
PC Gamer wrote to Intel: The Savior of Graphics Card Crisis

Recently, foreign media PC Gamer released an open letter to Intel: Help, you are the only way out of our graphics card crisis.

The letter begins with:

"Dear Pat,

Can I call you Pat? I'm writing to you now with a sense of desperation because something is wrong with our PC gaming community and I really feel like you're the only one who can help. The fate of PC gamers has been with two graphics card manufacturers for too long, namely Nvidia and AMD, so we were thrilled to learn that Intel was once again eager to enter the GPU market. To be honest, we really need you very much. ”

PC Gamer wrote to Intel: The Savior of Graphics Card Crisis

Then PC Gamer was very disappointed that Intel's solo display in 2020 or even 2021 did not launch in the market, and hoped that it would be launched this year, whether it was Q1 or Q2.

Needless to say, unprecedented demand has hit graphics card inventory levels, and supply chain issues have led to soaring graphics card prices. But that's not the only thing that's happening. GPU mining has led to an increasingly serious shortage of goods, so that graphics cards are now a precious commodity, and enterprising people have used robots to buy them in bulk and resell them for unprecedented amounts.

Later, Raja Koduri, Intel's Senior Vice President, Chief Architect, and General Manager of Architecture, Graphics, and Software, responded to the open letter on social platforms:

PC Gamer wrote to Intel: The Savior of Graphics Card Crisis

"@PCGamer, we are with you. This is a huge problem for PC players and the industry as a whole. Intel's graphics division is struggling to find a path to its mission — to put millions of Arc GPUs in the hands of PC gamers every year. ”


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