
Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

author:Li Li sister talks about history
Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

Today is 520, I will not ask you whether you have been "fancy urged", because today is a good day to confess, I wish a lover to eventually become a family!

Speaking of love and marriage, I am reminded of Morgan's "Ancient Society" and Engels's "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", which roughly divided human marriage into five forms: primitive mixed marriage, blood marriage, polygamous marriage (Punarucea family), couple marriage and monogamy.

If you think that love is beautiful and marriage is troublesome, then after reading the detailed description of the above five marriage forms and stages, you may want to travel back to ancient times.

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >1.0 era: within the world, all husband and wife </h1>

Originally, human beings did not have the concept of marriage, and at that time, "mixed marriage" was practiced, which is to put it bluntly. The opposite sex that you can see within your range of action is your other half, as long as you can hold it. Note that this kind of mixed marriage is not divided into generations!

The Liezi Tang Question says that at that time it was "a miscellaneous tour of men and women, and no media were hired." The Son once said, "Within the four seas, all brothers are also brothers", and we can describe this era as "within the four seas, all husband and wife".

At that time, the reason why human beings were so barbaric was mainly for the following three reasons.

First, the living conditions are extremely limited, and human beings must make up for the lack of individual ability with the combined strength and collective action of the group.

Second, because of the limitation of the activity space, the sexual resources that can be accessed are limited, and the mate selection criteria are really minimalist - the opposite sex, living. On this point, I think Greek mythology is a good example, those things between the two generations of gods in Zeus, too disharmonious, I will not share Ha, let's read the book for yourself.

Third, in the human group at that time, the concept of family and kinship had not yet arisen.

With the evolution of human beings and the development of society, the concepts of family, blood, and relatives gradually emerged, and the original ethics and morality were born. Slowly, people realized that mixed marriage was too sloppy and too animalistic. You imagine yourself what it's like with your elders, what it feels like! Not acceptable, is it? So human beings entered the 2.0 era - blood marriage, that is, blood marriage.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" >2.0 era: grab a girl as a bride </h1>

The so-called blood group marriage is a blood group, according to the generation division of members, group marriage between the same generation. This form of marriage, which eliminates the occurrence of marriage with elders, is the embodiment of the original ethical concept of human beings, but it is still in the stage of group marriage. In other words, your sisters, cousins, and cousins can all be your wives; your brothers, cousins, and cousins can all be your husbands. Fuxi and Nüwa in ancient Chinese myths and legends are brothers and sisters. In modern times, this setting is usually only seen in Korean dramas.

But the problem comes again, turning around just a few people, a long time, inevitably aesthetic fatigue; and if there are not so many women in the group, male and female matching imbalance, at night you toss and turn to think about the big girl, what to do? Grab it!

Organize a good team, at dusk, rush to the tribe, see the right woman, carry it up and run, snatch it back is his daughter-in-law!

You may ask: Wouldn't it be better to grab it at night?

The moon is dark and windy, the black lights are blind, that is really turned off the lights, everyone is the same - what if you grab a big mother? What if you even snatch a man back?

At this stage of the transition from matrilineal to patrilineal society, marriage snatching is very common, so the marriage customs of later civilized societies have retained many remnants of marriage snatching. For example, the ancient Chinese held a wedding at dusk, "marriage" originated from "robbery"; the red hijab of the bride in the traditional wedding is said to continue the custom of blindfolding the snatched brides from knowing the way home.

Another example is the honeymoon in the West. There are many theories about the origin of honeymoon, one of which is that the husband takes his wife to a travel life immediately after marriage in order to avoid his wife being snatched back by his family. During this period of travel life, every day to drink wine made of honey, people call this period of honeymoon.

You can enjoy David's "The Robbery of Sabine Women", or Rubens's "The Robbery of the Daughter of Russipas", the background of these famous paintings is related to marriage robbery. The movie "Seven Pairs of Good Couples" is a song and dance film in the United States in the 1950s, reflecting the marriage style of people in the Westward Expansion Movement in the United States, and it is also a comedy triggered by marriage snatching.

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

The Robbery of Sabine Women

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

The Robbery of The Daughter of Russipas

In addition, the word "wife" in the oracle bone, on the left is a woman with her hair erect, and there is a hand next to it. It's like someone grabbing a woman's hair with their hands, which may be a trace of the civilization that robbed other tribal women as wives in ancient times. And in the "Shuowen Youbu" it is said: "Take, make up for it." It can be seen that the original meaning of "taking" is to capture and rob, which means to add fresh blood to the tribe.

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

The word "wife" in oracle bones

In this sense, marriage snatching has a promoting effect on human reproduction and social progress in a specific historical period.


