
Strategy is not an idea in the chairman's mind, but...

author:Derui Consulting

"What do you know about the company's strategic goals and directions?"

This is a question that we are bound to ask in corporate research. The general scene is that the chairman can always talk about the strategy, the top managers can only talk about a small part of the strategy, the middle managers can tell even less strategy, and the grassroots can hardly tell the strategy of the enterprise. There are obvious differences between people's understanding of strategy and the company's strategy.

Peter Senge notes, "Even though the leader of the business has a very clear strategy, he still lacks the mechanism to share it with all employees. ”

The inability to reach consensus on strategy seems to be a pervasive problem.

Strategy is not an idea in the chairman's mind, but...

Strategic consensus is a necessary condition for making a hole

"Profit out of a hole, force out of a hole" is the management orientation that Huawei has been emphasizing, and it is also the competitive advantage of Huawei in management. In actual management, in order to effectively achieve "force out a hole" in team performance, two basic tasks need to be completed: one is to clarify the strategy and goals, and the other is to reach a strategic consensus.


Clarify strategies and objectives

Drucker mentions in The Practice of Management:

"Any area where its performance and outcomes have a direct and decisive impact on the survival and prosperity of a business needs to have a purpose. Enterprise performance requires that every job must be aimed at achieving the overall goal of the enterprise, especially every manager must focus on the pursuit of the success of the enterprise as a whole. The performance goals expected of managers must be derived from the performance goals of the enterprise, and the results of their work are also measured by the contribution of managers to the success of the enterprise. The manager must understand what kind of performance he needs to achieve according to the goals of the enterprise, and his boss must also know what contributions he should be asked for and expected to make, and judge his performance accordingly. ”

Drucker clearly illustrates the relationship between performance and the overall goals of the enterprise, and also shows the importance of having clear goals.

In essence, strategy is the solution to achieve the overall goals of the enterprise.

Robert Kaplan and David Norton mention in the Strategy Map: "Strategy is not a separate management system. Turning a lofty corporate mission statement into a front-line and logistics workforce-performable work is a logical continuum, and strategy is part of it. "They put forward the concept of a strategy map and a balanced scorecard to effectively define strategic objectives and strategic paths.

Setting strategic goals every year, through an annual strategic meeting, discussing the company's development strategy and goals, has become a mandatory action for many enterprises, and has contributed to the success of many enterprises.


Reach strategic consensus

Strategic consensus is more helpful than strategy itself. Many companies recognize the importance of strategic goals, but when setting strategic directions and goals, they often go astray: the pursuit of directions and goals is absolutely precise.

We have always insisted on and continued to convey to entrepreneurs and managers the idea that "the accuracy of identity is more important than absolute precision." ”

The core part of the strategy work is not how precise the strategy is, but how to get the company to reach a consensus. The consensus of strategy requires that each employee clearly understand the company's strategy and goals, know the requirements for their own work, and the relationship between their work and the company's strategy and goals.

Strategy is not the idea in the chairman's mind, the key to strategy is to transform the chairman's ideas into strategic consensus.

In order to make the strategy a daily work of everyone, more people should participate in the formulation of strategic goals and let more people express their views; in the process of strategic communication, we must let everyone receive strategic information from as many channels as possible, so as to gather more people's consensus.

A clear, well-communicated strategy guides employees in making decisions about what to do and what not to do. Only in this way can the strategy be well implemented in the process of execution - strategic execution is not a top-down command, but a process of adequate communication.

Effective strategic communication enables employees at different levels to fully receive strategic information. For middle and senior managers and core employees, invite them to participate in the strategic consensus seminar, communicate frankly around the strategic content, arouse the sense of ownership, and reach consensus on the top-level design of the strategy; for other employees, the strategic information needs to be further transmitted downwards, through plan management, annual/quarterly meetings, strategic information carriers, etc., and finally pass the strategy to every employee, so that all employees can reach a consensus at the strategic implementation level.

Xu Zheng, former vice president of GE China, said, "The process of formulating the strategy seems to be rational and technical, but in fact, it is emotional, a process that allows everyone to reach consensus and concentrate on it." This speaks to the true meaning of strategic consensus.

Of course, strategic consensus is not limited to strategic objectives. In the process from the determination of strategic objectives to the implementation of full action, it is necessary to reach a consensus on the vision, mission, values, strategic planning, advantages and gaps, key task initiatives, and measurement indicators of the enterprise.

After years of dedicated research and project precipitation, Derui Consulting has summarized a unique team performance success model, and launched the CEO strategy landing and performance execution course on this basis. Through two days and one night of dry goods explanations and key link drills, we will take you out of the traditional performance misunderstanding, reconstruct the performance system, teach you strategy implementation and performance execution by hand, and help your team to succeed in the crisis-ridden situation.


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