
Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

On January 29, He Chaobing, executive vice president of Changan Automobile and chairman of Auchan Automobile, sent blessings to a batch of new cars shipped a few years ago at the Liangjiang factory, and with the sound of the starting gun, the ready-to-send car delivery team set off to send new cars to all parts of the country, the trunk was full of New Year gift bags, sending new cars, New Year goods, and New Year blessings to Auchan Automobile's subscribers, and also shouted out the slogan of "send 28.88 million, make 10,000 friends".

This is auchan Automobile's "Spring Festival does not close the third season - the New Year is just red new car delivered to home" activity, once again effectively meet the user's urgent desire to drive a new car during the Spring Festival.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Treat customers as family, silently adhere to the lights behind wanjia

Adhering to the concept of "customer-oriented", Auchan Automobile is anxious for customers, do what customers need, mobilize the resources of the whole company to increase production capacity, Liangjiang factory horsepower, 24 hours of uninterrupted production around the clock, and require new cars off the line to be shipped out within 24 hours, in order to transport new cars to various places at the fastest speed to ensure delivery speed.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Even if it is almost the New Year, the industrious Auchan people still silently struggle in the front line, so that the booking users of the whole country receive new car gifts before the festival, let users drive new cars during the New Year, such a heart-warming operation, the user as a family, the move in the palm of the hand, the "customer-led" brand concept is vividly displayed.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

For three consecutive years, the Spring Festival has been delivered to home, and the concept of user first has been practiced in every link

In 2020, led by the chairman, nearly a thousand Auchan employees participated in the departure and delivery ceremony, delivered auchan X7 to the user's home, and sent warm New Year blessings to those who were eagerly awaiting the booking users on the occasion of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rat. In 2021, Auchan X5 has sold more than 10,000 yuan every month, and the order volume is increasing day by day. In line with the principle of "reducing user waiting time and fully ensuring that users deliver cars", on the eve of the Spring Festival, Auchan Automobile proposed "not leaving a car in the warehouse for the New Year", and auchan X5, which had just come off the production workshop, was sent to all parts of the country, bringing New Year surprises to subscribers across the country.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

In order to provide users with a more extreme experience and service, this year Auchan Auto will extend the "Spring Festival without closing" into a series of activities, in addition to sending Auchan X5 and Auchan X7 PLUS to users, the follow-up will also open the most beautiful hometown year, the start of construction, official group buying meetings, festival live broadcasts and other activities, the concept of user first in every link.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Year-on-year growth far exceeds the average speed of the auto market, and product strength and customer care are the key

In the past 2021, Auchan Automobile has maintained an extremely strong growth momentum in the market, with cumulative sales of 228299 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 49% year-on-year, far exceeding the year-on-year growth rate of 4.4% of the entire automobile market, ranking ninth in Chinese brand sales. In just three years, Auchan Automobile has grown into a new force in China's auto market.

As the saying goes, there is no love for no reason! Auchan Automobile can be so sought after by users, the fundamental reason is that the brand always puts the interests of users in the first place, in addition to treating users as family, from the perspective of users to carry out caring and warm actions, in terms of product strength, it has also been unswervingly fulfilling the product concept of "providing customers with value, which is twice the cost paid by customers".

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

As a young and sporty SUV, Auchan X5 is equipped with a power system composed of a new generation of Blue Whale 1.5T engine and a Blue Whale 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission, with a maximum power of 132kW, a peak torque of 300N·m, and an acceleration time of only 7.79 seconds per 100 kilometers, giving young people who have just come out of society an opportunity to have a small steel cannon. Its industry's rare track mode, on-board no-wheat K song and other configurations, have accurately met the user's preferences, becoming the first choice for young people to buy a car.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Auchan X7 PLUS is the first to popularize technology such as face recognition, APA automatic parking, dmS customer care system to 100,000-level SUVs, so that customers can enjoy the convenience brought by the 200,000-level technology configuration. The full-scenario OnStyle3.0+ intelligent control car machine system equipped with an 8-core processor is to go deep into the user's life scene, enter their circle of interest, and truly provide users with the intelligent configuration they need and like.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Care heats up again, spend 28.88 million to make a friend

Despite the red sales, Auchan Automobile has always cared for the welfare of customers, based on the attitude of maximizing the interests of customers, Auchan Automobile decided to spend 28.88 million yuan to make a friend with users. All customers who place an order between 0:00 on January 31, 2022 and 24:00 on February 6, 2022 can immediately enjoy a cash red envelope of 2888 yuan. Except for the Auchan X5 1.6L manual model and the Auchan X7 PLUS manual comfort model, other models can participate.

The huge red envelope of 2888 yuan, just to make a friend with the user, so that the user can rest assured that the New Year, satisfied with the New Year, this wave of operation can be said to be arrogant, heart-warming, and real. While grasping production and speed delivery, Auchan Automobile will directly extend to the level of car lifting for the user's careful consideration, so that Auchan Automobile, which is 100% for the sake of the user, is trustworthy and worth choosing.

Don't leave a car in the storeroom! Auchan Automobile for three consecutive years "Spring Festival does not close, new cars delivered to home"

Write at the end:

In the fierce market competition, Auchan Automobile has grown into a new force in more than three years, in addition to its product value close to the needs of users, so that users in the service, feel the real value-added, three consecutive years in the Spring Festival for users to send cars home initiatives, is part of Auchan Automotive service innovation.

Even at the end of the year, from the chairman to the dealer staff, Auchan people are still busy in the front line of delivery, so that users feel real care and warmth, which has also become an important promoter of Auchan automobile sales. Always reassure the user, always think about the user, Auchan Automobile's car market story may have just begun.

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