
Word 209 of the day: Mounted

author:The book is about to come out
Word 209 of the day: Mounted

Today I want to talk about the word "mounting".

裱, biǎo, originally meant a woman's neck scarf, and was later used to indicate decorative calligraphy or books.

Word 209 of the day: Mounted

The first point is full, the angle is slightly flat, the position is right, the closing pen is slightly to the lower left, echoing the next stroke; the horizontal stroke stretches, the left probe, the horizontal drawing is large anti-shoulder, when the pen is under the point pen, the pen is slightly raised upwards, and then the pen is brought back and then written from the horizontal stroke, the tip of the pen does not exceed the vertical line of the horizontal stroke; the vertical pen is slightly left below the center of gravity of the first point, the vertical body is slightly oblique to the left, and the pen is exposed; the last two point pens should not be written large to let the right part.

The "table" word two horizontal pen exposed, anti-shoulder round closing; vertical pen high, the angle is slightly flat, slightly lighter downward, slightly left oblique; lower horizontal pen left probe, anti-shoulder and above consistent, parallel equidistant; skimmer is located in the middle of the horizontal painting to connect the pen, skimming slightly straight; "vertical" vertical pen with slight curvature, after the pen is in place slightly to the left and then the pen is written to the right, pay attention to the point of the pen; the right small apostrophe does not write long, short and powerful, the pen gesture is adducted; finally the pen stretches, at the intersection of the apostrophe and the vertical pen, the trend goes down to the right, pay attention to the symmetry with the apostrophe, Gradually weight down, to the foot of the pause and then to the right slowly lift the pen sharp flat.

Word 209 of the day: Mounted