
Sunday, January 30 What are the genera of Geely?

The ancients organically combined stem branches, solar terms, gua xiang, etc., to expound the idea of the unity of heaven and man. On The 30th of January, Sunday, the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, the combination of dry branches is the xin ugly year xin ugly moon decay day, decoction water is weak and long, the water is stable, born in the cold winter, to be open-minded and calm, to ensure safety, step by step for the camp. Heavenly dry seal stars give birth to help, gold and water are born together, we must maintain concentration, walk with the times, and cannot go against the trend. Decoction sits down without the earth official star, water and soil war, the earth branch hides the ugliness without conflict, the contradictions are hidden, it is not appropriate to cooperate with people, investment transactions, etc., and beware of changes in behavior and internal conflicts. Under such a combination, which genus is auspicious today?

Sunday, January 30 What are the genera of Geely?

First of all, the rabbit is auspicious. The rabbit is located in the Earthquake Palace, with five lines of wood, kind and benevolent, elegant manners, and good at coordination. Born in the cold and ugly moon, the Tiangan official star is revealed, and the body is powerful, which is conducive to work breakthroughs and wealth. On the day of decay, the ink star decoction water is revealed, which is conducive to the promotion of the division commander and the combing of thoughts. The lack of harmony between the earth and the branches is conducive to wealth acquisition, teamwork, and internal communication.

Sunday, January 30 What are the genera of Geely?

Second, noon Magili. The noon horse is in the palace, the five lines are fiery, enthusiastic and bold, frank, and civilized. Born in the ugly month of Xin ugly after the great cold, the Tiangan Fortune Star Xin Jin is thoroughly dried, which is conducive to obtaining wealth, showing talent, and career progress; on the day of decay, the Tiangan official star is revealed, which is conducive to outward development, and the local branch is not compatible, which is conducive to showing talent, overcoming difficulties, investment profits, and internal cooperation.

Sunday, January 30 What are the genera of Geely?

Third, hai pig auspicious. The five lines of the hai pig are watery, occupying the Qian Palace, straightforward and witty, simple and cheerful, and conducive to the promotion of the division commander. Born in the xinyue moon, the sky is dry and the stars are highly transparent, and the inner qi is full, which is conducive to academic success, career progress, and winning support. On the day of decay, the decoction water is dry and helps the body, which is conducive to colleagues to help each other and go out to develop, and the land and support are not compatible, which is conducive to organizational construction, career expansion, and teamwork.

Note: This article is published one day in advance.

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