
The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent... Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct Piano

author:Black Meow watches a movie

The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent...

Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct "The Pianist" or make horror films weird, crazy, bloody but thrilling.

The rhythm slowly advances, the consciousness of the characters also slowly advances, and the breath of the devil penetrates inside and outside the film...

The acting was fantastic.

An old movie, but never outdated.

- Black Meow watching the movie "Rosemary's Baby"

(1968) (Drama/Horror USA)

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The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent... Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct Piano
The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent... Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct Piano
The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent... Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct Piano
The husband made a deal with the devil, and the wife's belly was lent... Do you like watching horror movies? How can you miss this Rosemary's Baby? Roman Polanski could direct Piano