
"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

"Hello Li Huanying" Spring Festival Gala sequel "This time I am a mother", a single mother-in-law played by Jia Ling, who loves to eat staple foods, was made into a short video segment by the daughter-in-law played by Zhang Xiaofei ——

"After eating three bowls of rice and four steamed buns, the mother-in-law said that after this amount, seven points is very good." (The amount may have been exaggerated, but the proportion of carbs in the diet "exceeded the standard" and apparently didn't run.) )

Uncle Zhang, who has a crush on his mother-in-law, saw the video and rushed to the door to send the New Year, and as soon as the gift bag was opened, it was "Shandong white-faced steamed buns"!

The mother-in-law said awkwardly: "I was cutting off the carbon water recently." ”

Save it, it is difficult for ordinary people to "cut off the carb"

Let's first look at, what does "carb water" include?

Starch in staple foods;

Sugars added to various foods;

Sugar in fruit honey;

Dietary fiber that is not absorbed in various vegetables and whole grains.

All of the above counts as carbon water.

Jia Ling is also "breaking the carbon water"? Don't laugh, first of all, "broken carbon water" does not mean that you will be able to lose weight, and secondly, not eating steamed bread cannot be equated with "broken carbon water".

The weight loss method of "broken carb" is too hot, it may not satisfy your stomach (hungry) and brain (hungry) at all, but it can fiercely satisfy your "sense of participation" - hot stars and Internet celebrities have already created a fanatical "low-carbon" and "sugar-breaking" atmosphere in a book and a certain sound. Anyway, it is not the first time to lose weight, follow the trend to try it, in case it is successful?

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

So did you succeed?

Frankly speaking, most of the people around us are unable to successfully "cut off the carbon water". And people who lose weight quickly in the short term are also easy to rebound and become fatter.

Because for Chinese who "love to eat staple foods", it is difficult for many people to insist on not eating staple foods and not touching carbon water for a long time.

As an agrarian people, a large part of our traditional diet is composed of carbohydrates such as "rice" and "noodles". Steamed buns, cakes, snail powder, hot dry noodles, buns, dumplings, fritters, intestinal flour, in the food culture of various places, the proportion of carbohydrates is very high.

And carbohydrates aren't just found in staple foods, they're also found in various fruits (yes, you read that right), cakes, potato chips, and sugar-sweetened beverages like milk tea.

Many people have rebounded very much after resuming staple foods. Originally, I couldn't eat three bowls of rice and four steamed buns a day, but after a week or two of carb water, maybe the amount of rice would reach here.

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

In addition, hypoglycemia, emotional irritability, hair loss, menstrual disorders, and constipation are also symptoms that are easy to appear after "strict restriction of carbs".

One-size-fits-all cut-off carbs is really hard!

Want to lose weight? Try to eat less "bad" carbs first

Feel like you love staple food, so it's easy to get fat?

If you really belong to the situation of "too high proportion of staple food intake", then appropriately reduce the proportion of staple food and control total calorie intake to lose weight, without having to be one size fits all. (Compared to "broken carbon water" can be much easier)

Appropriateness here refers not only to "portion", but also to "type".

The British Medical Journal/BMJ published a paper examining urban and rural dwellers in 21 countries to analyse the effects of "cereal staple food intake" on physical health. The study shows that —

"Refined grains" and "free sugars" are the main factors that negatively affect the human body by carbohydrates, including increasing the incidence of cardiovascular disease, mortality and other issues. The intake of whole grains did not find similar problems.

That said, the focus on carbohydrates is to control: less healthy free sugars, finely processed grains.

1. What is free sugar?

The official definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) is: monosaccharides (fructose, glucose, etc.) and disaccharides (maltose, sucrose, etc.) added to food and beverages, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, syrup juices and juice concentrates.

In other words, all the extra sugars added to the food, in addition, even the honey and juice that we regard as "health saints", are lying on the gun!

The biggest problems with free sugar are:

It is easily absorbed by the human body into heat storage

It does not provide any nutrients

It does not provide a corresponding feeling of fullness

In other words, the intake is very poor!

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

Not only that, because it is rich in sweetness, free sugar is easy to addictive, so that people want to eat and want to eat, drink and want to drink, if you are not careful, it is easy to eat too much, making people "addicted".

2. What is a refined grain?

That is, processed, de-bran and embryo-removed grain. For example, white bread, white noodles (white noodle steamed buns were shot), cakes, etc.

Compared with whole grains, finely processed grains lose a lot of vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. If you can properly replace the staple food with some potatoes and whole grain beans, it will be much healthier than just eating refined rice and white noodles.

To sum up, proper control of carbohydrate intake -

Start by "controlling free sugars."

Then try "reducing the amount of refined grains eaten" and replacing them with whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Therefore, healthy weight loss should not only eat staple foods, but also eat the right staple food. Eating staple foods should be "thick and thin", as well as controlling the total amount.

One of the core skills of human beings on the evolutionary road to dominate the earth is omnivorous, and it is not advisable to eat too fine and fine. Diverse, balanced eating patterns are always the way to health.

How to eat during weight loss?

Learn to "watch fist rice" + "last meal"

Want to control the intake of staple foods such as rice, flour noodles, and steamed buns, and do you need to take the scale out?

Don't bother, we just stick out our "fist". For most people, during weight loss, each staple food is about the size of a "fist" meal.

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

In addition, the order of meals is recommended to be adjusted to: eat more meat and vegetables first, eat 60% or 70% of the full, and then slowly eat staple foods. You can try this method to avoid too many dishes and too rich to eat two or three staple foods in one meal.

Comparing before meals, you will find that the staple food in restaurants and takeaways is on the larger side. Especially beef noodles and snail powder, there are often nearly "two fists" of staple food in a bowl.

In the case of beef noodles, for example, there are often only a few pieces of meat, a few leaves of vegetables, and a large bowl full of noodles. During the weight loss period, you can order one more meat and vegetables to eat, first eat more meat and vegetables, and then finally eat noodles.

Seeing this, do you feel that weight loss is not so difficult?

Weight loss will inevitably reduce some "human fireworks", not only the problem of "how much to reduce", but also the question of "how long to reduce". Extreme weight loss methods "promise" you to lose X pounds a month, so what about a month later?

For the general public's dietary structure adjustment program, there is no need for too complicated recipes, scientific and reasonable + safe and healthy + perseverance, is the correct policy for weight loss.

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

Finally, some friends may want to ask: Some doctors just recommend not eating carbs, eating more fat and protein, why do you say differently?

First of all, if the unreasonable high-carbon, high-fat, high-calorie diet model has made you have some health problems, then choosing a low-carbon water diet based on healthy fat and protein can obtain health benefits. (But how to do it is another topic, if you are interested, we will open another article.) )

For the purpose of the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as weight loss, sugar control, and blood pressure reduction for the general public, adjusting the proportion of carbohydrate intake under the guidance of professionals is a very effective and safe method, but how to do it specifically, how much lower the proportion of carb water is, it also varies from person to person, rather than blindly not eating white steamed buns.

The extremely low-carbon water diet, ketogenic diet, such a strict restriction of carb diet model, in fact, is more suitable for epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other neurological diseases of nutrition treatment.

The end of science ~ weight loss or not to "cut off the carb", is it suitable for breaking the carb? Now you understand it?

"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this
"Broken carbon water" can make Jia Ling thin into a small fief? Ordinary people still eat like this

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