
After brushing the ticket for three weeks, he returned to China only to escort the "Winter Olympics on the Clouds"

After brushing the ticket for three weeks, he returned to China only to escort the "Winter Olympics on the Clouds"

The daily two-point line from the Wyndham Beijing Longcheng Hotel to the Winter Olympics Main Media Center (MMC) is the "only" closed-loop trajectory of Alibaba Cloud engineer Zhu Honggang this Spring Festival and more than a month in the future.

From the Tokyo Olympics to the Beijing Winter Olympics, Zhu Honggang, who originally worked in Germany, has been responsible for the European project team, docking the after-sales technical support of the three main bodies of the International Olympic Organizing Committee (IOC, OBS, OCS), and also participating in the on-site service of the Olympic Games. "It's either in quarantine or on the way to quarantine. The Tokyo Olympics lasted three months, the Winter Olympics three months, and quarantined for half a year. ”

Last summer's service to the Tokyo Olympics was the first time in The history of the Games that cloud technology was used to support global broadcasting. Zhu Honggang is mainly responsible for the early stage of deep involvement in the customer's architecture design, system configuration, performance stress testing and other services, in order to ensure the 24-hour global broadcast of Olympic content, the Tokyo Olympic Games International Broadcasting Center is brightly lit day and night. At that time, the Olympic Broadcasting Service Company (OBS), as a customer, had agreed with Zhu Honggang and others to continue to be present at the next Beijing Winter Olympics.

After returning to Germany from Japan, Zhu Honggang immediately entered the preparation period for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Because flights back to China from Europe often face circuit breakers, Zhu Honggang brushed online for about three weeks and finally brushed a ticket, and was lucky enough to return to China at the end of 2021.

For a Chinese engineer who has been wandering for a long time, nothing can heal people's hearts more than eating a hot Chinese meal. Since the European customers who mainly serve have returned to China for the Christmas holiday, he returned to his hometown in Wuhan, met his parents who had not seen him for more than three years, and ate the most authentic hot dry noodles. Work reasons can not go home during the Spring Festival, although his family is not willing, but also gave him enough understanding and support.

Back at work, this time, Zhu Honggang and his colleagues had a more daunting task. Not only to achieve "cloud broadcasting", Yu Hong, director of the technical department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, said that the core information system of the Beijing Winter Olympics has achieved 100% operation on the cloud. This means that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be the first "Olympic Games on the Cloud" in the history of the 100-year Olympic Games, including the core of the Olympic Games, event broadcasting, information release, athlete arrival and departure, accommodation, transportation and other information systems have been migrated to the cloud.

Taking the event content as an example, according to the International Olympic Committee, the Beijing Winter Olympics will be broadcast to the world through the cloud, bringing more than 6,000 hours of wonderful content, reaching billions of viewers around the world, and will be broadcast in 4K ultra-high-definition format for the first time, and some important events will also be broadcast in 8K format. This would be another major technological advance since satellite television began broadcasting at the 1964 Olympics.

In the Main Media Center (MMC) of the Winter Olympics, Zhu Honggang played an important role as a bridge, while stationing to dock the customer needs of OBS, while docking the back-end production and research team to respond quickly, whenever there was a problem trend in the technical drill system, he pulled through the rear support & production and research team in time. On the day of "Chinese New Year's Eve", Zhu Honggang's work was still heavy, and he continued to assist customers to adjust the system to complete the overall launch. At night, he and his friends ate dumplings together in the robot canteen of the main media center, completing the "sense of ceremony" of the New Year.

Zhu Honggang's favorite ice and snow project is curling. "Curling must be both steady and accurate." He told reporters, "Stability, just like the guarantee borne by cloud computing; accurate means to do a lot of preparation in the early stage to accurately identify various risks and eliminate them before the game." ”

For example, the Beijing Winter Olympics will have a "live cloud" project, which for the first time realizes the transmission of TV signals through the "cloud". This will also facilitate media journalists who cannot attend the scene due to the impact of the epidemic. The traditional broadcast mode requires TV stations to transport satellite broadcast trucks in advance and build network lines on the spot. Cloud broadcasting allows global TELEVISION stations to receive live broadcast signals in the cloud, and provides functions such as players and short video processing platforms, which are convenient for media to carry out remote live broadcasting, wonderful playback, and production of special effects videos and content highlights.

But the "live cloud" project, from on-premises to the cloud, needs to pull a dedicated cloud channel to solve the last mile problem, which requires cooperation with other third parties.

In the pre-game test, Zhu Honggang found that the "live cloud" project sometimes has a jittery network, which not only requires colleagues responsible for different cloud products to check together, but also involves reaching its operator through OBS to check whether there is a problem with the physical line. "Coincidentally, the contact found that the operator's contact person and I live in the same hotel, and now we have established a fast response channel, once there is a problem, the two sides can be instantaneously aligned, ensuring the stability of the entire link."

From Germany to China, the time difference is 7 hours, due to the nature of the work, Zhu Honggang is not only responsible for the beijing Winter Olympics resident service, but also online service to european customers, has been maintaining the habit of working across time zones, it is possible to deal with local customers during the day, in the early morning with European customers and colleagues to communicate, jet lag is busy to miss the meal. Not long ago, the small partner who entered the scene to support brought him a whole box of self-hi pot. He posted a picture of the self-hi pot to the reporter, saying that even if overtime is inevitable in the future, there will be hot meals to warm the stomach.

For example, during the Tokyo Olympic Games last year, a programmer from Greece mentioned that he liked to experience the local culture of various countries and planned to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the end of last year, Zhu Honggang also accompanied two foreign programmers he met in Tokyo to the Great Wall, and everyone was infected by China's great rivers and mountains. He said that his biggest wish for the New Year is to hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible.

In the work photo that Zhu Honggang sent to the first financial reporter, a five-star red flag was hung in the workshop of the main media center of the Winter Olympics, and he said that this five-star red flag was taken to the work room of the Tokyo Olympic Games at that time, and after the Summer Olympics, it was brought back from Tokyo to Germany, and now it is brought to the Beijing Winter Olympics, hoping to have the opportunity, and then brought to Paris.

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