
# The whole family learned that the newborn baby is a girl after boiling # Daughter is a small cotton jacket Daughter is the parent's little cotton jacket, everyone likes to have a daughter more and more, this is the reality of education for everyone. Children have grown up

author:Commentator: Li Wei

#全家得知新生宝宝是女孩后沸腾 #

The daughter is a little cotton jacket

The daughter is the parent's little cotton jacket, and everyone likes to have a daughter more and more, which is the reality of education for everyone.

In the process of children's growth, parents have the final say, especially the mother. When the child grows up and starts a family, the child's situation is also different. Under normal circumstances, it is the girls who have the final say in their own families, and the boys generally listen to their wives. Decision-making power is generally in the hands of the wife, so the daughter has a scepter, decision-making power. When it is necessary to take care of parents, the daughter's voice is obviously stronger than that of the son.

In front of the hospital bed, most of the guards are daughters, and few sons and daughters-in-law (not none, but relatively few). Daughters are generally more concerned about the family, and sons are generally more concerned about careers, which is a Chinese tradition. In the past farming society, daughters lived in in-laws' homes, it was difficult to take care of their parents, and now after urbanization, daughters do not necessarily live in in-laws' cities, living in the cities where they work, and the opportunities to see in-laws and mothers-in-law are more equal.

Therefore, people who understand prefer to have daughters.

# The whole family learned that the newborn baby is a girl after boiling # Daughter is a small cotton jacket Daughter is the parent's little cotton jacket, everyone likes to have a daughter more and more, this is the reality of education for everyone. Children have grown up