
Spring Festival food safety consumption tips

Spring Festival food safety consumption tips

On the occasion of celebrating the festive season, everyone should pay attention to food safety and reasonable diets; at the same time, implement normalized prevention and control measures for the new crown pneumonia epidemic and do a good job in personal protection. I would like to remind you that:

First, the purchase of food and eat out to pay attention to:

(1) To the formal market, supermarkets and other qualified to purchase cold chain food, imported cold chain food can scan the cold chain traceability code to view product testing inspection and traceability and other information. Do not buy cold chain food of unknown origin.

(2) When purchasing food, personal protection should be done, such as wearing masks correctly, maintaining hand hygiene, etc., and paying attention to avoid direct contact with cold chain food. It is recommended to clean and disinfect the outer packaging of prepackaged imported cold chain food.

(3) When purchasing and eating stereotyped packaged food, it is necessary to check the product name, place of origin, factory name, factory address, production date, production license number, shelf life, etc., do not buy and eat "three noes" (no production date or shelf life, factory name, factory address) food, do not buy food with different colors and odors or unknown origin. Do not consume foods that have expired.

(4) Minimize gatherings and eating out. When eating out, you should choose a catering unit with good food hygiene conditions, high credibility and complete licenses, and do not eat at unlicensed vendors. Holiday dinners should comply with the relevant regulations on local prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, wear masks, wash hands frequently, gather less, and have a distance.

Second, home cooking should pay attention to:

(1) Develop good hygiene operation habits when cooking at home, wash your hands frequently before and after handling food, and avoid touching your mouth, eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands. Food should be carefully cleaned before processing, and care should be taken to prevent water splashing when cleaning. After cooking and processing, clean and disinfect the countertops and kitchen utensils in time.

(2) When preparing food at home, we should pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked, and the utensils for processing and holding raw meat, aquatic products and vegetables should be separated from cooked food, and should be cleaned and disinfected in time after use; especially when handling livestock and poultry meat and aquatic products, we should pay more attention to it, and we should also separate and store them in the refrigerator.

(3) Home cooking dishes should be cooked thoroughly. The prepared food should be eaten as soon as possible, and the time placed at room temperature should not exceed 2 hours, and the food that cannot be eaten in time should be refrigerated or frozen. Leftover food and overnight food should be thoroughly heated before eating, eating less or no raw aquatic products.

(4) Pastries, cold dishes, cooked food and other cold foods often eaten during the festival are easy to be contaminated by Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus due to raw material contamination, cross-contamination, uncooked and cooked thoroughly, improper storage and other reasons, to prevent foodborne diseases caused by these pathogenic microorganisms, while doing the above precautions, but also pay attention to the production of cold food should be a small number of times, eat as soon as possible, storage time should not be too long.

(5) Pay attention to the prevention of fermented rice noodle food poisoning, when preparing fermented rice food at home, change the water frequently, maintain hygiene, ensure that the food has no peculiar odor, once the pink, green, yellow-green, black and other colors of mold spots are found, it cannot be eaten. After refining, it should be dried or dried into powder in time; storage should be ventilated, moisture-proof and dust-proof.

The best precaution is not to make or sell fermented rice foods such as sour soup, hanging pulp, and wet rice flour.

Third, a reasonable diet should pay attention to:

(1) During the holiday period, we should pay special attention to balanced diets, pay attention to food diversity, eat more vegetables and fruits, milk, soybeans, and miscellaneous grains, eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation, less salt and less oil, control sugar and limit alcohol, and avoid overeating.

(2) Advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons when eating, and eliminate waste.

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