After a long time, the ancestors discovered this phenomenon: intermarriage with their own women, the children born are prone to defects and easy to die; and the children born of the snatched women are smart and healthy, and are not easy to die. People thus realized that intermarriage within the clan is not conducive to eugenics. In the "Left Biography", it is said: "Men and women with the same surname, their birth is not fertile." ”

It should be emphasized that I mean that "in a specific historical period, robbing marriage is beneficial to social progress" Ha, male gods do not go to the streets to carry other girls, after being caught, they defended that they did this to promote social harmony.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >3.0 Era: Going Global </h1>

Recognizing the benefits of interracial marriage, the ancestors began to implement the "going out" strategy.

So the question arises again: is it the men who go out, or the women who go out?

After weighing it up, I decided that my family's (pigs) children should go arch someone else's cabbage!

In the living environment at that time, women's birth mortality rate, the probability of giving birth to sick fetuses and stillbirths were extremely high. The woman gave birth, saying that it was a ghost door to go through, it was really not exaggerated. Women who can give birth normally are the wealth of their own tribes, and they must stay in their own homes to ensure the prosperity of the ethnic group. From this we can understand why the Nomadic peoples such as the Xiongnu, Khitans, and Mongols practiced adoptive marriage (Note 1).

At this time, the extra-tribal group marriage is that the man inserts the door backwards, goes to another clan to marry, and returns to his own clan life after the marriage, because the mother-in-law's family does not care about food. And note that oh, or group marriage!

For example, today a man from the Hedong clan came, married this daughter, and left after the end; three days later, a man from the Hexi clan came, and he could also marry this daughter, which can be described as "there are men from afar, and all sons-in-law are also."

That is to say, a man can go to many clans and marry many women, and the clan has a mother-in-law; and a woman is also sincerely inviting her husband.

Under this kind of marriage system, the woman could not tell who the child's father was, so people at that time only knew his mother, not his father. People live together with matrilineal blood as a bond, which is a matriarchal clan society.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" >4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower </h1>

People are sentient animals, male harem or female harem play for a long time, will also yearn for "holding the hand of the son, and the son with the old age". Among a man's many wives, there may be one who particularly touches his heart; among a woman's many husbands, there may be one who is particularly attracted to her, so it will slowly produce the idea of "accompanying you to see the meteor shower falling on this earth, so that you believe that my love is only willing to be brave for you". In this way, human marriage evolved to the stage of dual marriage.

At this time, the coupled marriage is not as we think, monogamous to one wife, but the woman still has multiple foreign clan marriage partners, but there will be a fixed master husband; men can still go to multiple clans to marry, but will have a fixed wife in a clan.

The husband and wife can live together in the female clan for a relatively long time, living for ten days and a half months, and the mother-in-law will not drive you away. This kind of dual marriage is the germ of human fixed marriage and the basis for the birth of the family.

But this kind of dual marriage is not stable, and when the emotions are tired one day, they will be different and happy. Today, some ethnic minorities in Yunnan still retain this form of coupled marriage, such as the "walking marriage" of the Mosuo people.

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower

Do you think the ancient times were too beautiful? When the transition to 5.0 monogamy comes, the chore of the various ritual sensations that you are tired of now comes, and we will talk about it in detail in the next issue.

Note 1: Zinc in the soil enters the human cycle through diet, but if the soil is already deficient in zinc, it will cause health problems. Xiongnu, Xianbei and other northern nomads have long lived in high-latitude inland areas, and most of the soil is lacking in zinc; in addition, the diet of northern nomads usually contains a large amount of meat, and the copper element in meat will antagonize zinc when it is absorbed by the human body. That is to say, the intake of a large amount of meat will hinder the absorption of zinc to a certain extent, so that the women of the Xiongnu and Xianbei tribes have been in a state of severe lack of trace element zinc for a long time. The lack of zinc greatly increases maternal mortality during childbirth, which has led to the historical mass death of pregnant-age women in northern nomadic societies, resulting in a serious imbalance between men and women. Therefore, in the concept of the northern nomads at that time, women who could have children smoothly could not easily disperse to the precious wealth outside the family.

More wonderful, all in "Three Hundred Years of the Great Song Empire", "Tang Poetry for the Mirror to Illuminate Khan Qing", "Song Ci Yi Yan Ancient and Modern"

Worried about getting married? Then you are suitable to travel back to the ancient times: the form of human marriage, to understand the 1.0 era: within the four seas, all husband and wife 2.0 era: grab a sister as a bride 3.0 era: go out strategy 4.0 era: accompany you to see the meteor shower