
Snow is very beautiful, hurting seedlings can cause losses, and garden management after snow should be paid attention to

author:Road through agriculture

Garden seedling management after snow

Snow is a gift from nature, but if it is not handled properly, it will cause harm to the seedlings, so do you know what to do after the snow falls to prevent the snow from hurting the seedlings?

Snow is very beautiful, hurting seedlings can cause losses, and garden management after snow should be paid attention to

1. Clear the snow in time

After heavy snowfall, there will be snow around the branches and roots of seedlings, especially on the weir and green space is easy to accumulate snow, as well as those evergreen tree species, such as cedar, cedar, cypress, willow fir, Luohan pine, these trees after heavy snow, the branches and leaves will be full of snow, snow if not cleaned in time, branches or branches will be easily crushed, so the snow should be dropped or cleaned in time.

If the temperature is too low, resulting in snowmelt and ice is not easy to remove, it is necessary to support the seedlings, so as not to overly heavy snow and crush the branches.

2. Support after snow and spray antifreeze

After the snow, wait until the temperature rises, for those seedlings that are temporarily straightened, they should be supported in time to prevent these seedlings from falling again due to strong wind or rain and snow. In addition, the roots of the seedlings need to be insulated to avoid frostbite on the roots.

If the seedlings have been frost damaged, to deal with in time, do not think that the frost damage will be good, once the frost damage occurs in the seedlings will become more and more serious, so it should be sprayed with professional antifreeze to the seedlings when the temperature rises to more than five degrees, which can effectively help the frostbitten seedlings to restore the tree momentum and normal growth.

The damage caused by heavy snow to seedlings is very serious, which can be divided into two aspects: "hard injury - break" and "soft injury - frost damage and the impact of urban snow melting agent":

"Hard injury" refers to "traumatic" injuries such as branches being directly crushed and crushed by heavy snow, just like "fractures" of humans and animals; "Soft injury" refers to the hidden damage to the roots of the trunk of the seedling caused by artificial snow melting, excretion and other artificial operations due to snow disasters.

However, whether it is a "hard injury" or a "soft injury", it will cause growth difficulties and injuries to the seedlings, and even if it is serious, there will be a threat of death when the spring blossoms, so it cannot be ignored!

Snow is very beautiful, hurting seedlings can cause losses, and garden management after snow should be paid attention to

3. For broken seedlings

For those tree seedlings that cause "hard injuries", they should be "shaped" in time, and they cannot be "missing arms and legs", a wretched look.

(1) For some split branches, but repairable branches, it is necessary to reset them in time, and the sooner they are treated, the better. When resetting, it is best to use bamboo plates or other materials that can play a role in supporting the fixation to reduce it, so that the wound is tightly combined, and attention should not be carried out at this time to flatten the crack and treat the way of pulling. For those who fail to rescue, the dead branches should be removed as soon as possible and the wound should be sterilized.

(2) If the broken branch is seriously injured, when pruning and removing the broken trunk, the wound healing agent should also be applied to the saw hole site of the broken part, and tied with tape and so on. The first is to prevent and control sap leakage, causing loss of nutrients to the main body of the tree, and is not conducive to the recovery of the tree after injury. Second, it can prevent the stump of the trunk from suffering secondary frostbite and causing new damage to the trunk branches.

Snow is very beautiful, hurting seedlings can cause losses, and garden management after snow should be paid attention to

2. For "soft wound" seedlings

For many seedlings that are affected by "soft injuries", it is more important to pay attention to the "influence of frost damage and urban snow melting agents" to them. Generally speaking, the green seedlings on both sides of the road are most susceptible to "soft injury" erosion, and the nursery located next to the road should also pay attention.

After the snow, the artificial snow melting agent, industrial salt, and even gasoline, diesel and other snow-resistant "excrement" left on the ground, the ice and snow melted, these harmful substances flowed into the soil, and gradually produced slow and fatal damage to the root system of the trunk seedlings, these injuries are often despised by people, and once found, the poison is often irreparable. If you want to eliminate these injuries in time, you must do the following three things:

(1) "Change"

Timely change the soil for the root system of seedlings, and in the areas where chemical materials such as industrial salt and snow melting agents are subjected to snow melting construction, the root part of the trees and green seedlings that are more damaged in the area is "polluted soil layer", replaced with fresh and fertile soil, and protected the root system of trunk seedlings.

(2) "Flow"

It is to carry out "root detoxification" for seedlings in areas where chemical snow melting agents and industrial salts are used in large quantities on the main road of greening, and to release harmful snow melting groundwater and soil layer water to prevent these toxic and harmful waters from harming the root system of seedlings, causing branches to shrink and die.

Snow is very beautiful, hurting seedlings can cause losses, and garden management after snow should be paid attention to

(3) "Complement"

Heavy snow disasters not only cause trauma and frost damage to the trunks and branches of seedlings, but also infiltrate a large amount of surface and groundwater at the same time, and these flowing water systems take away a large amount of nutrients originally stored in the soil and seedling roots, bringing insufficient nutrition to the "spring hair" of seedlings in the coming year. The measure of "replenishment" is to replenish nutrients to the green seedlings in time, apply the corresponding organic fertilizer, so that they gradually accumulate energy in the recovery, and once they reach the "early spring and February", they can flourish and flourish.

[Arcadian] seaweed fertilizer is recommended.


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