
Kaldek: I want to continue to fight for Shenzhen and look forward to better results in the future

Kaldek: I want to continue to fight for Shenzhen and look forward to better results in the future

Live Bar January 30 news A few days ago, deep forward Kaldek was interviewed by Football News, in which he bluntly said that he hoped to continue to fight for the Shenzhen team.

---- scored 11 goals and had 3 assists in his first season with deep football, how do you comment on this 2021 season with the team?

Kaldek: We've had some good results this season and we've done a good job.) Our goal was to qualify for the AFC Champions League, but unfortunately it was almost there, and in every game I've played, I've done my best to score goals. There were also some unfortunate things, I missed some games due to injury, but I believe 2022 will be much better and we have higher goals.

---- the outside world is very concerned about your future in Deep Foot, what is your next goal?

Kaldek: My contract with Shenzhen is until 2023, I believe everything is arranged, the trend is to fulfill the contract to the end. My intention is always to stay and fulfill my contract, so my expectation is that everything is fine and I continue to fight for our team. I am very happy in Shenzhen.

Next expect a better season than 2021, seeking a better ranking in the race. Our common goal is to seek a better ranking than in 2021 and to strive to be at the top of all teams. My personal goal is to score more goals than last year and play as many games as possible. At the same time I hope this year's tournament schedule is better for all teams.

---- spring festival is coming soon, send blessings to the fans

Kaldek: One year ends, another new year begins. They are like a cycle in life: one year ends, the other begins with confidence and motivation, and the energy is renewed. I wish my teammates and the whole country a very happy year with many achievements and victories.

in Boydwater

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