
Foreign Ministry: The U.S. war crimes in Syria are just the tip of the iceberg of its militarism around the world

author:International Online

At the foreign ministry's regular press conference today (28th), a reporter asked a question: We have noted that the Syrian Foreign Ministry recently issued a statement strongly condemning the actions of the United States and its supported "Syrian Democratic Army" in Hasakah province in northeastern Syria, accusing it of killing civilians and destroying infrastructure on a large scale, resulting in the displacement of thousands of families. The Syrian side said in a statement that the actions of the US military and the "Syrian Democratic Army" have constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity, and urged the United States to immediately withdraw its troops from northeastern Syria. What is the Spokesperson's comment on this?

In response, spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the Syrian crisis has entered its 11th year, and the US military intervention in Syria has never stopped, causing the Syrian people to suffer from war and causing a tragic humanitarian disaster.

People have not forgotten that in 2017, the United States launched airstrikes on Syria with false intelligence posed by the "White Helmets" organization as "evidence". That year, the U.S. military launched what it called the "most accurate air strike in history" against the Syrian city of Raqqa, killing 1,600 civilians. In September 2019, the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria reported that some of the air strikes launched by the United States in Syria were indiscriminate attacks that did not distinguish between military targets and civilians, seriously violated international law, and were suspected of constituting war crimes.

Zhao Lijian said that the US war crimes in Syria are just the tip of the iceberg of its military efforts around the world. In Iraq, the illegal invasion of U.S. forces not only killed and injured thousands of civilians, but also left behind some 25 million mines and other explosive remnants. In Afghanistan, the U.S. military has killed or injured more than 100,000 civilians and led to the barbaric growth of drugs such as opium. According to a survey conducted by Brown University in the United States, in the past 20 years, the United States has carried out "anti-terrorism" operations in 85 countries and regions around the world, resulting in 897,000 to 929,000 people directly dying of war violence, and more than 38 million people becoming refugees or displaced. "The US side should seriously investigate and prosecute these serious crimes, severely punish the perpetrators and cover-ups, and show its sincerity in changing course with practical actions." (CCTV reporter Shen Yang Yang Yang Yi)