
Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

author:Kikuka Shozai

On an autumn day in the first year of Tang Tianbao (742), the sun was setting and the afterglow was dazzling.

The 42-year-old Li Bai couldn't wait to return to his home in Nanling, and because he was too excited, his face was full of red light. As soon as he returned home, Li Bai beckoned his children to cook chicken and prepare wine, and he who loved to drink alcohol today was even more happy to drink and get drunk. When the wine was hot, the children laughed and played around, and the drunken and hazy Li Bai sang indulgently, and then got up to dance the sword, and the sword flashed and competed with the sunset.

Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

Li bai

A drink is a must, because Mr. Li feels that his chance to realize his political ambitions has finally come. It turned out that, on the recommendation of his friend Wu Yun, Emperor Xuanzong had issued an edict to let Li Bai enter the capital. This was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Li Bai, who had always regarded himself as an immortal talent and compared himself to Jiang Shang and Zhuge Liang, was ecstatic. After Li Bai hastily bid farewell to his family, he went out with the arrogance and pride of "laughing at the sky, my generation is a basil person", and gladly rushed to the capital City of Chang'an.

Li Bai soon came to Chang'an, which was the beautiful season of "the wind dancing locust flowers fell in the royal ditch, and the southern mountains finally entered the city in autumn", and Chang'an City was rich and prosperous.

On the day that Li Bai entered the palace to meet him, Emperor Xuanzong stepped down to greet him, "giving food in front of him with the Bed of Seven Treasures, and mixing the soup with his own hands." Emperor Xuanzong asked about some current affairs, and Li Bai, with his half-life study and long-term observation of society, was confident and answered like a stream. Emperor Xuanzong greatly appreciated it, and immediately ordered Li Bai to enshrine Hanlin, and the specific duty was to accompany the emperor around and write poetry for entertainment to the emperor at any time.

Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

Li Bai Cursive Book , "On the Balcony Post"

From then on, whenever Emperor Xuanzong had a banquet or outing, he would order Li Bai to serve and use his quick poetic talent to give poetry documentary and entertainment. Occasionally, Emperor Xuanzong would ask Li Bai to draft edicts, including the Book of Answers. Li Bai, who had just arrived, was so favored by Emperor Xuanzong that his colleagues were envious, and some of them became jealous of Li Bai.

Favored by the emperor, being able to accompany the royal driver as a literary attendant is the beauty that many literati people dream of! But for Li Bai, who had lofty ambitions and compared himself to a good minister, he felt that he was only the emperor's attendant and service staff, and did not get the opportunity to show his talents and make meritorious achievements.

Li Bai has always been drunk as a life, coupled with his own feeling that he has not been used by the emperor, and soon after he was enshrined in Hanlin, his habits were difficult to change, and he had to drink with his brothers and friends who loved to drink in the hotel liquor store almost every day, and he did not get drunk. One day, Emperor Xuanzong, who loved music, personally composed a song, hoping to fill in the new words of the music house with this song, and hurriedly sent someone to summon Li Bai, who had thought that Li Bai had already fallen drunk in the hotel. Until Li Bai was put in front of Emperor Xuanzong, he was still drunk and confused, and the emperor ordered someone to sprinkle Li Bai's face with cold water, Li Bai was slightly soberer, and then the emperor immediately asked Li Bai to start filling in the words. Li Bai was drunk with three points, and actually wrote more than ten articles in an instant, which was greatly appreciated by Emperor Xuanzong.

Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

Li Bai's hometown - Sichuan Jiangyou

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it's another year. In the early spring of the second year of Tang Tianbao (743), the breeze blew the willows and the spring was full of spring. Emperor Xuanzong walked in the palace to enjoy the music, Li Bai was commanded to compose the "Palace Music Words", the pen of the gods closely clasped Luo Qi, Baoji, Jade, Mandarin Duck, Jade Lou, Golden Palace, Palace Flowers, Green Trees, Palace Warblers, Eaves Swallows and a series of other images, writing all kinds of luxurious and beautiful and mysterious wind gods of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong was of course very satisfied, and immediately gave Li the White House brocade robe. In the late spring, the peonies of Xingqingchi were in full bloom, Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine Yang Yuhuan watched together, and Li Bai was also instructed to compose three poems of "Qingping Tune", "The clouds want to dress and flowers, and the spring breeze blows Revlon", comparing the peony flowers to Yang Guifei's peerless beauty and grace, portraying the charm of people and flowers in a trance.

This kind of life of worshipping the hanlin imperial literati made the ambitious Li Bai more and more tired, and he drank alcohol every day to anesthetize himself, and formed a "wine immortal" tour with He Zhizhang and others, indulging in drinking and feasting, even to the point where Emperor Xuanzong summoned him and did not have time to meet the emperor. Once, Emperor Xuanzong ordered Li Bai to draft an edict, and Li Bai, as usual, was also in the midst of drunkenness, drafting the edict in his drunkenness, and in the form of a wandering skeleton, he actually stretched out his legs and let the great general Gao Lishi, who was a very popular subject, help him take off his boots, and the other people in the palace were jealous of this, so they waited for the opportunity to slander Li Bai in front of Emperor Xuanzong, And Li Bai had already behaved improperly, and a slander that added oil and vinegar made the emperor feel that Li Bai was bad and inappropriate to let him participate in the secret affairs of the imperial court, and from then on he began to alienate Li Bai.

Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

Finally, in the third year of Tianbao (744 AD), in the face of Emperor Xuanzong's increasing estrangement and disgust, Li Bai did nothing, and was so tired of the life of the imperial literati who could only write articles on the occasion that he could no longer stay in Chang'an. At the beginning of this year, Li Bai finally left the capital City of Chang'an in anger and re-embarked on the wandering road of wandering the rivers and lakes and drinking all day long.

By the summer of the third year of Tianbao (744 AD), Li Bai had come to the eastern capital Luoyang. In Luoyang, Li Bai met Du Fu, who was suffering setbacks, and met two of the greatest poets in the history of Chinese literature. This year, Li Bai was 44 years old and Du Fu was 33 years old. At this moment, although Li Bai was frustrated in his career, he was already famous in the world because of his talent and pride, and Du Fu was just in full bloom, but he was trapped in Los Angeles. Life is to talk about fate, "sexual luxury is also alcoholic", "friends are old" Du Fu and Li Bai smell the same, see each other hate late, the two with equal identity, established a deep friendship, the next few times to see each other, the friendship deepened, became a good story.

Li Bai's short and dusty Career as a Hanlin Bachelor

Sichuan Jiangyou Taibai Stele Forest

After leaving Chang'an, Li Bai's wandering path was tossing and turning and preparing for hardship. Li Bai's life is intertwined with the heroism of meritorious service and the leisurely journey of seeking immortals to visit the Tao, and his pain hovers between the height of the temple and the distance away from the rivers and lakes. Li Bai is full of pride, but also lonely and painful, his pride is soaked in countless magnificent poems, and his pain is also hidden in the pearlesque words that have been passed down through the ages...

In November of the first year of Tang Baoying (762), Li Bai fell ill. On his sickbed, he handed over his poetry manuscript to his uncle Li Yangbing and asked him to edit the preface. Subsequently, a generation of poets Li Bai gave "Death Song" and passed away at the age of 62.

Li Bai was uninhibited all his life, drunk as his life, and his style was dusty. In Li Bai's life, the auxiliary sages and romantic poets could not coexist, and it was difficult for fish and bear paws to have both. If his life had been smooth, I am afraid that there would be so many poems that have been passed down through the ages and are magnificent. The wine entered Li Baihao's intestines, seven points became moonlight, three points roared into sword qi, and the embroidery mouth spit out half a sheng Tang!

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