
10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

author:Discovery reports
10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

The holidays have arrived, and you really have to take a holiday,

But do your friends, classmates, and colleagues really have to be on vacation?

You will say, don't roll up, the New Year does not let people relax and lie flat.

I like a line from Kung Fu Panda:

Ah Bao said: I still give up and go home to make my noodles.

The turtle master said: give up without giving up, make noodles and don't make noodles,

You suffer from gain and loss, you care too much about the past, and you worry too much about the future.

There's a saying that goes something like this:

The past is a piece of history;

Tomorrow is a mystery.

And today is a gift from God,

Cherish today as much as you would a gift.

10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

Many people are envious or unconvinced,

How do successful people achieve self-discipline?

In fact, it is to live every day seriously.

10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

Luo Xiang said that he liked a quote from the ancient Greek philosopher Abikhtaide:

For things that are beyond our control, we must remain optimistic and confident;

For things that are controllable, we need to be cautious and moderate.

To put it bluntly, your anxiety and fear "don't help."

Your anxiety can not change tomorrow, but will affect today's mood,

Your fears won't change tomorrow.

For the only fear in life is fear itself.

However, for things that can be controlled, whether you can make good use of time is controllable.

Today is a gift, everyone should grasp today.

10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

Talk about yourself, during the holidays, I will get up at 6 o'clock and read the report for half an hour.

There are many plans for the holiday, and it is too difficult to achieve.

Cut the big goals into small ones,

Do what you can control first,

Form a habit, self-discipline is formed,

Painless self-discipline is not difficult.

10 reports / How to counterattack without reading reports during the holidays?

Today prepared 10 reports, all walks of life, interested in small partners can look.

A few minutes to read a report is still worth it.

It doesn't affect your lay plan for your vacation at all.

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