
Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

author:Phoebe Nine-Nine

2020 is a "magical" year for Shang Jiuxi, a young cross-talk actor of the Deyun Society. That year he experienced the ups and downs of his life, great joys and sorrows.

That year, Shang Jiuxi, who had worked with the partner for 7 years, suddenly proposed to "break up", and there was no room for negotiation at all.

That year, Shang Jiuxi participated in the recording of the Deyun Society's comprehensive "Deyun Dou Laughing Society", but became a man living in the tidbits.

That year, Shang Jiuxi and his master Guo Degang partnered to perform "Pickpocketing Horse Coat", but it was rated by netizens as the worst "Pickpocketing Horse Jacket" in the history of Deyun Society.

That year, Shang Jiuxi's life and career fell to the bottom.

Roman. Roland once said: The greatest courage in life is to recognize the essence of life and still love life.

In the face of "bad comments" and unsatisfactory life, Shang Jiuxi was once confused, but after the confusion, Shang Jiuxi re-examined himself, re-embarked on his own path of chasing light, and opened his own slash life.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

From TV station art students to cross-talk elementary school students

Shang Jiuxi, whose real name is Shang Wenbo, a native of Fushun, Liaoning, graduated from Beijing Fashion Institute and is a representative of the high education of Deyun Society's "Culture Limited" company.

In 2012, he entered the Deyun Society to learn cross-talk, and in September 2015, he officially studied with Guo Degang and became the second batch of members of the "Nine" Character Section of the Deyun Society.

Before entering deyun society, Shang Jiuxi, who graduated from university, worked as an intern choreographer at Tianjin Television Station, and his main job was to make special effects for the P-chart of variety shows.

By chance, Shang Jiuxi was in charge of a program called "Tonight There is a Play", and the host of this program was named Guo Degang.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

In this way, Shang Jiuxi opened a wonderful fate with Guo Degang and the people of the Deyun Society.

Shang Jiuxi is a professional art student, his P-chart and special effects ideas are novel, holding the characteristics of Guo Degang, funny but not exaggerated, which impresses Guo Degang and Yue Yunpeng and others.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

After the program was recorded, Deyun's people were willing to chat and joke with Monk Jiuxi. Shang Jiuxi, who was originally interested in cross-talk, liked cross-talk even more after contacting Guo Degang and Deyun She, and even had the idea of joining them.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

In 2012, when he learned of the second batch of "nine" character subject enrollment of Deyun Society, Shang Jiuxi resolutely resigned from the stable job of the TV station, applied for the Deyun Society, and finally conquered the on-site judges with a northeast version of "Tethered Dolls" and successfully entered the Deyun Society.

There is a rule in the Deyun Society: no matter what work you do before, after entering the Deyun Society, you must start from the most basic students.

Shang Jiuxi, who entered the Deyun Society, did not lose his old line of work while learning the basic skills of cross-talk, and picked up a paintbrush from time to time and painted in the background.

When he first entered the Deyun Society, Shang Jiuxi was once again impressed by Guo Degang because of a painting.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

One day, Guo Degang found a painting in the background, which was a group photo of the people of the Deyun Society in the background many years ago. At that time, Mr. Zhang Wenshun was still alive, and now that he has been dead for many years, guo Degang can't help but feel sad when he sees the old predecessors and old partners in the painting.

But looking closely, Guo Degang found that the person who painted the painting was very attentive, and he painted a halo on The head of Mr. Zhang Wenshun, implicitly indicating that Mr. Zhang has left, and also making the "crooked neck" old man more cute.

Guo Degang asked the people around him: Who painted this painting?

People around him told Guo Degang that it was painted by a new student named Shang Wenbo.

Guo Degang was interested when he heard the name, and joked: Yo, the word "Wen" (generation)?

What is the concept of "Wen" in Deyun Society? It is with Zhang Wenshun, Zhang Wenliang, and Xie Jin that they are the same generation. When Guo Degang saw it, he would honor him as a master and uncle.

In this way, between jokes, Shang Wenbo's name deepened a few points in Guo Degang's heart.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

Later, Shang Wenbo gave the word "Jiuxi", which literally means sunshine and light. But some people joke that it is because Shang Jiuxi met his master Guo Degang in "Tonight There is a Play", and "Xi" and "drama" are homophonous.

In any case, the master gave the word and gave the stage name, which was initially recognized by the master.

On September 13, 2015, Shang Jiuxi, who had only been in the Deyun Society for three years, officially studied with Guo Degang and became a true disciple of Guo Men, and when he performed on stage, he could claim to be a primary school student in the cross-talk industry.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

From a primary school student in the cross-talk industry to an exchange student of "Liu Laogen'er"

Worshiping the master and knowing means that the ability and identity are recognized by the master Guo Degang, but it does not mean that the fame becomes a wrist. After all, before the "Nine" character family, there were still many "crane" character families and even the "cloud" character family's brothers and brothers who were still unknown.

If the cross-talk actors of The Tokuunsha want to get ahead, they must have their own unique performance style. At that time, Yue Yunpeng's performance style was "cheap", and Zhang Yunlei's performance style was "charming".

