
In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

author:Odd Man and Curious History

Friends who have watched spy dramas all know that for agents engaged in underground activities, once arrested means the failure of lurking, the upper and lower lines related to them must be evacuated immediately, and even some latent personnel, because they cannot withstand severe torture after being arrested, will also defect, causing the underground organization to suffer huge losses, so many agents will choose to take poison and commit suicide before being captured to preserve secrets.

However, in the history of the CCP's espionage warfare, there is such a legendary agent, who miraculously calculated after being unfortunately arrested for betraying traitors, and finally plotted against his traitors, preserved the party's secrets, and fulfilled his mission.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

This legendary agent is Qiu Shiyi, who has the title of "Eagle of Secret War", how did he get betrayed by traitors? And how do you plot traitors against them? Did he eventually escape from the enemy's cage?

Qiu Shiyi was born at the most turbulent moment in Chinese society, and since he was born, he has seen ordinary people living in the depths of the waters of warlord oppression and foreign enemies. His father was one of the earliest communist revolutionaries and had followed Mr. Li Dazhao in the revolution. Under the influence of his father, Qiu Shiyi came into contact with communist ideas very early, but when he was young, he could not fully understand the meaning behind this, until he met jiang Shangqing, the teacher who gave him ideological enlightenment in his life.

In Qiu Shiyi's eyes, Teacher Jiang Shangqing has a different place from other teachers, as a well-informed scholar of this era, many teachers have a pessimistic attitude towards Chinese society, some of them go with the flow, just seek to live in peace, some are sad and compassionate, and can only shake their heads and sigh. But in Jiang Shangqing's body, Qiu Shiyi saw a kind of expectation for the future, and the teacher was an idealist, willing to sacrifice himself to realize his ideals, just like his father.

Slowly, Qiu Shiyi knew that his teacher Jiang Shangqing was also a Communist Party member. Under the leadership of the teacher, Qiu Shiyi slowly understood what communism was, and a revolutionary spark had been deeply planted in his heart.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

Under the guidance of Jiang Shangqing, Qiu Shiyi spent three years studying. One day three years later, Qiu Shiyi saw the new Fourth Army recruitment brochure, and after consulting with his teacher, he resolutely joined the ranks of the New Fourth Army.

Qiu Shiyi, who entered the big family of the troops, although he was still young, was brave in combat, and was good at thinking, always observing the battlefield again and again in combat, and the tasks entrusted to him were always able to be completed brilliantly.

One day, The Brigade Changjiang Weiqing called Qiu Shiyi to the war room, said that he would give him a task, and asked him if he was confident of completing it. Qiu Shiyi thought that the brigade commander was going to send himself to fight the enemy, so he immediately straightened his chest and gave the brigade commander a standard military salute and said, "Please rest assured chief, no matter what kind of task, I will guarantee that it will be completed absolutely." ”

The brigade commander patted him on the shoulder and said slowly, "This task is not for you to go hard against the enemy, but its danger is no less than that of a battlefield with a bayonet, if you fail, no one will know your sacrifice, if you succeed, no one will give you a celebration meeting, are you still willing to go?" Unexpectedly, Qiu Shiyi said without the slightest hesitation, "As long as my task can contribute to the party, I will be satisfied, chief, please entrust the task to me." ”

The brigade commander couldn't help but say, "Well, this task is for you to infiltrate the inside of the Wang puppet government to collect intelligence, and in order for you to sneak in, we must announce to the outside world that you are a defector of the army, that you yourself may be slightly wronged, and even your family will wear the hat of the traitor's family and cannot look up." Frankly speaking, such a task is too dangerous and a challenge for everyone, but in our team, you are delicate and flexible, and you are the best candidate. What do you think? Is there confidence to finish? ”

"Rest assured, chief, guarantee the completion of the task!"

In 1942, Qiu Shiyi, who was pursued by the army as a defector, came to the Wang Pseudo Political Training Department in Nanjing to begin his lurking career. In the constant temptation and screening of the enemy, Qiu Shiyi relied on his excellent mind and keen observation to cope with the past. In the Wang Pseudo Political Training Department, there were many defectors of the New Fourth Army and the Military Command, and under the gaze of these well-trained agents, Qiu Shiyi repeatedly recalled whether there were any flaws in his actions every time he collected intelligence.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

In order to gain a firm foothold and obtain more favorable intelligence, Qiu Shiyi constantly displayed his talents in front of Sun Liangcheng, director of the Wang Pseudo-Appeasement Office, and expressed his willingness to follow Director Sun's lead and be driven by him. Not long after, sun Liangcheng's young man with extremely strong ability and very much about his own thoughts was promoted to major staff officer by him, and he was allowed to attend some important meetings with himself, but what Sun Liangcheng did not expect was that it was this young man he fancied who transmitted important information back to the organization again and again, making great contributions to the party.

