
The most overlooked problem when buying a genuine wireless headset is hidden in the product detail page

Since mobile phones carry the needs of people to watch videos and listen to music, many people will use video or audio to pass the time during commuting, and true wireless headphones are daily necessities for many people. So, when you choose a real wireless headset, do you feel a headache when you see the long promotional page of the headset manufacturer? Let me tell you about the most overlooked problems hidden in headphone leaflets.

The most overlooked problem when buying a genuine wireless headset is hidden in the product detail page

1 I Comfort

As a digital product that needs to be worn for a long time, I think comfort is very critical. After all, if you feel pain and discomfort, there are no other problems to talk about. From the perspective of comfort, semi-in-ear headphones are the best choice, and the shape of this headset has the least pressure on the ear and is most suitable for long-term wear.

Semi-in-ear headphones are mainly supported and fixed by the ear screen of the ear, and will not enter the ear canal, so that there will be no foreign body sensation, and there is no internal and external pressure difference problem of in-ear headphones, so it is a good choice from the comfort point of view.

2 I Ease of use

The second problem about the purchase of real wireless headphones is also the easiest to ignore is ease of use. Introductions to ease of use are often placed at the bottom of the leaflet by vendors, which is very inconspicuous. As a digital product that is used almost every day, it is very critical that the headset is good or not. For example, whether it is convenient for headsets to pair with mobile phones, whether it supports seamless switching of multiple devices and other issues need to be considered. Don't underestimate this matter, if the headphones are very difficult to use, the sound quality of the headphones you will not bother to use it.

The most overlooked problem when buying a genuine wireless headset is hidden in the product detail page

For example, since the release of AirPods, the headset has become a standard feature of true wireless headphones by taking off auto-pause playback. This greatly improves the convenience of using the headphones. However, some of the lower-end true wireless headphones on the market do not support the automatic pause function. For example, many true wireless headphones need to be unbound with the previous device when pairing, in order to pair the new device again, every time you want to switch the playback device you need to unbind first, and then reopen the Bluetooth search device pairing, which is very troublesome.

3 I Custom controls

Another point I care about when using headphones is whether the headphones support manipulating custom adjustments. Many true wireless headphones now support gesture control, but the operating logic of each brand of headphones is different. Every time the user uses a new headset, he needs to re-memorize the operation logic of the headset, which is very expensive to learn. For example, I used to double-click the right side of the headset to cut the song, but many headphone brands are set to tap the headphones three times to cut the song, which makes me press the wrong button every time I use the headphones. Therefore, some headphone brands will connect with the headset through the mobile phone APP, allowing you to customize the operation gesture of the headset and change it to the operation method that you are most accustomed to.

The most overlooked problem when buying a genuine wireless headset is hidden in the product detail page

Customizing the headset through the mobile APP seems to be the icing on the cake, but it is actually a test of whether the headset manufacturer is careful enough and careful. Whether to really consider every aspect of the user's use of the headset.

Since the release of AirPods, the headset industry has been reshuffled. Headphones have long been not the era of simple pinyin quality, and now many headphone manufacturers attach great importance to the humanized experience, allowing users to use headphones in the simplest and easiest way to use. From this point of view, the headphones made by many mobile phone manufacturers are very good in the experience. I think only to do a good job of these most basic experiences, and then talk about the sound quality of headphones, noise reduction and other issues.


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