
Luoyang man with nephew walked 800 kilometers: practicing the road with his feet is a step by step

author:One live

Legal Evening News , View News (Reporter Dong Zhenjie) At noon on August 14, it was the sweltering summer heat, an old man and a young man wearing the same blue T-shirts came to Tiananmen Square, they were like other tourists to Beijing, busy taking photos, comparing the standard V-shaped gestures, the smile on their faces looked incomparably bright in the sun, and they did not see the fatigue of hiking 800 kilometers through the wind and sun and rain.

Luoyang man with nephew walked 800 kilometers: practicing the road with his feet is a step by step

After 30 days of trekking, the two finally reached Tiananmen Square

On July 16, Feng Chao, a 54-year-old man from Luoyang, led his 15-year-old nephew Liu Yuheng on a 30-day trek to Beijing. Twelve years ago, Feng Chao took his 12-year-old daughter on the same hike, and today, the 24-year-old daughter in Japan is also on a trek from Tokyo to Kyoto, a distance of about 400 kilometers.

Some people call him "Eagle Dad" because of this, and even think that he is very different, but Feng Chao does not care, he believes that hiking can exercise children's adaptability, tolerance ability, etc., which is what many young people lack today, and children practice the simple life principle of "the road is step by step" with their feet.

800 km hike from Luoyang The two walked for 30 days

On July 16, after making various preparations with umbrellas, commonly used medicines, clothes and other items, Feng Chao, 54, and Liu Yuheng, 15, wore the same clothes and set off with confidence.

Luoyang man with nephew walked 800 kilometers: practicing the road with his feet is a step by step

Feng Chao and Liu Yuheng on the way provided pictures by interviewees

"Hiking all the way, measuring the ground under our feet little by little, we exercise ourselves in this way." Feng Chao said in an interview with the Legal Evening News and Opinion News reporter that seemingly simple travel, in fact, can change a person through these, "We are very tired to walk every day, but after experiencing such exercise, we will become full of confidence." ”

Feng Chao said that he now rented some land to plant trees, and after taking a number of students who like to travel on foot, he felt that being a person and planting trees were similar, and they needed wind and rain, and now, Liu Yuheng, the nephew of his lover," also participated in the trekking tour. "When it rains, we'll find a place to hide and take a break for an hour or two."

"The distance between the township and the township is generally 50 to 80 miles, and when we get to the market town, we will find a place to live." Liu Yuheng said that he studied in a middle school in Luoyang, after the beginning of the school to read the third year of junior high school, usually he likes to play basketball, sometimes carry out some simple activities, but the continuous long-term exercise has not been carried out at all, after this kind of hiking, there will be a great improvement in his ability to adapt, "although walking is very slow, sometimes the feet will be worn, but can see a different scenery." ”

"Walking Feet" WeChat circle of friends records walking footprints

Since July 16, Feng Chao's WeChat circle of friends has begun to record Liu Yuheng's hiking experiences, impressions, anecdotes, etc.

"Thank you Brother Li, who hiked into Beijing three times, and each time he stayed with him, and he bought us breakfast." On July 17, from morning to night, walking to the mouth of Mengzhou Nanzhuang Village, found the camp, sat on a sofa to take a nap, the two looked sweaty, clothes soaked with sweat, "There is an old sofa at the door of a duty room on the side of the road, very soft, and it is really comfortable to sit up." "Wenxian is the hometown of Tai Chi, and there are people practicing Tai Chi in front of and behind the house..."

Xinxiang, Qixian, Hebi, Anyang, Handan, Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Zhengding, Dingzhou, Zhuozhou, Fangshan, Liulihe, Lugou Bridge... Feng Chao records his walking trajectory and feelings every day, and 15-year-old Liu Yuheng has gradually adapted to this ascetic rush, and said that he is willing to stop playing games for a period of time, and must go to Beijing's Tiananmen Square to see the flag raising.

On August 6, Feng Chao and Liu Yuheng walked to Dingzhou, and Feng Chao said that every day was very tired, both feet were tortured, and this exercise was really very challenging.

