
A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

author:Scientific wormholes

| scientific wormhole

Since the beginning of summer, the temperature in many places has gradually risen. In late May, 21 sports enthusiasts died in a marathon, freezing to death. At this point, many people began to understand the "hypothermia" that can freeze to death in the summer.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > bodies in the snow are naked, and someone freezes to death in the summer</h1>

The movie "Desperate Altitude" is based on the real Everest mountaineering accident that occurred in 1996, in the film, in the cold environment, some climbers said that it felt hot and had abnormal undressing behavior.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

"Abnormal undressing" is a forensic term and is one of the manifestations of frozen corpses. People who freeze to death are often thinly dressed, and the corpses are curled up, but some of the frozen dead have faded their clothes and even wore no clothes.

In 1959, nine climbers were killed in the Ural Mountains of Russia, who died in thin clothes and warm clothes left in tents.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

In the early morning of February 11, 2016, the man Lin Mou took a taxi home after the party. When the car drove to Hedongtun, he claimed to have arrived home and asked to get off.

The next morning, he was found frozen to death in the snow, his upper body naked, curled up on the ground. It is understood that Lin had drunk a lot of alcohol many times before the incident. Police said it was an accident.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

In late May this year, a marathon cross-country race with great influence in the running circle began, but disaster occurred unexpectedly. This cross-country race has a certain threshold, and most of the participants have a lot of relevant experience.

However, extreme weather came, hail, freezing rain and other weather in local areas, the temperature was extremely low, and the participants were unwell. The government launched a rescue attack, but 21 runners were still killed, including elite runners such as Liang Jing.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

Trapped contestants on the mountain

Bodies in the snow and ice are naked, and marathon runners are killed in the high-altitude stages of cross-country races, all for the same reason: loss of temperature.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" what is out-of-temperature >? </h1>

Human body temperature can be distinguished between the core temperature and the body surface temperature, the former is fixed, generally stable at 37-37.5 ° C, can be used under the tongue, rectal measurement temperature as a substitute; the latter is the temperature of the skin surface, more prone to fluctuations.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

When people lack the protection of clothing, houses, etc., and are exposed to cold environments, the core temperature is difficult to maintain, and there will be a loss of temperature. In general, the lower the ambient temperature, the greater the wind, and the higher the ambient humidity, the greater the likelihood of temperature loss.

In this marathon, extreme weather suddenly appeared, runners were exposed to cold wind and cold water, heat convection and conduction heat dissipation, a large amount of heat loss, the core temperature is difficult to maintain in the normal range.

One of the surviving players said that he was wearing fingerless gloves, and as a result, he couldn't stand the cold, ten fingers were unconscious, and he put it in his mouth for a while and didn't get better, and even felt that his tongue had become cold, so he resolutely withdrew from the game and went down the mountain.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

Hypothermia is deceptive, and when it first appears, the body's mechanisms will confront it, and people may just feel a little tired, but if you ignore the signals sent by these bodies, you may encounter danger.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" > the severity of the temperature loss</h1>

According to the severity of the disease, it can be divided into four stages: compensatory period, mild temperature loss, moderate temperature loss, and severe temperature loss.

Compensatory period: core temperature is not less than 35 ° C

At this stage, the human body will feel a little cold, start to shiver, if you recover in time, the body will not be too damaged, the mental state is normal.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

People who have entered the compensatory period can be warmed by adding dry clothing, entering a warm environment, drinking hot drinks, etc.

Mild temperature loss: core temperature 32-35 °C

At this stage, the human body begins to tremble, the movements are uncoordinated, it is impossible to complete complex operations, "goosebumps" appear on the skin, the heartbeat accelerates, and abnormally urinates.

People who enter this stage need outside help, and it is difficult to save themselves on their own.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

At this stage, care needs to be taken to avoid massaging the surrounding muscles to avoid low-temperature blood returning to the internal organs and causing more damage. After wrapping a blanket and changing clothes, the person who has lost temperature should be heated by means of a blanket, heating/air conditioning, etc. (room temperature of 28 ° C is appropriate).

Moderate temperature loss: core temperature 28-32 ° C

The phenomenon of abnormal undressing will occur at this stage. At this time, the person who is out of temperature is pale, and his mouth, ears, and hands may turn blue.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

Moderate hypothermia is slurred and unresponsive, due to the lack of oxygen supply, consciousness is slowly lost, the heart rate is uneven, muscle chills and thermogenesis also stop, and there is a brief illusion of "heating up".

Severe temperature loss: Core temperature below 28°C

Severely intemperated people have blue skin, muscle coordination is basically absent, unable to walk, and even fall into a coma. They are unconscious, they don't shiver, their heartbeat and breathing slow down until they stop.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

Moderate to severe temperature loss may appear in a state of suspended animation such as pupil dilation, and people may not die, and need to undergo core heating and resuscitation in the hospital. If it is an on-site rescue, after taking warming measures, it should be transferred to the hospital in a timely and safe manner.

It must be noted that moderate and severe temperature loss can not rush to use "limb heating" and "drinking hot drinks" to give first aid, which may increase the risk of resuscitation failure.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > people who often do these two things, especially pay attention to prevent temperature loss</h1>

As long as you don't stay in the cold environment for a long time and change your wet clothes in time, the temperature loss is actually far away from us. However, people who drink alcohol regularly and exercise outdoors should pay special attention to preventing loss of temperature.


After drunkenness, the loss of temperature is the most important cause of death from temperature loss, after drunkenness, people are not conscious, it is easy to misjudge the environment, promote the occurrence of temperature loss, drinking is not conducive to the preservation of heat.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

In the case of Jilin man Lin Mou who died of cold after drinking, Qin Ming, the chief procuratorial physician, said:

"It is not uncommon to freeze to death after drinking alcohol in winter. After drinking, confusion and heat dissipation are accelerated, the body is overcooled for a long time, causing compensatory disorders, extreme weakness and fatigue of the body, and the low temperature effect makes the body temperature regulation center paralyzed by phantom heat, and then 'abnormal undressing phenomenon'. He eventually died because of central inhibition. ”

Outdoor sports

Outdoor sports, such as trail running, winter swimming, etc., are also prone to temperature loss. In the event of an emergency, people are likely to ignore the signals sent by the body, thinking of "holding on a little longer", but instead putting themselves in danger.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature

Before doing outdoor activities, be sure to be prepared for everything, including understanding the weather conditions, familiarizing yourself with the environment, bringing the necessary food and safety equipment, and so on.

Outdoor experts said that many people can use the "penguin rescue method" to resist the temperature loss. The first aid blanket was wrapped around, and people snuggled up in a circle like penguins keep warm, moving slowly, and exchanging people who warmed the center and people who resisted the wind outside.

A corpse in the snow without any clothes? People frozen to death in the summer? Scientist: This is the corpse in the unheated snow, someone is frozen to death in the summer, what is the out-of-temperature? The severity of out-of-temperature People who often do these two things, especially pay attention to preventing out-of-temperature


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