
On January 28, U.S. troops carried out air strikes; Iraqi airfields were bombed; and the Chinese Air Force went out to rescue them

author:Daily watch

Three or five minutes a day, an overview of the international situation! Watch over the happy homeland, watch over the peace of China, and watch over world peace. Today, January 28, it is time to talk to you about military information again. Today mainly talk to you about these 4 latest news, all dry goods, let's see together!

First, the U.S. military continued to launch airstrikes in Syria, killing hundreds of people in at least 12 rounds

On January 28, U.S. troops carried out air strikes; Iraqi airfields were bombed; and the Chinese Air Force went out to rescue them

On January 28, Al-Arabiya reported that militants near a prison in the Ghweran community of Hasakah in Syria have been subjected to multiple rounds of airstrikes by the US military-led international coalition in the past few days.

According to local Syrian media statistics, the U.S. military has launched at least 12 airstrikes since the militant prison robbery broke out last Friday.

[Voice-over] In recent times, the US military has been constantly causing trouble in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, showing off its muscles; it has deployed troops around Ukraine and confronted Russia everywhere.

The U.S.-led coalition has carried out numerous air strikes against militants who control the prisons, including those hiding in nearby residential areas.

Engaging the militants on the ground was a large number of pro-American rebels, and in coordination with ground-to-air armed forces, the militants were retreating. In parallel with the airstrikes, the U.S. military also sent armored vehicles to help the pro-American Kurdish Self-Defense Forces fight.

More than 235 people were killed in week-long combat airstrikes, including more than 173 ISIS militants, more than 55 Self-Defense Force fighters and at least 7 civilians, and more than 300 militants surrendered and were captured. Thousands of civilians around the prison have been displaced by artillery bombardment.

It has to be said that the US military and pro-AMERICAN armed forces in Syria are illegal and have carried out various theft operations on Syrian territory many times. In particular, the US military has launched air strikes on Syria at every turn, resulting in Syria being eroded by war for many years.

In the past two years, the Russian army in Syria and the Syrian government forces have repeatedly taken joint actions to attack the US military side by side, but they still have not completely eliminated it, resulting in the US military always being a security threat that Syria cannot drive away but has to face.

The second thing, talk about the Iraqi capital airport was attacked by unknown rockets, 3 missiles landed next to the US air base

On January 28, U.S. troops carried out air strikes; Iraqi airfields were bombed; and the Chinese Air Force went out to rescue them

On January 28, the British Sky News Network reported that at least 6 rockets had hit the airport in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, and a plane had been blown out of a big hole!

Iraqi police sources said at least three missiles landed near the Baghdad International Airport complex and near a nearby U.S. air base, damaging a civilian aircraft.

In the memory of Shouwangjun, since the US military launched the Iraq War in Iraq on the grounds of weapons of mass destruction, there has been no calm around Baghdad.

War has become the norm in Iraq, where the Baghdad airport has been repeatedly attacked over the past few years. Today, the US Powell, who spread rumors of weapons of mass injury, has "cried out for his life", and the US military has also withdrawn from Iraq one after another last year, but the fate of Iraq being shelled has not completely changed.

U.S. officials and some Iraqi officials blame it on Shiite forces allied with Iran. If this is the case, then the United States also needs to reflect that its relationship with Iran has always been incompatible, more because the United States has suppressed Iran at every turn and carried out beheadings of senior Iranian generals and the father of the nuclear bomb.

In particular, the Iranian nuclear negotiations, which have attracted widespread attention from the international community, have not progressed smoothly, and the United States has repeatedly reneged on its backs, only pointing fingers at Iran and putting forward all kinds of unreasonable and harsh demands, but the United States itself has not retreated to make any concessions, resulting in the failure of many negotiations.

Analysis of multiple indications suggests that the rocket attack may have been directed at a U.S. air base in Iraq. If the United States does not converge and converge, the next shelling may not be so lucky!