At noon on August 14, the two finally walked to Beijing and happily took photos in Tiananmen Square. "Arriving at the destination, the excitement was only a fleeting flash. But the real rainbow may be revealed in the future, and it will eventually reveal a multicolored light. "Feng Chao said that his daughter Adam was racing with herself, and set off from Tokyo, Japan, that morning, preparing to hike to Kyoto, Japan, 400 kilometers, which she planned to take about 15 days." I am proud of my daughter and it was a gift she gave herself. ”

Feng Chao told the Legal Evening News that after years of hiking, he has experience, and now he is wearing an outdoor hiking shoe, which can prevent grinding feet, walking on the flat ground and more breathable, if the shoes are uncomfortable, apply cool oil lubrication in time.

Known as the "Alternative Eagle Dad", the daughter began hiking Beijing at the age of 12

This was Feng Chao's third trek from Luoyang to Beijing. The reporter inquired about previous reports and found that in 2006, many domestic media such as Luoyang Daily reported on it.

Luoyang man with nephew walked 800 kilometers: practicing the road with his feet is a step by step

In the summer of 2018, Liu Yuheng took a photo at the place where Feng Chao's daughter took a photo

At 8:00 p.m. on July 22, the lights of Tiananmen Square bloomed, and five adults and children with luggage carts, dark faces and slippers appeared in the square. In the face of the Tiananmen Tower, which has been seen countless times on television, the children could not suppress their excitement and gleefully pointed. Seeing that people were staring at the black feet in their slippers, the 4 children could not help but show a shy look. These 5 people are members of Feng Chao's hiking team. Starting on June 22, a whole month, they finally came to Beijing after a long journey! According to the report, they traveled an average of 10 hours and 25 kilometers a day on this trip, and the highest record daily travel was 12 hours and 55 kilometers. Along the way, they stayed in small hotels and ate simple food, and the father and daughter spent only more than 2400 yuan, which also included attraction tickets, photographs, communications, etc. In the morning, they eat fritters, buns, tea eggs, etc., eat their own dry food for lunch, and in the evening, they are more hearty, adding some meat dishes and so on. In the evening, after the children washed their clothes, they recorded the day's journey in the form of a diary.

Luoyang man with nephew walked 800 kilometers: practicing the road with his feet is a step by step

12 years ago, Feng Chao's daughter took a photo here

On that hike, Feng Chao collected 3 "apprentices" along the way. On June 23, 2006, when Feng Chao's father and daughter walked to Nanzhuang Town, Mengzhou, they met a couple who heard that Feng Chao's father and daughter were going to hike to Beijing. After a deep chat at night, they learned that Feng Chao's move was to let his daughter gain experience and enhance her self-confidence in walking, and the couple was envious. The next day, their 13-year-old son, Li Feifan, became a member of the touring team. On June 26, three people walked to Wuzhi, and Li Feifan's 15-year-old neighbor Xing Siheng also defected. On July 10, after the news of the four-person trip to Shijiazhuang was disclosed by the local media, the 13-year-old city baby Ma Zixuan also joined in.

"The first trek was in 2006, when I took my 12-year-old daughter Feng Yidan to Beijing on a trek of 800 kilometers from Luoyang; the second time was in 2008, when I took my daughter from Luoyang to Shanghai, a journey of more than 1,000 kilometers; the third time was in 2010, when I took my daughter from Luoyang to Xi'an, a journey of about 400 kilometers; the fourth time was in the summer of 2014, with a friend's children duoduo, trekking from Luoyang to Beijing again." Feng Chao, who loves outdoor sports very much, counts his hiking experience of more than 4,000 kilometers.

Many media have referred to Feng Chao as an "alternative educator" and "eagle father", and he has also constantly published his "alternative education concept": "I want my daughter to get rid of heavy homework and live a free and not too burdensome life!" ”

Feng Chao believes that hiking can exercise children's adaptability, social skills, and tolerance, which are exactly what many young people lack today. "Every time they finished the day's journey, the children were very happy, and they all felt the joy of constantly getting closer to the goal." He said that people say that the road is a step by step, as long as you persist, you can get closer to the goal step by step. The children practiced this simple principle of life with their feet.