
In 1944, the Japanese wrapped Wu Shude, a scientist in China, with a tarpaulin, and then lit a fire on the fuel cloth. Wu Shude died and came back to life in pain, but the Japanese kept rolling over


In 1944, the Japanese wrapped wu Shude, a mainland scientist, with a tarpaulin, and then lit a fuel cloth. Wu Shude died and came back to life in pain, but the Japanese laughed at Wu Shude, who kept rolling over, so cruel and outrageous.

Wu Shude is a well-known water conservancy expert on the mainland, and before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he had already made outstanding contributions in the field of water conservancy.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wu Shude in Tianjin braved artillery fire and insisted on experimenting, but soon after he was targeted by the Japanese.

In order to avoid the Japanese and not to delay the experiment, Wu Shude moved the laboratory and equipment to the French Concession.

Although the Japanese often came to harass him, Ye did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

In 1943, italy defected, and the Japanese took the opportunity to break into the French Concession and capture Wu Shude.

In order to make Wu Shude use it for himself, they exhausted their means. Initially, it was Xu He's high-ranking official Houlu, and Wu Shude was unmoved.

After that, the enemy began to torture Wu Shude, who was tortured to the point of not being human but unyielding.

In the end, the Japanese decided to execute Wu Shude and several other scientists, but the Japanese were too fierce to let Wu Shude die happily.

He actually wrapped his body in an oilcloth and burned Wu Shude alive with fire, but until the last moment of his life, Wu Shude did not yield, such a great spirit, how can people not be heartbroken, how can they not admire [prayer] [prayer] [prayer] [prayer]

Salute [Prayer] [Prayer] [Prayer]


#历史 #

In 1944, the Japanese wrapped Wu Shude, a scientist in China, with a tarpaulin, and then lit a fire on the fuel cloth. Wu Shude died and came back to life in pain, but the Japanese kept rolling over