
Review of Brand Events, Looking Forward to a Better Life - 2021 Postal Savings Bank Brand Memorabilia

In 2021, Postal Savings Bank will use high-quality financial services to benefit the people and help urban and rural residents achieve a better life. Reinvent your brand and add more vitality. Let's unfold the colorful picture of 2021 together, look back at the past, and look forward to the future.

Review of Brand Events, Looking Forward to a Better Life - 2021 Postal Savings Bank Brand Memorabilia

"Postal Love Public Welfare" plugs wings for students' dreams

On March 20, 2021, the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the "Postal Love Public Welfare" platform, the "Postal Love Public Welfare Fund" received a total of more than 32 million yuan in donations, opened the "Postal Love Self-Improvement Class" in 43 poverty-alleviated county high schools across the country, and issued the "Postal Love Scholarship" to outstanding high school graduates admitted to universities, benefiting more than 6,200 students, and inserting wings for students' dreams.

In this year, the Postal Savings Bank and Xinhua Net released the theme song of the Postal Love Public Welfare Activity "Beautiful Postal Love Born", which made the concept of Postal Love Public Welfare more widely disseminated and also made the brand image of Postal Love Public Welfare more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The total exposure of the "Postal Love Public Welfare" theme communication activity reached 261 million times, and it gained a good reputation.

Presenting "Different Postal Savings Bank"

On May 10, 2021, focusing on the new visual image, new sub-brand planning, new version of corporate culture, business development highlights and the practice of social responsibility, Postal Savings Bank planned the theme communication activity "Different Postal Savings Bank" with a number of media platforms such as the People's Network, and carried out a series of publicity in its own channels, multi-platform, multi-angle, three-dimensional presentation of the excellent achievements of postal savings bank transformation and development, focusing on highlighting the brand characteristics of postal savings bank "young, vigorous, fashionable and professional". Presenting a brand image that is different from the previous young fashion, so that all sectors of society can feel the new "big bank image" of Postal Savings Bank, the total exposure of this theme communication activity reached 655 million times.

Trace the red finance, feel the red spirit

From June 1 to July 10, 2021, Postal Savings Bank exclusively broadcast the "Red Financial Road" program of CCTV Financial Channel. The program takes China's red finance as the main line, and vividly shows and interprets the development process of the financial industry from scratch, from germination to growth through the perspective of finance, so that the audience can recall the history of red finance in the camera.

In July 2021, postal savings bank and phoenix network jointly held the theme of "chasing dreams and painting Chinese chapters" theme calligraphy and painting photography creation season, for college students and the public to launch a warm invitation, through walking the "100 fine routes of red tourism in the centenary of the founding of the party", in the form of collecting calligraphy, paintings and photographic works created along the way, carry forward the spirit of struggle and pass on the strength of endeavor. Henan, Hebei, Guangxi, Shenzhen and other branches have also carried out various forms of theme calligraphy and painting competitions in the local area, which have received wide attention from all walks of life. The calligraphy and painting competition received more than 3,000 groups of works, with a total exposure of more than 455 million times, and achieved good communication results.

China has helped rural industries to upgrade and practice rural revitalization

In September 2021, postal savings bank and surging news launched a large-scale rural revitalization special report "Color China", which went to Guangxi, Zhejiang, Qinghai, Heilongjiang and other places, using color as the carrier to explore the rural spirit and industrial development in the new era from the perspectives of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization and affluent life, and jointly paint color China.

Relying on the series of documentaries filmed and produced by the surging news, it shows that the Postal Savings Bank adheres to the positioning of serving the "three rural areas", urban and rural residents and small and medium-sized enterprises, helps rural revitalization with finance, fulfills the responsibilities of state-owned large banks, sings the brand slogan of "green makes life better", and contributes financial strength to the construction of beautiful villages. The total exposure of this theme communication activity reached 521 million times.

Postal Savings Bank practices green development

In September 2021, the Postal Savings Bank's "Green makes life better" high-speed rail title brand special train officially started. The Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway and the Shanghai-Kunming high-speed rail brand special train use Chinese speed to transmit postal storage power, carrying the brand slogan of "green makes life better", and galloping in the north, south, west and east of the motherland.

The brand image advertisement film made a wonderful appearance and was widely disseminated

In November 2021, the new brand image advertisement of Postal Savings Bank landed on CCTV, which was first released in the prime advertising period after the CCTV comprehensive channel "News Network" and broadcast on CCTV financial channels, news channels and Phoenix Satellite TV. The film takes "green" as the main visual throughout, the picture is beautiful, the rhythm is bright, and it fully demonstrates the brand slogan of Postal Savings Bank of China", "green makes life better", and vividly shows the brand image of Postal Savings Bank practicing green development, fully serving rural revitalization, and helping urban and rural residents achieve a better life. After the launch of the advertisement, branches around the country responded positively and made full use of local media resources to widely disseminate, whether in the countryside or in the city, you can see this dazzling postal storage green everywhere.

Green pioneers actively practice green finance

In December 2021, Postal Savings Bank and Interface News launched a series of special documentaries "Green Forerunner", visiting Shanxi, Hainan, Guangdong, Jiangxi and other places to serve the practice of green and low-carbon transformation and development of postal storage. The special documentary has been exposed 220 million times, which fully demonstrates that Postal Savings Bank is guided by the "Two Mountains" concept to vigorously develop green finance and help achieve the goal of carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

In December 2021, Postal Savings Bank and Tencent Planning launched the "2022 Beautiful Life Season" theme dissemination activity, through the launch of flash cards, cloud flash payment ticket purchase reduction, Postal Savings Silk Road Line, Postal Savings Gold and other products and marketing activities, showing that Postal Savings Bank helps the vast number of urban and rural areas with heart-warming financial services. The total exposure of this theme communication activity exceeded 200 million times.

The series of sub-brand promotions is exciting

In April 2021, Postal Savings Bank and Sohu planned to carry out the theme communication activity of "Online Loan of Cars, Beautiful and Enjoy", with a total exposure of 70.921 million times.

In the whole year of 2021, Postal Savings Bank carried out theme communication activities around a series of sub-brands such as Anxiang Jinhui, Joyful Family, Happy Youth, Postal Bank Wealth, And Mail Car Loan, etc., with a total exposure of more than 1 billion times, and achieved good brand promotion and business marketing effects

Brand activities around the world show the style of postal storage title offline events

In 2021, Postal Savings Bank branches around the country carried out brand promotion by participating in exhibitions, naming large-scale offline events or cooperating with local mainstream media to carry out brand promotion, shaping a good brand image. Among them, Hebei Branch and Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau launched the "Postal Savings Bank Ice and Snow Caravan" activity in Hebei Province, Qingdao Branch unveiled the China Family Regatta held by Zhongfan, Anhui Branch and Anhui Music Broadcasting held the "When Burning Good Youth" Children's Red Song Choir Competition, and Qinghai Branch and Qinghai Postal Branch coordinated to help the 8th Qinghai Lake (International) Electric Vehicle Challenge... Branches around the country have carried out various forms of brand activities to further enhance the overall image of Postal Savings Bank.

In 2021, Postal Savings Bank planned more than 10 brand communication activities such as "Green makes life better", with a total exposure of 4.3 billion times, effectively supporting business development and comprehensively enhancing the brand image. For its innovative integrated marketing communication form and good communication effect, it has won many awards and honors.

Review of Brand Events, Looking Forward to a Better Life - 2021 Postal Savings Bank Brand Memorabilia

The future chapter is still being written, saying goodbye to 2021. 2022We continue, hand in hand with you. Postal Savings Bank Green makes life better.