
Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

author:Little cold poetry small world

It's another year of Chinese New Year. The world is full of prosperity, and the scenery is extraordinary.

The older you get, the more you can't help but feel depressed. Recently, I have read the year-end summary written by many friends, and I have delicate feelings, a year of progress, and the growth of life experience and wisdom. Some people are in a hurry, and some people are vivid, because everyone's living posture is different, and this wisdom and this realization are different.

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

And my life this year, basically lackluster, but I also feel that this state is the best: there is no big wave that has emerged, which makes me remember, nor too difficult a moment that makes me despair.

But at this moment, when I really sit down and type these words, I am still grateful, grateful for everyone who has helped and encouraged me this year, every word, every action. Your inadvertent encouragement and help are all the attachments that life has given me.

After this new year, it is the year of no confusion. Not confused, it may mean that the vertical and horizontal, pride, angularity, and even awkwardness in the young years are all reduced, or even compromised. However, I am still grateful for this year, and the matter of teaching children to read ancient poems has persisted.

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

Last year, I took dozens of children and read more than a hundred ancient poems. This year, I continued last year's tradition of publishing poems and audio explanations to be memorized in the group every Sunday to explain the author of each poem, the background of the poem, the general meaning of the poem, and even some related geographical and historical trivia.

Speaking of Du Fu's "Shu Xiang", talk about the general deeds of Zhuge Liang in the first and second half of his life, the historical Battle of Yiling, the origin of the name "Jinguancheng", and why Du Fu particularly admired Zhuge Liang;

Speaking of Mao Zedong's words "Qing Ping Le LiupanShan", children will be told about the classic battle of the Red Army's Long March - the fierce battle of Lazikou. Tell the children that Liupan Mountain is the last high mountain before the Red Army's Long March reaches northern Shaanxi, and crossing Liupan Mountain is a horse Pingchuan, and soon came to Wuqi Town, joined the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, and completed the 25,000-mile Long March that shocked human history;

Talking about Xin's "Nanxiangzi Jingkou Beiguting Youhuai" and "Yongyule Jingkou Beiguting Huaigu" will tell everyone about the special geographical location of Zhenjiang in history and why Xin Zhiyi never forgot the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains;

Speaking of Su Shi's "Nian Nu Jiao Chibi Huaigu", he will talk about the historical Battle of Chibi, and then tell the children why Sun Liu's combined army must use the southeast wind to attack Cao Cao according to the high and low terrain in the west and the low terrain in the west and the position of the Cao army and the Wu army. Of course, he will also tell the children that the Huangzhou Chibi that Su Shi traveled and sang was not the ancient battlefield of the Battle of Chibi.

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

One by one, I learned, memorized, accumulated, and moisturized silently, and I myself received a lot of positive feedback from children.

Once, the child Chenchen excitedly told: "Auntie, the last time I was doing ancient poetry to break through the pass, I came across a sentence of Xin Abandoned Disease, 'The crowd looked for him for a thousand hundred degrees, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the light of the lights', asked the meaning of 'Shan Shan', you specifically told us, I did not hesitate to choose the answer of 'scattered, sparse'..."

In the summer, I took my children to play in the park, met the Tongtong children in the group, she told me enthusiastically: One day, she memorized "Water Tune Song Head , Re-shang Jinggangshan" in the class, just when the class teacher heard it, she asked who taught her, she said that she was a classmate's mother;

There are also big treasures and small treasure brothers, they say that the school will play ancient poems on the radio every day at noon, many of them will memorize, and the students are very impressed;

I think of Julia's mother said that when Grandma took Julia to play with the children, somehow suddenly "fighting poems", Julia came to a Li Bai's "Will Enter the Wine", this poem came out, four silent...

Children are willing to share their joy, what reason do I have not to insist?

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

Of course, personally, I still like the "Flower Things" series that I tell children about in the spring: from peach blossoms, cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, to azaleas, peonies, begonias, and finally the flowers bloom and summer arrives. I recall last year, lotus and lotus bloomed in summer poems, smelled chrysanthemums and osmanthus flowers in autumn, and watched plum blossoms and snowflakes in winter. The passage of time and the change of time are quietly completed in the opening and falling of beautiful flowers.

Some people say that if a flower is placed in a pot, it is just a flower, but if it is written into poetry, then it has a moving heart, and meeting it is like reading a poem.

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

As the spring flowers fall, the heat comes as scheduled. This summer, I got a new job. The change in the pace of life and the adjustment of working hours interrupted the ancient poem punch card for two months, and it was not until November that I recovered. Fortunately, everyone is here and has always cooperated and supported me.

Compared to last year, the number of memories this year is much less, only 73 (108 last year), but I feel very fulfilling and the rhythm is just right.

Of course, I have also encountered incomprehensible eyes and inquiries: people have so much energy, they should give priority to "useful" people. You spend so much time and energy on this thing, what is the picture?

What's the picture? At first, I only wanted my children to have a companion when they recited poems, expecting a group of people to go further; but gradually, I found that the kindness around me gathered more and more: children and parents expressed their recognition and gratitude to me in their own way, loved The House and Wu, and were good to my children, which was enough.

And learning to be useful is actually the greatest blessing for me.

Without moving stories and wine, you can save a good time

The ancients said that poetry and wine take advantage of the years. Before the plum wine I bought arrived, he used the child's voice to save me a while. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the family is healthy, and the friends are not far away, which is enough.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year, Gigiglily, and all the best!

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