
10 Great "Dog Movies"


1. The Fox and the Hound (1981)

The film tells the story of a little fox named Todd who is adopted by an old woman and whose mother is killed by hunters. Cap's fleeing Todd, not wanting them to encounter bears, Todd could have taken this opportunity to get rid of Cap's pursuit, but at the moment of crisis, the kind Todd, with wisdom, joined forces with Karp to defeat the bear, turn the situation around, and the two partners reconciled.

10 Great "Dog Movies"

This film is the 24th classic animation work launched by Disney, released in 1981, and it is a classic masterpiece of friendship in Disney animation! The story is adapted from Daniel P. Mannix's book of the same name, which can be said to be more adult and realistic in Disney animation, and the transformation of the journey of the two good friends in the film is quite profound. In addition to the touching and vivid story, the film is bright and vivid, and many places are so beautiful that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

2. The Adventures of Milo and Otis (1986)

10 Great "Dog Movies"

The film follows the adventures of 2 animals who grew up on a farm together. One day, the kitten Milo and the puppy Otis decide to separate first and then look for each other. Thus began the adventure of crossing the mountains.

3. Antarctica Adventure (2006)

The film tells the touching story of animals and people saving each other and not giving up.

The icy Antarctic welcomed three expeditions to search for a meteorite, accompanied by eight sled dogs. The beauty of Antarctica is amazing, but the danger also comes with the beauty. A few days later, a snowstorm gave them a taste of hardship, and one of the team members fell into the ice water under the thin ice, and was in danger, but fortunately the sled dogs rushed to the rescue, and the team members escaped from danger - this seems to be just a small prelude, and more severe tests are yet to come. The fierce wind and snow are raging in the south, and the expedition team members are in a dilemma, struggling to survive in bad weather and environment. At this point, they could only decide to abandon the eight faithful sled dogs. When the three returned safely, they could not let go of the dogs who were still in danger. In order to save them, the three of them turned back along the way and returned to the southern region.

10 Great "Dog Movies"

I have seen many dog-themed movies, this sled dog I also love, the movie refreshes our expectations again and again, but also brings different touches again and again. As a person who loves cute pets and loves our most loyal and good partners, seeing such a moving story, it is inevitable that you will cry and feel empathy. I've always felt that animals are very spiritual, that you love them well for them, that they know it, that it will reciprocate you in its own way.

4. "Ancient Confused Dog Heavenly Master" (1989)

10 Great "Dog Movies"

The film tells the story of a casino owner who owns a dog named Charlie who is murdered by his rival Carface, and he finds himself in Paradise basically defaulting, because all the dogs go to Heaven. However, since he wants to return to the murderer, he uses such a warning to prevent himself from returning to real life, because doing so would send him to hell. As soon as he returned, he was with his old friends, ready for revenge.

5. Buddy the Flying Dog (1997)

10 Great "Dog Movies"

The film tells the story of Buddy's former owner who only used Buddy as a money-making tool, never regarded him as a friend, and even abused him to the extreme. Thankfully, Buddy met Josh and began to encourage each other to grow together... The poor Joker competes with Josh for buddy's custody because he sees Buddy's new business opportunity, and ends up being even more destitute...

6. "Watching the Dog Talk" (1993)

10 Great "Dog Movies"

Chais, Sisi, and Shadow are three good friends who have been together for many years and have a very good relationship with each other. However, it is worth mentioning that the three of them are not human, but pets raised by the little owner Morley. One day, due to work, Morley's parents temporarily fostered the two dogs and a cat on a friend's farm, however, they had long been accustomed to their owner's daily companionship, they mistakenly thought they had been abandoned, and their hearts were full of uneasiness and fear, and the three little masters decided to join forces and embark on a journey to find their way home by their own strength. For the three animals, this road is full of changes and risks, with their small bodies, can they really return to the arms of their owners as they wish?

7. The Old Yellow Dog (1958)

10 Great "Dog Movies"

The story takes place in a small village in the western United States. The father was leaving the house for a while and instructed the eldest son to take good care of his mother and brother. An old yellow dog who inadvertently broke into the house became a member of the family. Although the old yellow dog is old, he is loyal and brave to protect the family.

8. A Dog's Mission (2017)

It's a movie that dog lovers can't resist.

10 Great "Dog Movies"

The film tells the story of a dog Bailey who has been reborn many times, looking for different missions in the cycle of life, and finally returning to the original owner. (There have been 2 movies in succession, don't miss any of them)

The feelings are very delicate, and the dog's several reincarnations just show the different stages of life. When Bailey is coming to the end of his life, the desperate and helpless eyes under the perspective mirror, the moving and real subtle emotional changes, are vividly reflected on the screen. For the pain of life and death, the film chooses not to avoid, but to use close-up shots to capture the true feelings of emotions between dogs and people from birth to death, which can be described as well-intentioned.

9. The Decisive Battle of the Glacier (1994)

The story takes place in 1917, Will is living a life dependent on his father Jack, unfortunately, an accident happens, Jack loses his life, leaving Will alone, he not only has to find a way to take care of himself, but also to find a way to take care of his father's farm in South Dakota, he needs and lacks the most, is money. In order to make money, Will decided to go to Winnipeg for the prize-ladies sled dog marathon. Despite Ned's help, Will still faces enormous challenges. Bad weather, frequent accidents, five hundred miles of long distance, in between the many difficulties, the thin Will can successfully reach the end and fulfill his wishes?

10 Great "Dog Movies"

A snow adventure story based on true events. Chinese translated as "Decisive Battle glacier", linguistically speaking, there is no mistake, but I prefer Iron Will. The boy in the film is named Will Stoneman. The name is very meaningful, Stoneman Stone Man, Will willpower, faith! The first time I saw it was the midterm exam reward given to us by my high school English teacher. After revisiting it again, I was given Powerful Strength!

10. "The Lady and the Tramp" (2019)

The story tells that after the pet dog "Lady" runs away from home, she meets the kind stray dog Chapp, they quickly become friends, and after all kinds of tribulations, they also spark love.

10 Great "Dog Movies"

Disney cartoons are a part of many people's childhood beautiful memories. Whenever I see that the subtitle displayed at the beginning of the film is "Disney", I am always inexplicably moved. Where does it just represent a film company name? It has touched us in thousands, which makes us believe that it does not exist to make money, but our childlike heart.

These videos are suitable for all members of the family to watch together, so prepare a snack and start enjoying a warm moment with your loved ones!