
On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

Today is the third day of the first lunar month,

Many people know the customs of the first and second days of the Chinese New Year,

But I don't know what special customs are on the third day of the Chinese New Year.

Let's take a look...

Why do you want to burn the door god paper on the third day of the first lunar month? What are the customs besides The Birthday of the Millet?

The various customs circulated by the people actually have a long history. As the third day of the first lunar month, there are also many customs that everyone does not know much about. Legend has it that on this day, The Lady created the "Pig", so the third day of the first lunar month is also called "Pig Day".

There are many folk legends about the third day of the first lunar month, and one of the most widely circulated sayings is that this day is actually the day of "rats marrying relatives". In order not to disturb their reproduction, people will turn off the lights early and go to bed. They also sprinkle grains of rice and cakes on the corners of the horns in advance, and call the behavior "rat money".

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

The main meaning of "rats sharing money" is the joy of sharing a good harvest with rats. Of course, this statement is not accepted by everyone, because rats are the culprits of the scourge of grain, and it is not enough for people to shout at them to kill, so how can they deliberately congratulate "rats marrying relatives"!

There are actually many folk customs on the third day of the first lunar month, but the region, living habits, and ideological consciousness are different, and the customs and habits of this day are naturally not the same. However, the author believes that even if the customs are very different, the final meaning is basically the same.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

Folk traditions and customs of the third day of the first lunar month

People living in ancient societies, because they were deeply bound by feudal ideas, they especially believed in some ancient legends. In their minds, they believe that the third day of the first lunar month is an unlucky day. Because the third day of the first lunar month, also known as "Red Dog Day". The so-called "red dog" is the god of anger, and once it encounters it, it will take the back.

Of course, this is just a widely circulated folklore. In the eyes of modern people, even if they go out for the New Year at thirty nights, it is an unsurprising thing. Therefore, we must not be blinded by superstitious ideas, so as not to have too many taboos and affect the mood of the New Year.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

During the Song Dynasty, people referred to the third day of the first lunar month as the "Year of the Little Dynasty" or the "Tianqing Festival". According to legend, in the first year of the Song Zhenzong DazhongXiangfu, a very strange thing happened. At that time, it was rumored that on the third day of the first lunar month, there was a "book of heaven" that fell from the sky. Therefore, Emperor Zhenzong of Song issued an edict designating the third day of the first lunar month as the "Heavenly Celebration Festival".

After that, when the "Tianqing Festival" arrived every year, the emperors and officials of the Song Dynasty would be given five days off. Folk, on the other hand, have the custom of not going out on the third day of the first lunar month. Because it is easy to encounter fierce gods and evil spirits when you go out on this day, it will not only affect the fortunes of the whole year, but also encounter a lot of unlucky things.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

In fact, with the passage of time and the change of dynasties, coupled with the continuous change of people's ideology, the customs on the third day of the first lunar month have also increased. Moreover, the customs of each dynasty are also very different, and the main reason for this phenomenon is actually superstitious thoughts, or folk customs.

1. Burn the door god paper

According to the books, the "door god" is "the god of the gate guard of the folk faith". But if it is understood literally, it is actually a reproduction of the "god of the gatekeeper" in the minds of the ancients who can suppress demons and ghosts. The style is similar to today's oversized photographs, and then pasted directly on the courtyard door or house door.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

The main purpose is to keep the family safe, well-off and away from the unlucky things. Every year, on the third day of the first lunar month, it is time to replace the "door god paper". People would remove the "door god paper", respectfully place it on the pine branch, and then light a fire to burn it.

The main meaning is to send the "door god" back to the heavenly court for the New Year, and then wait until a specific day to invite the "door god" back, so that they continue to be evil for the old and small door nursing home and the low-grade fierce god. This custom was later known as "burning door god paper".

In ancient times, there was a popular proverb "Burn the door god paper, personally seek physiology". In fact, what I want to express is that the year is over, and people are about to start farming or self-employment again. The author believes that all the customs of the ancients on the third day of the first lunar month are actually aimed at staying away from bad luck and praying for a smooth and peaceful new year.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

2. Taniko's birthday

As one of the "five grains", millet is an important food resource for the survival of ancient people. The great Tang Dynasty poet Li Shen once wrote a poem "Mercy Nong", whose poem was "When the day of hoeing is noon, the sweat drops down to the soil." Who knows the plate of Chinese food, the grains are hard. This poem expresses the mood that it is not easy to think about a porridge and a meal.

The so-called "birthday of millet" refers to people's respect for crops or grains. Because ancient society has always been in a state of food shortage, especially the people living at the bottom of society, they often lived a life of starvation. There are even many people who starve to death because they have no food to eat, so the custom of "millet birthday" is born.

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

The third day of the first lunar month is actually a folk convention of "Millet Birthday", just like when Nuwa Niangniang creates everything, she needs to have a fixed time. People hold a more solemn "New Year's Celebration" event on this day. It is also stipulated that rice cannot be eaten on this day. Otherwise, it is contrary to ancient traditional customs and will definitely be punished by God.

3. "Little Year Dynasty"

The third day of the first lunar month can also be called "Opening Day" or "Little Year Dynasty". The so-called "well opening day" custom is actually that the family with a well next to the place of residence should take vegetarian vegetables on this day and light an incense burner to sacrifice the well. At the same time, the red note that was pasted on the well Chinese New Year's Eve night should also be removed. This practice can also be called "opening a well".

On the third | of the Chinese New Year, why should we get up late today?

According to the "Qing Jia Lu Xiao Nian Chao", "The third day of the first month is the Xiao Nian Dynasty, not sweeping the ground, not begging for fire, not drawing water, and the same as the year dynasty." In fact, the meaning of this historical data is very clear, that is, on the third day of the first lunar month, you cannot sweep the floor, you cannot quarrel with people, and you cannot go to the well to fetch water or pour water outside.

Of course, the customs of the third day of the first lunar month are different in different regions, and some places can be used to sweep the floor on this day. But garbage had to be placed in dustpans, and then people swept the dust into the dustpan and covered them with worn-out brooms. Falling together at the intersection of the three forks of the road means to send away the "poor ghost" in the family. Or to sweep away the filth and evil spirits of the home.


Although the third day of the first lunar month is not an important festival, as an important part of the traditional New Year, it is found in many places on this day, which belongs to the unique customs and habits of the local area. Therefore, the author hopes that everyone can respect the change of customs, or be a participant in the customs, so that you can have a meaningful, interesting and joyful New Year.

One life two, two births three, three births of all things

The third year of junior high school symbolizes the germination of a new atmosphere

Let's on this day

Make New Year's wishes together

Plant the seeds of hope

Wait for them to blossom and bear fruit


Yang Hongmei 《 Tracing the Origins of the Customs of the Door God "

"Spring Festival Folklore: The Third Day of the First Month of the First Month [Burning Door God Paper] [Guzi Birthday] [Xiaonian Dynasty]"

Ji Yonghe, "The Customs of Burning Paper sacrifices should be changed"

Yang Sujie, "A Brief Discussion on the Relationship between the Customs of Honoring the Door God and the Cultural and Psychological Accumulation of the Han Nation"

Source: Synthesized from Xinhua News Agency, Workers Daily, China News Network, etc

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