
Today, did you post it?

Today, did you post it?

"A thousand doors and a thousand households,

Always swap the new peach for the old charm.

It's New Year's Day

Every household is busy cleaning up and preparing new year goods

Another activity is also essential

That is

"Sticker Spring Festival"

Today, Xiaobian will take you to see

Those things about the "Spring League"


"The Origin of the Spring League."

"Peach Charm"

Chunlian is commonly known as "door pair", "spring paste", "couplet", "pair", and is called "Yang Lian".

The source of the Spring League is actually a peach symbol, which was originally used by people to avoid evil, painting the door god woodcut on the peach wood next to the door, and then reduced to writing the name of the door god on the peach wood board.

In Wang Anshi's poem, there is a sentence that reads, "Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old ones."

In the Song Dynasty, the peach charm was gradually changed from a peach wood board to a paper, called "spring sticker" and "spring union".

Today, did you post it?

"What time

It is best to paste the Spring League

The time of pasting the Spring Festival is different from place to place, typically paying attention to twenty-eight decals, or twenty-nine stickers, and some places pay attention to pasting the Spring League between 9:00 and 12:00 in the morning of the 30th of the Waxing Moon.

But at present, there is no too strict time regulation for sticking to the Spring League, and it can be posted after the twenty-third day of the Waxing Moon.

Today, did you post it?

"Post the Spring League

frequently asked questions

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The spring of blessings has seen more

The following Xiaobian will take you to see

Once all over the Internet

"Strange" Spring League

That when the Spring League meets various disciplines

What kind of sparks will collide?

The Chinese teacher said well

English teacher, physical education teacher, physics teacher...

What kind of Spring League they wrote?

"Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division count the geometry of life."

Spring, summer, autumn and winter greet the new spring and the garden

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"Paint three primary colors

Draw a little bit through

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"Every stone into gold is naturalized

Flower transfer elderberry still needs to be learned

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"The beauty of each is the beauty of calligraphy

Pen and ink paper show the inheritance

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Dedicated to Shaohua Hainan Haibei

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There is also a special story in the above Spring League:

Its author is Ji Zhenxing, a teacher at Feng County Nationalities Middle School in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

In that year, Ji Zhenxing was selected by the Xuzhou Municipal Education Bureau to teach in Xinghai County, Hainan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province.

Before the holiday, the talented teacher Ji proposed a pair of Spring Leagues, and wrote "Qinghai", "Xuzhou", his name and love for education into this couplet.


But to say "interesting"

It's also up to "college students."

"Chubby hasn't gone to the gym yet

Etc. still writing papers."

Today, did you post it?

Is this also your "pain"?

Wait a minute

There are more talented

“Ag Zn Na F Ga Hf Mg

Re Sg Tc Au As Sc Ti”

Today, did you post it?

What do you mean?

Translate it as that

Silver, zinc, sodium, fluorine, gallium, hafnium, magnesium

Rhenium, technetium, gold, arsenic, scandium, titanium

Then transform the homophone

"Welcome Nafu home and beauty

Come to get the golden body Kangtai"

There is also hard difficulty

Today, did you post it?


This is left to everyone to play freely

Everyone is welcome to type pinyin in the comments section

Discuss together

What spring league do you prepare to post to your home?

Feel free to share it in the comments section

Please indicate the source of "Capital Education (ID: bjedunews)"

Some of the materials in this article are synthesized from the People's Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the China Education News

Edited by: Lucky

Proofreading: Joy without seven

Review: Fishing Tree Jingxi

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