In 1945, at a meeting of the Wangs, Qiu Shiyi learned that the Japanese army and the Wang Wei clique would launch a surprise attack against the New Fourth Army. Hearing this news, Qiu Shiyi couldn't help but feel a tightness in his heart. After the meeting, as usual, he walked toward his home with his bag, and as he passed the intersection, his eyes skimmed to the small vendors on the side of the road. He knew that this was the liaison officer that the organization had given him. While picking things, he quickly handed the pre-written note to the liaison officer. A top-secret plan formulated by the Japanese army against the New Fourth Army was thus passed on by Qiu Shiyi.

After receiving the information from Qiu Shiyi that night, Guan Wenwei, commander of the New Fourth Army, immediately ordered a response to the intelligence. "Since the Japanese wanted to eliminate us, we might as well wrap dumplings for them in turn." Just when the Japanese army and the puppet army were moving, the New Fourth Army had already opened a large net waiting for their arrival.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

In this battle, because of the accuracy of intelligence, the New Fourth Army achieved a major victory. More than 1,800 Japanese and puppet armies were wiped out. When the news of the victory came, Qiu Shiyi did not dare to show the slightest expression of joy, and he could only hide in the bed when he returned home at night and quietly laughed. For him, there was nothing more to please him than the victory of his comrades-in-arms. In the midst of the enemy's demon cave, he did not dare to slack off even when he slept. Such a sacrifice is to be able to achieve such a victory.

In the latent work, danger often accompanies the left and right, and sometimes even the distance between oneself and death is within easy reach. Once, Qiu Shiyi had an accident while connecting with the liaison officer. As usual, he pretended to approach the liaison station casually, but just as he was about to walk in, the liaison officer suddenly ran out quickly, and before Qiu Shiyi could react, he heard a "snap" shot hit the liaison officer.

As agents, they don't know when they will be exposed, and after they are exposed, their first choice is to protect their comrades. Seeing his comrades-in-arms sacrificed in front of his eyes, Qiu Shiyi could not even cry for his comrades-in-arms, and he could only flee there in panic like the crowd nearby. The enemy would not even leave him time to grieve, and he must immediately find his reason why he was there.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

According to the principle of underground activities, once his liaison officer had an accident, he had to evacuate immediately, but Qiu Shiyi also knew how difficult it was to successfully plant a nail inside the enemy, and his own important intelligence might be able to save the lives of thousands of soldiers on the front line. Compared with these, what is his own life? Therefore, Qiu Shiyi did not choose to evacuate, but continued to lurk, and he would not give up until the last moment.

Sure enough, after this incident, the enemy quickly targeted Qiu Shiyi, although he calmly coped with the past, but the enemy was still not at ease, and even sent someone to follow him, Qiu Shiyi did not know if he would show a flaw because of a small detail one day. He even wrote a suicide note in advance and left all his property to the party to fund the activities. Fortunately, after several months of investigation, the agents found that there was nothing wrong with him, and coupled with Sun Liangcheng's favor, his review ended, and Qiu Shiyi once again escaped the risk of exposure.

In 1947, Qiu Shiyi, who was deeply trusted by the enemy, was appointed to Yangzhou, and he had another task on this trip, that is, to bring the list of our party's lurkers in the Kuomintang to the liaison officer Yao Maoliang. However, what Qiu Shiyi did not know was that Yao Maoliang had been exposed not long ago, and that qiu Shiyi, who had been tortured but betrayed, was an undercover agent lurking inside the enemy. The enemy sent agents to arrest this undercover agent on the train, but what should Qiu Shiyi do?

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

At this time, Qiu Shiyi, who had just sat on the train, realized that something was wrong, from the moment he got on the train, there were two young people, intentionally or unintentionally approaching him, and he inadvertently made a movement to touch his waist, and the two were particularly nervous. The agent never believed in coincidence, and the only explanation was that he was exposed.

At this time, Qiu Shiyi was not thinking about how to get out, but how to ensure that the information did not fall into the hands of the enemy. He knew that he could not be a little abnormal at such a time, and as soon as he burned or swallowed the information, the two men and all the lurking agents around him would immediately throw him to the ground. After a short thought, he picked up the toothpaste in his bag and pretended to go to the bathroom to wash up, while rolling up the information on his body and putting it in the toothpaste tube. When he got to the bathroom, he threw toothpaste out of the bathroom window.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw the two young men surrounding him, and he knew he was exposed. In the interrogation room, the enemy tried to get Yao Maoliang to persuade Qiu Shiyi, but in Qiu Shiyi's eyes there was only anger at the traitor, not a hint of begging. The enemy used a heavy punishment in one breath, and the soldering iron was repeatedly burned on the body, and the bamboo skewer was inserted and pulled out, and then nailed in. No one could bear such a huge pain, but Qiu Shiyi always gritted his teeth.

