
Out-of-town travelers came to town and had an accident Good drivers reached out and finally got out of danger

"Thanks to this enthusiastic bus driver in Zhenjiang, he reached out to help in a critical moment, and he was so touched." On the 10th, Mr. Hu, a Suzhou passenger, told this newspaper that when he and his colleagues came to the town for tourism, they encountered an accident, but fortunately, the Zhenjiang bus driver helped in time, and the sick colleague successfully escaped from danger.

It is understood that at about 6 p.m. on the 9th, the 14 bus driver Chen Xianfeng drove the bus to the Jingjiang hub station, when the bus just stopped at the garlic mountain garden bus platform, he heard a life-saving sound from the side of the platform, Chen Xianfeng hurriedly pulled the handbrake to get off the car, followed the sound to the side of the seat in front of the platform, saw a man leaning on the side of the seat, observed through the street lights, the man has lost consciousness, and has a slight convulsion. The man who called for help was crouching to the side and was overwhelmed.

"Don't worry." Seeing this situation, Chen Xianfeng first used words to stabilize the rescuer, and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial the 120 emergency number and the 110 police number for help. At the same time, a female passenger waiting for the bus on the side kept comforting the helper. Through the exchange, Chen Xianfeng learned that Mr. Hu who asked for help and the man who fell to the ground were colleagues and came to the town for tourism. After dinner, they came to Xijindu to play together, who knew that while waiting for the bus, his colleague suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness. The incident happened suddenly, Mr. Hu was overwhelmed for a moment, so he called for help.

After understanding what had happened, Chen Xianfeng, while comforting him, accompanied him to wait for the ambulance. Seven or eight minutes later, seeing that the unconscious man was in critical condition, he carried the man onto the bus and immediately rushed to the hospital. When the bus arrived at the next bus stop, he saw an ambulance coming rapidly, and Chen Xianfeng hurriedly signaled to the ambulance, and finally sent the sick man to the ambulance. The reporter learned from the hospital that due to the timely rescue, the sick man has turned the crisis into safety.

(Su Wen, Xu Chao, Shen Xiangwei)

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