
Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

On January 29, Beijing time, Lakers veteran and 2001 champion Kwame Brown attacked Wade's 14-year-old transgender son Zaya for wearing a women's Kobe shirt, believing that it was disrespectful to Kobe.

Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

Zaya, whose original name was Zion, was the child of Wade and his ex-wife, TheoVoorne, who attended Sierra Canyon High School in Los Angeles, where he was attended by James' eldest son, Brownie. Zion's older brother Zaire also attended the high school and was a teammate on the varsity team with Brownie.

Zion made it clear in 2019 that he wanted to be a woman and gained support from Wade and Union. In 2020, Zion officially changed its name to Zaya and openly wore women's clothing, announcing that she would live as a woman.

Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

Zaya posted a photo of herself wearing a special women's Kobe Bryant No. 8 shirt and a yellow skirt on January 27, commemorating Kobe Bryant, and she wrote on social media: "Always miss and respect Kobe and Gianna. ”

Many people praised Zaya, but some people felt that it was inappropriate for Zaya to wear women's clothes to commemorate Kobe.

Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

Kwame Brown, a 2001 debutant who played for the Lakers and Kobe Bryant as a teammate, became an opponent of Zaya's women's wear to commemorate Kobe Bryant and slam Wade. Kwame Brown said he didn't think Wade played the role of a man well and let women control his home. His point is that Kobe Bryant is a very manly player and should not use a skirt to remember Kobe. "Kobe's children will not wear skirts to remember him, and Kobe's wife will not wear skirts to remember him. I don't think anyone would wear a skirt to remember Kobe. Bryant is a masculine man. When my shoulder hurt, Kobe bryant told me he didn't care about TMD, isn't your other shoulder okay? You can shoot with your left hand. That's his mindset. Kwame Brown said.

Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

Brown said Wade's son felt like a woman and had to wear Kobe Bryant's jersey with a skirt, which was very disrespectful. Kwame Brown wanted Wade to take care of his children.

Wade's transgender son wears women's clothes to commemorate Bryant being sprayed! Lakers Veteran: Wade takes care of your kids

However, the Wade family and Vanessa have a good relationship. Zaya also posted photos of herself partying with Wade and Vanessa's mother and daughter. It is estimated that Zaya did not expect that his move to remember Kobe Bryant would cause controversy.

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