
He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

author:Film and television m

James. Caviezer, the name may not be familiar to the younger generation, but if you are Christian or Catholic, you must have seen a movie called The Passion of the Christ, which chronicles what happened in the last 12 hours before Jesus' martyrdom, which is very real and shocking. If you have seen the film, you will definitely think that he is a veritable Jesus, not jesus played by him, he is simply fused with the soul of his character! In addition, there is a particular coincidence, that is, the actual age of his playing Jesus is 33 years old, and the age at which Jesus died is exactly 33 years old, and he is somewhat similar to Jesus.

It is difficult to imagine that Jesus, the god admired by all people, is feared in the hearts of most actors, so basically few actors are willing to play, and this film involving religion has always been scorned in the Hollywood market, why did Cavize finally take this role, so that he was bruised and controversial?

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > have a unique perspective and inspiration for the character because of their religious background</h1>

Born into a very strict Catholic family, Cavitezer learned from his youth to consciously go to church every week to attend Mass, and later he married an English teacher as his wife, in Chinese parlance, his wife was introduced by his family, and her wife was also Catholic. There are three Catholic Gods, God and Jesus Christ, who honor Mary as our Lady. It can be seen that Cavize has great respect for the character of Jesus, and under the influence of the family religious atmosphere since childhood, he has a more thorough understanding of Jesus as a god.

How did he win this opportunity? It stemmed from a dinner affair with producer Maivitti, who at first told Cavize that he wanted to invite him to act in a surf movie, which means a genre of film that was popular in the 1960s. Later, the director of "The Passion of the Christ", Mel . Gibson came and told him many stories about Jesus, and Cavizer said that he had seen Jesus of Nazareth himself, but Gibson said solemnly, "No, no, I mean it." Cavize understood what he meant, and it turned out that he wanted to let himself play Jesus.

That is to say, Cavize did not resist in his heart, and when he received the script, he decided to act, and he did not worry about what criticism he would suffer. Maybe it's a competent actor who would rather go over his sleeve for a good script. As a Catholic, his understanding of Jesus in his heart has deepened after playing this role, that is, he is no longer afraid of the right things, afraid that he has not done it. It was an insistence on self-belief, and as he himself said, he loved Jesus more than his wife and family, and he had fused himself with the soul of Jesus to see a more authentic Jesus.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > suffer with Jesus</h1>

Cavize was very hard when filming "The Passion of the Christ", and like Jesus in the film, he made himself scaly, suffered from various diseases, and consumed a lot of physical strength.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

1. The whipping scene was injured twice

When Jesus was first sentenced to be flogged, the film deliberately showed the various torture devices of ancient Rome, which looked very cruel, and when the soldiers who performed the execution were mercilessly pumped at Jesus, Cavize's body was cushioned with a board, but unexpectedly, the actor lost his hand twice, hit Kavize's flesh alive and dropped a large piece of skin, and a whip left a wound of 12 inches in his back.

The injuries were not the most serious, but the serious ones were the ones that Jesus had to make when he was beaten, which required Cavitezer's makeup to be applied to his body, suffering from hours of high-irritating makeup materials, and his skin was allergic and blisters. The blood in the film is plasma of a new material that requires alcohol to clean it. Kavize endured the pain, endured the torture of skin allergies, and maintained his emotions, which is beyond the limit for ordinary people, and Kavitch endured the whole process for the fit of this role.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

2. Struck by lightning when filming began

The reporter once asked Cavize if he was struck by lightning as soon as the filming began, would he feel that playing the role of Jesus was a bit... He smiled, looked at the sky, pretended to ask God, and asked if he didn't like the movie? Indeed, not only him, but even the director's assistant was injured by lightning, fortunately not particularly serious, As Cavize recalled to reporters:

We shot a sermon scene in the mountains. Four seconds before the lightning came everything was quiet, and suddenly I felt as if someone had slapped me, and then for seven or eight seconds I saw a dizzy pink in front of me, and people began to scream. They said my head was on fire and there was light around my body. I can tell you that at the time I was like I had just gone to Don. Don King's hairstylist ,famous boxing manager known for his exploding head) got his haircut.

It can be seen that the climate of the shooting was not very peaceful with the crew, plus it was the middle of winter in Italy, Cavize only had a loincloth when filming the clip of Jesus crucified on the cross, he was trembling on the cross, almost unable to speak, and the crew used a heating bag to ease him from freezing. Because of the harsh cold climate endured for a long time, Kavize also suffered from pneumonia.

Films involving ghosts and gods are more or less taboo, Lin Xinru once had a clip to sleep in a coffin when filming ghost films, she said that she was very taboo, when she lay inside the coffin, the camera placed on the top of the coffin lid immediately fell down and hit her head, and her psychological shadow area at that time was not generally large. The pressure of Kavitch playing Jesus is not less than that of Lin Xinru, and the suggestiveness he encounters is more intense than Lin Xinru's, but his mentality is very good, thanks to his deep understanding of Jesus and Catholicism, and his interpretation of Jesus' psychological activities will be very thorough.

