
Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

author:Watch movies and TV every day

<h1>"Strange Talk"</h1>

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Synopsis: The film is divided into four stories: "Black Hair" Kyoto-based samurai (Mikuni Rintaro) is tired of living in poverty, he abandons his wife (Shinju Michiyo) and marries a noble lady (Watanabe Misako). However, the coldness of his current wife reminds the samurai of his ex-wife's gentleness and virtuousness, and he meets his ex-wife again, but the result is unexpected; one day in the snow storm, the young man (Nakayo Tatsuya) meets the beautiful snow girl (Kishi Keiko) on the mountain. The Snow Girl loves the youth and spares him from dying, but the youth is not allowed to inform outsiders of this encounter; the blind monk Yoshiichi (Nakamura Tsuo) in "The Story of Yoshiichi Nakamura") plays the pipa and sings even the ghosts, but the frequent contact with ghosts is bound to damage Yangshou, and the elders in the temple decide to save Yoshiichi; in the "Teacup", the samurai Kannai (Nakamura Yoshinori) finds a stranger's face in the tea bowl when drinking tea, he breaks the tea bowl, but attracts an uninvited guest.

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Reason for recommendation: The scenery, lighting, and atmosphere control are all first-class. Echoing the light and shadow, the actors walk precisely, and the performance is very natural at the same time, which is really rare. Interior scenery and weather production should consume a lot of manpower. Presumably, the drainage system in the studio must also be good. The cinematography of "Black Hair" feels the best. The night scene effect is excellent, and the colors are rich and recognizable.

<h1>School Freaks 2</h1>

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Description: During the spring break, students at a primary school in Tokyo are led by Olika Oda (Naomi Nishida) to a temple camp. The boys and girls laugh and quarrel, and the abbot of the temple (Yonekura Kiganian) is kind and approachable. On April 4, the last day of the camp, as a reserved program for the camp, the night of the test game is naturally indispensable. The children prepare carefully, while the temple thief Kazunari Asano (Hironobu Nomura) takes advantage of the chaos to steal the treasure of the town mountain. A student enters a nearby elementary school and accidentally stops the gears of the bell tower. Darkness envelops the hill in an instant, and The thieves, such as Mami (Takato Hosoyamada), Asi (Yamato Abe), and thieves who rush into the school building will encounter legendary evil spirits such as the Human-Faced Dog and Hanako. The Night of the Hundred Ghosts, the Night of Terror begins...

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Reason for recommendation : There should be several series of school weird talk, this episode adds more horror elements, but it becomes cute with the children. At the same time, family and friendship are also reinforced! Indispensable childhood memories. Ps: I watched them as children


Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Introduction: The story tells that Xiao Hao (Qian Xiaohao), a well-known action movie star in the 80s, once played the "zombie hunter" with "Mr. Zombie" for a while, but unfortunately, as he grew older, the scenery was no longer beautiful, and his private life was extremely chaotic, he had no choice but to move into the public housing estate 2442, and decided to end his life in the murder house, but met some people who changed his fate, including the hermit of the last heavenly master Ayou (Chen You), the neurotic Disease Yang Feng (Hui Yinghong), who could not return home and suffered serious psychological trauma. Helpful, but secretly hiding a coffin at home, the estate master Aunt Mei (Bao Qijing), etc., even more shocking zombies rampant killing, Xiao Hao and Ah You once again face a ferocious zombie attack, must try to join forces to surrender this crazy bloodthirsty immortal body...

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Reason for recommendation: A work that pays tribute to Lin and Xu and the zombie film. In addition to the nostalgic and metaphorical parts, the film's too dazzling special effects are somewhat snake-like, the atmosphere laying before the zombie war and the twin female ghosts are all stylized horror film elements and routines, in general, the last ten minutes let the quality of the film fly a lot, which is a rare Chinese horror film masterpiece in recent years.

<h1>"The Old Corpse of the Mountain Village"</h1>

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Introduction: Xiaoming and his companions went out to play, the companions actually played the "soul-calling game", Xiaoming was born with yin and yang eyes, could see the ghosts, and refused to participate in this game because he felt inappropriate. As a result, the game had an accident, one person died of a heart attack on the spot, and the other three players also died mysteriously for no reason.

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Recommended reason: It is a more classic Hong Kong horror film, not bad, I think, I still remember Chu Renmei shouted Xiaoming Xiaoming and then a steel pipe fell directly from the sky into Xiaoming's mouth, and the death was also quite tragic

<h1>"Corpse Memories"</h1>

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Introduction: Supernatural program producer Cheng Hao (Wu Kangren) has recently had a career and love, not only has a smooth work, but also has a sweet cohabitation life with his fiancée (Xie Xinying). Ever since he picked up a strange red envelope in the park, he has been constantly having nightmares about the old mansion. Female high school student Yin Yin (Yan Zhenglan) has "yin and yang eyes" and has seen some "non-existent" things since she was a child, but the more she chooses to escape recently, the more ghosts appear in front of her eyes. And all the clues all point to the ancient mansion in the mountains that has been sealed for a long time, what events have happened in that ancient mansion that have involved everyone's fate? Can the grievances that have persisted from previous lives to this day be resolved in this life?

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Following "Silk", there is a surprising Taiwanese horror movie, the environment rendering is quite Japanese horror movie style, the suspense setting and the two story lines are summarized very naturally, the male protagonist is handsome and the performance is not pretentious, and the life before the marriage also acts as a story bone rather than a gimmick, but the horror shot is still mainly pushed in a startling way. In short, in recent horror movies that speak Chinese Mandarin, this one is quite a feeling.

Horror film and television recommendation, can't sleep at night dare to watch? "Strange Talk", "School Strange Talk 2", "Zombie", "Mountain Village Old Corpse", "Corpse Memories"

Watch movies and TV every day, remember to pay attention

Note; The image comes from the Internet

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