Third, Russia accused the United States of deploying 200 nuclear bombs in five non-nuclear NATO countries

On January 28, U.S. troops carried out air strikes; Iraqi airfields were bombed; and the Chinese Air Force went out to rescue them

The United States plays hooligans everywhere, this is not, the comprehensive multimedia platform 28 news, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Director Vladimir Yermakov in an interview revealed that there are currently 5 non-nuclear-weapon NATO countries, but there are about 200 US B61 series nuclear bombs deployed.

In response, Russia proposed to the United States that it urge the United States to bring all nuclear weapons back to U.S. territory from these NATO countries.

The United States is now in chaos: the number of confirmed cases of the new crown epidemic has exceeded 70 million, and the death toll has exceeded 860,000; the gun-related crime rate in the United States has been the highest in the world for many years, and the number of gun violence deaths has been rising...

However, the United States does not seem to care or care about these internal contradictions, they are more concerned about creating trouble around the world and stirring up a pool of muddy waters.

Facts have proved that these dangerous actions of the United States can only be a kind of self-numbing and self-hypnosis, which not only cannot bring security and world hegemony to the United States, but will bring more danger to the United States, and even lift a stone to drop on its own feet.

In particular, it is necessary to wrench the wrist with Russia, both the United States and Russia are nuclear powers, not to mention that Russia has a large number of more advanced town and state heavy weapons than the United States, from hypersonic missiles to heavy nuclear forces, and if you make a "hard move", the United States will not be able to eat and walk. Therefore, the United States must have a clear understanding of the international situation and can no longer lie asleep in the past American dream.

Fourth, the Chinese Air Force went on a journey: 33 tons of relief supplies arrived in Tonga. Military experts: Demonstrate strong strategic delivery capabilities

On January 28, U.S. troops carried out air strikes; Iraqi airfields were bombed; and the Chinese Air Force went out to rescue them

On January 28, local time, two Y-20 aircraft of the Chinese Air Force carrying 33 tons of relief materials arrived in Nuku'alofa, the capital of Tonga, after a flight of more than 10,000 kilometers. According to relevant media sources, the delivery of aid to Tonga this time is the first time that the Y-20 has carried out a mission abroad this year, and it is also the longest voyage of the Y-20 to carry out a mission abroad so far.

【Voice-over】The world is united, and China is responsible. In the face of catastrophes and calamities, China has once again demonstrated China's strength, China's contribution, and China's answers with practical actions.

In the community of human destiny, China will always insist on giving the world the warmth it deserves with its own warmth, not abandoning or giving up, and China will always stand with the world.

It is worth mentioning that the implementation of the delivery of the Wanli rescue materials was the Y-20 of the Chinese Air Force. This is a new generation of military large transport aircraft researched and manufactured by China, and its first successful flight was successfully carried out on January 26, 2013.

As a large multi-purpose transport aircraft, the Y-20 can perform long-distance air transport tasks for various materials and personnel under complex meteorological conditions. Compared with the Il-76 actively operated by the Chinese Air Force, the engine and electronic equipment of the Y-20 have been greatly improved, the load capacity has also been improved, and the short runway take-off and landing performance is excellent.

Tang Changhong, chief designer, said that the maximum take-off weight of the Y-20 is 200 tons, which has high elongation, high reliability and safety. The 200-ton class means that the Y-20 is the largest aircraft developed by China, marking China's entry into the ranks of the world's largest aircraft. The Y-20 has a conventional layout with cantilevered upper wing, leading edge swept back, wingless winglets for high elongation, reliability and safety.

For the successful long-distance overseas mission of the Chinese Air Force, some military experts have seen more strategic significance. Among them, military expert Yin Zhuo clearly stated in an interview with CCTV military that this means that our military's ocean-going delivery capability and air delivery capability have been greatly enhanced; this overseas delivery mission is more than 10,000 kilometers away from the mainland, including military aircraft delivery and sea delivery.

In the face of such a complex and changeable situation, our military plane has successfully carried out humanitarian relief, which shows that we have made great progress in military, technology, and security.