
A new breakthrough in brain-computer interface! Signal acquisition is more stable| Cell Press Science and Technology Newsletter

A new breakthrough in brain-computer interface! Signal acquisition is more stable| Cell Press Science and Technology Newsletter

Inclusion and diversity

Patterns: The researchers argue that while the concept of justice in data and AI is often reduced to "fairness," the focus must be broadened to include data solidarity by putting the interests of marginalized groups first (PATTER100427).

Biodiversity and the environment

Current Biology: Since the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) agreement, wildlife trade has declined, but has little impact on the threat situation faced by protected species (CURBIO 18138).

Chemistry and Materials

Matter: A newly designed brain-computer interface provides a seamless bridge between hard microcircuits and soft brain tissue in situ testing without triggering an immune response, enabling long-term and accurate EEG signal acquisition (MATT877).

Climate and energy

Cell Reports Physical Science: Researchers have developed a method to convert molten salts from the cathodes of discarded electric vehicle batteries into compounds that can be used to make new batteries (XCRP100741).

Health & Medicine

American Journal of Human Genetics: Researchers developed the first cross-chromosomal rat model of Down syndrome that shows brain morphological and behavioral similarities in humans with Down syndrome that previous mouse models were unable to do (AJHG3363).

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