When the torture device fell on him, he always thought in his heart: One more minute, one more minute will give the party organization some more time to react, and one more comrade will escape. As early as when he joined the revolution, he was ready to dedicate himself to the revolution, and his life and death had long been ignored. The enemy had worked Qiu Shiyi, and he could not hear a useful message from his mouth.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

Unexpectedly, the next day, the enemy found the tube of toothpaste that Qiu Shiyi had thrown away along the railway line. The enemy triumphantly showed the information in toothpaste to Qiu Shiyi. Qiu Shiyi was extremely angry, the list was full of latent comrades of our party, and once the enemy searched according to the list, he was bound to kill all these comrades. Our party's underground organization will suffer great losses, how can we solve this problem? Qiu Shiyi was so anxious that he sat in his cell, beating himself angrily, and he must find a way to save this loss.

Finally the opportunity came, the enemy did not follow the list to catch people, but wanted to put a long line to catch big fish. They wanted the traitor Yao Maoliang to take this list and return to the Liberated Areas to spy on intelligence in order to achieve greater gains. But the enemy knew that Yao Maoliang had disappeared a few days ago, which was bound to arouse the suspicion of others. Therefore, they hoped that Qiu Shiyi would come forward to write a contact letter indicating that Yao Maoliang had arranged for him to return to send information. With Qiu Shiyi, an old communist party, as a guarantor, I believe that Yao Maoliang's identity will certainly not arouse suspicion.

When the agent told Qiu Shiyi about this idea, he thought about it for a while and then agreed. He understood that the turning point of the whole incident was in Yao Maoliang's body. Qiu Shiyi knew that Yao Maoliang was also a bitter man, had always been very supportive of communism, and was a tried and tested Communist Party member, and he really could not resist the heavy punishment before he rebelled, and at this moment his heart must be full of regret and pain. At this time, he persuaded him, and he may not be lost.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

When the enemy saw that Qiu Shiyi had agreed to their request, he locked him up with Yao Maoliang and asked them to unify their caliber so that Yao Maoliang could return to lurk. In the cell, Qiu Shiyi said, "Yao Maoliang, if you hadn't stood in front of me, I wouldn't have believed that you, an old revolutionary, would one day become a traitor." Didn't you tell me before that you hated traitors the most, that you had killed many traitors with your own hands, and that you didn't think that you would become the person you hated the most. ”

"Don't say it, I'm sorry for you." Yao Maoliang lowered his head remorsefully.

"Are you sorry for me?" You are sorry for the party sorry for those comrades who sacrificed. You have been wrong once, don't be wrong a second time, this is an opportunity for you, if you are willing to go back and explain the situation, I can testify for you in the future and explain it to the organization. I know that you really can't withstand those heavy punishments to rebel, I hope you have not forgotten your vow to join the party, whether to continue to be a walking dead, or to return to the light, you choose. ”

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

Under the persuasion of Qiu Shiyi, Yao Maoliang decided to confess everything to the organization. According to the established plan, Yao Maoliang contacted the political commissar as soon as he entered the Liberated Area and explained to the organization the circumstances of Qiu Shiyi's arrest and the fact that he had decided to get lost and return after Qiu Shiyi's persuasion. The party organization evacuated all personnel related to Qiu Shiyi at the first time, and most of the comrades on the list also withdrew.

The enemy waited for a few days to see that there was no news of Yao Maoliang, and only then did he feel that something was wrong. The angry enemies realized that all this was a ghost behind Qiu Shiyi's back, and they took Qiu Shiyi out of prison and inflicted those punishments on him over and over again.

Qiu Shiyi knew from the anger of the enemy that his plan had succeeded, he knew that his lurking career was over, and all he hoped for was that victory would come sooner rather than later.

When Nanjing was about to be liberated in 1949, Qiu Shiyi was listed as a major criminal by the Kuomintang. Because of his plot, the Kuomintang missed a plan to completely annihilate the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu, and the enemy would never allow Qiu Shiyi to see the day when the city of Nanjing was destroyed. On the eve of their escape, they took Qiu Shiyi to the back mountain and brutally buried him alive and hid the secret of his death.

When the city of Nanjing was liberated, the People's Liberation Army could never find any trace of Qiu Shiyi, and for a time there were many theories about his whereabouts, some people said that he was killed by the enemy, and some people said that he may have fled to Taiwan with the Kuomintang. In the end, Qiu Shiyi was treated as missing, until 1985, When Ma Da, the editor-in-chief of Wen Wei Po, who was also an old underground party member, mentioned Qiu Shiyi when chatting with the revolutionaries in Yangzhou, and he did not expect one of the old revolutionaries to shed tears and said, "He was already killed by the enemy, and that night I personally saw the enemy take them away, and they never came back." He was a good man, so badly tortured, that he did not say a word, but on the contrary comforted us that victory would surely come.

In 1947, an underground party member was arrested, and in prison, he successfully plotted against the traitors who betrayed him

Finally, in 1994, Qiu Shiyi was posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr, 45 years after his sacrifice. This young soldier who joined the revolution at a young age, in the Dragon Pond Tiger Den, circled with the enemy, fearing life and death, and repeatedly provided decisive intelligence for the party. At the last moment, he still did not give up hope, and fought hard in a desperate situation to save the underground party organization in northern Jiangsu. He also fulfilled his oath, gave everything he had for the party, fought until the last moment, these heroes who fell before the dawn, and their spirit always shines on us.