
【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

In a few days, the Spring Festival will come. In the days of family reunion, while everyone enjoys family affection and happiness, there are still people who inevitably have to endure the torment of pain, including acute pain and chronic pain. In this issue of the big coffee health class, we invite Cheng Zhixiang, director of the Pain Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, to come and popularize science with everyone, how can we achieve "painless New Year"?

Correspondent Xu Hui

Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Yang Yan

Filmed by Fang Hao


【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

Cheng Zhixiang, postdoctoral fellow in the United States, chief physician, associate professor, master tutor, founder of the pain brand, six peak talents of Jiangsu Province, director of the Department of Pain of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, served as a national member of the Pain Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a national member of the Pain Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, a vice chairman of the Pain Branch of the Jiangsu Medical Association, a chairman of the Pain Branch of the Jiangsu Geriatrics Society, and a chairman of the Science Popularization Branch of the Nanjing Medical Association. He has undertaken a number of national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects, published nearly 40 articles as the first author or corresponding author, translated or edited 4 academic works, and led or participated in the consensus writing of 7 Chinese pain experts. Enthusiastic about public welfare, often in various media to carry out science publicity, regularly carry out public welfare pain tour in the province, good at the clinical diagnosis and treatment of various chronic pain.

【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

Many chronic pains are a disease

Cheng Zhixiang introduced that pain is an unpleasant feeling and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or an emotional experience similar to this. Pain can be classified according to the cause, location, course, pathophysiology, etc., according to the duration of pain, pain can be divided into acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain refers to pain that has recently occurred and lasted a short time, including postoperative pain, traumatic pain, post-burn pain, labor pain, angina, biliary colic, renal colic, toothache, etc., of which surgery and post-traumatic pain are the most common acute pain in clinical practice. Chronic pain refers to pain that lasts for more than 1 month (previously 3 months or 6 months), such as neck and shoulder pain, low back and leg pain, cancer pain, etc. The pain caused by chronic pain to patients can cause people to have consequences such as sleep disorders, lack of appetite, mental breakdown, personality distortion and home restlessness, and even many patients choose suicide because they cannot tolerate long-term pain and suffering.

Pain is a common symptom of many diseases and is considered the fifth major human vital sign after breathing, pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. However, with the advancement of medical concepts, the medical community has regarded many chronic pains as a disease, and like chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, scientific management is needed to minimize the impact of pain on quality of life. Eliminating pain is a fundamental right of the patient.

【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

Acute and chronic pain, the treatment method is not the same

Acute pain is an alarm precursor to problems with body organs, which not only prompts timely medical treatment, but also helps doctors to judge the cause of the disease. Therefore, for acute pain, you can not blindly take medication to relieve pain, you need to go to the hospital in time. Such as angina, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, chest tightness symptoms, representing coronary artery blockage, resulting in myocardial ischemia, if not treated in time will cause myocardial infarction. Also, urinary stone colic, acute pancreatitis pain, if not treated in time, can cause shock death. That is to say, acute pain is a warning sign, but it is the disease that needs to be treated.

For chronic pain, patients are prone to the misunderstanding of "small treatment of major diseases" and "small diseases and large treatments". "Major diseases and small treatment" is excessive contempt, can endure it, casually take some painkillers, will not go to the hospital in time for treatment, delay the disease; "small diseases and large treatment" psychologically exaggerate their own condition after the onset of the disease, excessive bed rest, resulting in some small diseases and major treatment.

Director Cheng Zhixiang said that whether it is acute or chronic pain, there are already many ways to deal with pain clinically, and the same is true for chronic pain, many types of pain can be improved through health education, life and movement guidance, etc. If there is no effect, you can also use drug therapy, physical therapy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, local injection therapy, and even minimally invasive intervention, surgical treatment, etc. According to the condition, the most critical thing is that patients should go to the hospital in time to choose the most scientific treatment method according to the condition.

【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

There are many "pain factors" during the Chinese New Year

In the upcoming New Year holidays, many people will face short-term changes in their lifestyles, including many "pain factors". More common, such as eating and drinking. During the Spring Festival holiday, many people eat big fish and meat, which is very tolerant of abdominal pain and other discomfort. For patients with gallstones, pancreatitis, etc., greasy foods should be avoided to prevent acute onset of abdominal pain in cholecystitis and pancreatitis. For patients with hyperuricemia or gout, high purine foods should be avoided to prevent joint pain due to gout attacks. For cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients, high-lipid foods should be avoided to prevent aggravation of the disease, headache and angina.

In addition, returning home during the holidays may have the experience of driving for a long time, and there is more time during the holidays, and many people will sit for a long time watching TV, playing games, and brushing short videos, even the elderly are not spared. This bad habit of maintaining a posture for a long time can easily induce or aggravate cervical spondylosis, low back and leg pain, etc. For some patients with chronic diseases, it is necessary to maintain a regular life to prevent the aggravation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Temperature may also induce pain, for joint pain, soft tissue pain, postherpetic neuralgia, post-traumatic pain and other patients, the external temperature response is more sensitive, so be sure to pay attention to keep warm.

In terms of emotional factors, it is necessary to avoid great joy and great sorrow during the Spring Festival, in order to prevent the aggravation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, headaches and angina and other accidents.

During the Spring Festival, it is also easy to encounter unexpected factors. Pay attention to falls in snow and ice weather; set off fireworks, pay attention to burns; drive cautiously to avoid car accidents. These acute traumas are followed by pain, and appropriate measures should be used according to different causes.

【Big coffee health class】Priority and priority are handled differently, and there is a "painless year"

Patients with chronic pain should prepare some painkillers in advance

Director Cheng Zhixiang said that "painless New Year" mainly has two meanings: for the general population, we must prevent acute pain attacks, try to avoid the causes of acute pain attacks such as diet and posture; for patients with chronic pain, we must control or relieve pain.

For some relatively stable chronic pain patients, due to the spring festival home gathering activities, it is recommended that you prepare the pain drugs needed during the Spring Festival in advance, and truly be prepared. For example, cancer pain patients, postherpetic neuralgia patients, trigeminal neuralgia patients, etc., because these pains are more stubborn and intense, it is recommended to prepare enough drugs in advance. If the pain medication is not prepared, the pain does not have to be carried hard, and the hospital emergency department is still open, and you can go to the emergency department for symptomatic treatment.

For chronic pain patients with severe disease, unstable condition or poor pain control, it is recommended that patients remain hospitalized during the Spring Festival.

Proofread by Faye Wong

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