guests of the great man's banquet? Why were they able to attend the birthday feast of the national leader? Does that sentence in the feast of great men mean something? Is there another mystery behind this sentence?

Dear officials, have your tea been brewed, the tea is fragrant and listening to the nagging people telling you.

The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

The great man has always advocated frugality, although he is too old, he always rejects the advice of others to wish him a happy life, and he opposes the extravagant and wasteful, eating and drinking style of life.

This time, however, he unusually spent his own writing fees and salaries to set up a banquet at three tables, on which important leaders such as the founding fathers were invited, as well as Yu Qiuli, Zeng Zhi, Qian Xuesen, Peng Zhen, Luo Ruiqing, and others, and the most surprising thing was that there were four extremely special guests, namely Dong Jiageng, Xing Yanzi, Chen Yonggui, and Wang Jinxi.

At that time, Dong Jiageng and Xing Yanzi were both models of young people who went up to the mountains and went to the countryside, Chen Yonggui was an authentic old farmer who was then the secretary of the Dazhai party branch, and Wang Jinxi was a Daqing oil worker known as the "iron man." These people are all deputies attending the Third National People's Congress.

The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

They have made important contributions in all walks of life and have a lot of influence, and these people are flattered by the chairman's invitation, because this is their first time in Zhongnanhai, and they can't help but be a little excited and uneasy nervous.

Seeing their arrival, the chairman greeted them cordially and warmly, and he kindly invited them to eat candy and chat. The nervous four slowly relaxed, and when the feast began, the four were arranged to sit next to the great man.

The great man said very happily: "The theme of our gathering today is not to celebrate my birthday, nor to make a birthday for me, but to implement the "three sameness", this meal is I use my fee to invite everyone, everyone can let go of eating. Hearing the chairman's playful words, the crowd laughed one after another, and the atmosphere of the banquet was suddenly much more relaxed.

Then the great man said again: "I didn't let my children come because they weren't qualified, there are workers, peasants, the People's Liberation Army, and we have to eat together, but also talk together." ”

Before the words could be heard, everyone laughed again, and at that time, all the model workers were looking at the chairman, but they found a patch behind his shirt, which was not big or small, but it was very conspicuous, and they were a little surprised, and they turned to respect.

The great man during the banquet was very kind, and he kept adding dishes to the youth representatives around him, and said warmly like a kind elder: "You are still young, from the countryside, eat more." ”

The great man raised his wine glass to toast to Chen Yonggui, and he said cheerfully: "Chen Yonggui, I know that you are 50 years old, fifty and know the destiny of heaven." You are a crop expert, and I am very satisfied with the big village you have done. ”

The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

Chen Yonggui, who was wrapped in a white turban, blushed, smiled very embarrassedly, and excitedly took the wine glass in his hand and drank it all.

The great man praised the four special guests at the banquet, and he praised the iron man Wang Jinxi, saying: "It is very good for the oil workers to work together to make a big celebration, the oil workers are very fierce, they are fighting very well, and our industrial development must learn from Daqing." ”

At this banquet, these four special guests seemed to be the protagonists, and the chairman praised their contributions and encouraged them to continue their efforts.

When the crowd was quiet, the great man paused solemnly and solemnly and said, You must not your tail for a lifetime, some people can't do it well, the tail is too high, you must remember to be a man with your tail between your legs. ”

At that time, everyone was a little surprised, the great man's words were not casual, and he thought that there must be something in the words.

Almost all of the people present here are people of great merit, although the great people have not been named. But everyone knows it. In fact, he reminded some cadres on the side that no matter how much merit they have made, they should not be proud of their merits and stay away from the masses of the people. No matter when and wherever we are, we must keep a low profile and be down-to-earth, and always keep in mind to do practical things for the masses of the people and make contributions to the country. You must not think too highly of yourself and forget your surname because you have merit.

The so-called do not forget the original intention to always be like this. The great man has always insisted on a frugal life, and he has always maintained the true character of the working people, although this groundbreaking banquet has three tables. But almost all of them are mainly vegetables, and each table has only one plate of meat vegetables and brine shrimp, so the feast is very simple.

The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

When the Red Army was in Yan'an, the chairman often wore patched clothes and pants to make reports, and after the founding of New China, he still did not change his hard and simple style of life as president of the country.

He brushes his teeth with only cheap tooth powder, and even reluctant to buy toothpaste, underwear and socks are basically patched and patched, when he sits and stretches out his legs at will, the patches on the socks will be exposed.

He asked the staff to mend their clothes when they were torn, and then continue to wear them after they were repaired, and the old clothes could not be worn, so they turned the old clothes into patch fabrics for mending clothes.

He once gave him a strict order that no new clothes could be bought for him without the permission of his own mouth. As he grew older, many old clothes could not be worn, so he gave them to his son.

Therefore, the clothes on Mao Anying's body are almost patch stacks of patches, saying that the chairman has only two pajamas in his lifetime, and when these two pajamas are "retired", one has 67 patches on it and one has 59 patches. And his sheets and quilts were also made up, and they were supplemented.

As the president of the country, his usual diet is very simple, the staple food is mainly rice and millet mixed with two rice, and the side food is only three or four small plates, basically vegetarian dishes, and the amount is very small.

In the 60s of the last century, the country entered a difficult period, he gave up the habit of eating braised meat, took the lead in not eating meat, indicated that all catering should be simple, and worked with the people of the whole country to tide over the difficulties.

The Chairman's last public birthday party was held with four special guests, none of whom were present

Throughout his life, he insisted on coming from the masses of the people and going among the masses of the people; although he was the leader of a country, he never put up a shelf, but always put the masses of the people first, and his great image of being close to the people and loving the people was even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Looking at the former virtuous country and family, the success was made by thrift and thrift, the great man was the son of the peasant, thrifty and thrifty, and opposing waste was his way of self-cultivation, and it was also his family's words and governing policy. He once held that our country is a big socialist country, but it is also a poor country with a relatively backward economy, and that it will take decades of arduous struggle to make our country rich and strong, and this requires us to implement the principle of strict economy and against wasteful thrift and thrift.

We admire the spirit of a great man, and his shining points are worthy of worship and learning from all of us.

History is a textbook that will never go out of style, and it is also the best sobering agent; today our motherland is becoming rich and strong, but the spirit of the great man who did not forget his original intention and practice frugality, and the words that were also pointed out at the 71st birthday party, are still the mirrors of all of us today, constantly alerting and urging us, we must maintain the style of thriftiness and thrift, hard work, and must always remember where we came from.

Don't go astray because of your own selfishness, and don't forget the mission entrusted to us by the times, contribute to the country and the people with your own actions, and maximize the realization of personal value.

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