In order to play the role, Kavizer specifically learned Latin and Aramaic, which have disappeared, and Gibson went to seek help from religious people who specialized in this language, and Kavizer said that although these two languages are difficult to learn, they are also necessary, which can increase the realism of the film. In addition to enduring physical torture and mental labor for this role, he also did not bother.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

3. Heavy cross

In the film, Jesus walks up to the execution ground with the cross on his back, and in that scene, Cavizier is really carrying a cross, weighing 150 pounds, which is half the weight of the real cross, and his shoulder is dislocated. Throughout the play, this scene of carrying the cross is very physically challenging, fortunately, Kavize has practiced sports since childhood, his brothers and sisters are athletes, when he was a child, he always had the habit of playing basketball, but later because of a foot injury, he had to give up his dream of an NBA basketball career in his sophomore year, and later transferred to Washington to start his acting career.

The heavy cross is replaced by ordinary people who have to carry such a long road that no one can stand, and Cavize has to maintain this movement when filming, so he uses weight training to improve the strength of his waist.

He had said to Mel. Working together is like a waltz in a tornado, and you never know what he wants to do next. Visible, Mel. Gibson's requirements for the historical restoration of his creations are so high that Cavize suffered like Jesus when filming, but he still had no complaints. I remember Ariel Lin said that he was acting with his life, but when you saw Cavize filming Jesus, you would feel that he was not only acting with life, but also with his soul.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > good movie will be controversial</h1>

Remember Chinese mainland Li Yapeng's version of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", once produced, the ratings soared, but at the same time the scolding continued. The audience is very concerned about the film and television works of Jin Yong's classic works, but the requirements for them are extremely high, so naturally there will be a phenomenon of scolding while watching. Ma Yun once commented on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, the more people scolded it, indicating that its degree of achievement and attention is higher, which is no longer a favorite problem, but a habit problem.

He was indeed a controversial film about the passion of the Christ, especially about anti-Semitic tendencies, but Cavizer said:

It's frustrating. I can tell you that he (director Mel. Gibson) has no anti-Semitic tendencies at all. I've never felt that way. Maya, who plays Maria. Morganstein was a Jew from Romania, and Mel asked her every day, "Maya, tell me about your religious traditions, is that permissible?" "He wanted to make the film very Jewish. For example, the image of Jesus, he did not want an Aryan, blue-eyed Jesus, but a Very Jewish Jesus. Our beliefs are rooted in our Jewish traditions... We are all guilty of Jesus' death, and my sin crucifixed Him, and so is your sin, and that's what the film is trying to tell people.

Xiaobian thinks that Kavize's words are very reasonable, Kavize's eyes are not brown, the color of his eyeballs is the original blue turned brown through special effects in the later stage, which shows that Gibson is very careful about this, and the details are very well done. And the various lines in the film all reveal a kind of love, a sacrifice, and a kind of forgiveness. At a time when Jesus was destroyed by the people, he kept praying for the people, asking the Father to forgive them, they did not know what they were doing, and here is a broad mind.

Remember when Jesus was carrying the cross and preparing to go up to the top of the mountain, he recalled the missionary scenes that he had been here, and he said, "You have heard of loving your friends and hating your enemies, but I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you." If you only love those who love you, what will you get in return? ”

What is preached here is a kind of courage to love, so that people know how to cherish.

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > respect the ideas of others and preserve their own opinions</h1>

Reporters had asked Cavizier, and Jewish leaders had watched the film to express their concerns and ask him what he thought. He only said that everyone has the right to defend their faith, and he believes that the Jewish brothers will realize after watching this film that it will not teach them to hate and condemn, but love and sacrifice, a film of forgiveness and hope.

I remember what Voltaire said: I don't agree with your point of view, but I swear to defend your right to speak to the death. Everyone has the freedom to express speech, so this film will naturally present a polarized point, but it does not affect the visual feeling that the beautiful picture brings to the audience, although the individual scenes are somewhat bloody, but this is also a necessity for expression, without these pictures it is not enough to stimulate people's lofty admiration for faith. The two disappearing languages used in the film, Latin and Aramaic, originally Gibson did not want to be subtitled, he believes that people feel the stimulation of the scene picture is enough, it can be seen that this is a film that has put a lot of effort into the vision, if it is only a bland picture, how can the visual impact of Jesus' tragic situation be clear? The original intention of the director's creation was "at this time, silence is better than sound".

He played the controversial Jesus at the age of 33, all over the body, but won three consecutive Oscar nominations because of his religious background, has a unique perspective and inspiration for this role and Jesus suffers well, the film will be controversial to respect the ideas of others, and retain his own point of view

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

The film was a success in the end, with Cavizer winning the MTV Film Award for Best Actor and the film being nominated three times at the Academy Awards for Best Cinematography, Best Makeup, and Best Original Score. It can be seen that the directors and actors have intentions.

No matter what others say about the film, The Jesus played by Cavize will be the most impressive and irreplaceable Jesus that exists in our hearts. It is said that this film is going to produce a sequel to "The Resurrection of Jesus", and at the end of "The Passion of the Christ" there is indeed a picture of Jesus resurrected and walking out of the grave, it is said that the main actor is still Kavize, I believe this will be another macroscopic masterpiece on religious themes, let us continue to look forward to Kavize's performance!

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