
McMillan: Trae Young feels unwell as he warms up There is no timetable for his comeback

McMillan: Trae Young feels unwell as he warms up There is no timetable for his comeback

Live Bar Feb. 1 News The Hawks lost to the Raptors 100-107 in the regular season today, and their seven-game winning streak was ended. Hawks player Trae Young is sidelined with a shoulder injury.

After the game, Hawks coach McMillan said in an interview that Trae Young felt unwell when he warmed up before the game, and the team does not currently have a comeback schedule for Trae Young.

However, the Hawks will have time to rest after this game, and their next game will be against the Suns at 8:30 a.m. Beijing time on February 4.

(Lin Yuan)

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