What Shang Jiuxi can do is to constantly polish his works, design the baggage structure, find his own performance style, first find a way to let the audience remember himself, and then let the audience like himself.

Gradually, Shang Jiuxi found his own style - imitation. Whether it is the unique English accent of the northeast teacher or the cartoon characters he watched as a child, Shang Jiuxi has imitated it perfectly, and even the "ghost animals of Zhuge Liang" in the b station have been imitated with great picture sense and appeal.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

In the creation of cross-talk, Shang Jiuxi will also add some grounded elements to collide with different sparks.

In the traditional cross-talk "Yellow Crane Tower", Shang Jiuxi joined the lyrics in the duo's "Little Bye Nian", "It is the New Year in the first month, and the first day of the New Year is ah." The humor that comes with the bones of the northeast people, coupled with Shang Jiuxi's super imitation ability, the proper Liu Laogen'er "exchange student."

Every time he went to the small theater in the northeast to perform, the audience encouraged Shang Jiuxi to go to Liu Laogen'er's big stage to see, saying that it was his real "root".

In terms of language organization and baggage structure, Shang Jiuxi has also made sufficient efforts, whether it is his self-created English knowledge point summary self-introduction, or a paragraph adapted from his own travel experience, his cross-talk laughter points are dense, close to life, attracting more and more audiences to like his performance style.

One day, Shang Jiuxi opened the Weibo private message, and replied in one color: Hahahahahahaha Since then, Shang Jiuxi has appointed himself as the "guillotine" of Deyun.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

Later, some viewers posted the video of Shang Jiuxi's performance in Xiaoyuanzi on the Internet, and more and more people knew this cross-talk actor who was constantly honing and becoming more mature in Xiaoyuanzi.

"The little penguin packed his bags, carried small fish bags, and rushed to Inner Mongolia on foot. Okay, a merciless avalanche destroyed my home, and well-meaning people live in peace."

In the traditional cross-talk "Learn Manchu", Shang Jiuxi's "inspirational story" of the little penguin rushing from Antarctica to Inner Mongolia won him the nickname of "Father of penguins", and for a time the "little penguin" once again wandered on major short video platforms.

Although the "Little Penguin" is on fire, Shang Jiuxi soberly realizes that I am glad that the audience can remember my baggage, but I can't expect a baggage to eat for a lifetime.

Shang Jiuxi continued to study the baggage in the small garden, and spoke cross-talk in a down-to-earth manner. Until the second half of 2019, 4 years after worshiping the teacher, Shang Jiuxi became a dark horse "killed" from the small garden, and his partner skipped the "Three Treasures" (a form of performance of the Deyun Society, three pairs of actors performed in the Thousand People Theater) and directly walked onto the cross-talk special, which is unique on the stage of the Deyun Society.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

From "Liu Laogen'er" exchange student to slash life

According to the custom of the Deyun Society, the cross-talk actor who has opened a special show will be a big hit and a big name.

Shang Jiuxi was an exception.

Not long after the end of the last special performance, the partner who had worked together for 7 years proposed a "breakup", and the two people who had a tacit understanding parted ways. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Shang Jiuxi.

During that time, in order to help Shang Jiuxi come out, the Deyun Society arranged for Shang Jiuxi to participate in the Deyun Society's group roundup "Deyun Dou Laughing Society", and in the face of a group of teachers and brothers, Shang Jiuxi became a "man living in the tidbits".

Months late, the #Deyun Society # Deyun Society opened the box, Shang Jiuxi and master Guo Degang partnered in "PickpocketIng Horse Coat", but was rated by netizens as: the worst "Pickpocketing Horse Coat" in history, compared to Yue Yunpeng and Burnt Cakes, they are far worse than not to say, even zhang Jiuling and Wang Jiulong before them.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

Seeing that Shang Jiuxi was in difficulty, the Shi brothers spared no effort to help him. In the face of various comments, Shang Jiuxi never responded positively, but secretly competed with himself and continued to work hard for those unfinished dreams.

What happens at each stage should be gladly accepted, whether it is good or bad. Because they will all turn into some precipitation and perception, helping me to sort out the direction more clearly and freely pursue a self-consistent personality.

On January 30, 2021, Shang Jiuxi bid farewell to superstar Kobe Bryant with a small essay of thousands of words, missing the youthful and simple self, and also calmly facing his "magical" 2020 and welcoming the new 2021.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life
Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

In April 2021, Shang Jiuxi ushered in his new partner and started a new journey of his cross-talk career.

In August 2021, Shang Jiuxi stood on the stage of "Deyun Dou Laughing Society" for the second time, this time he opened up more, and strived to be worthy of the four big characters of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" given by master Guo Degang.

In November 2021, Shang Jiuxi, as a cross-talk actor, appeared in "Chasing the Light!" Stage, open your own slash life.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

In "Chase the Light! Before "," most people only knew the identity of Shang Jiuxi's cross-talk actor, but they didn't know that as early as a few years ago, he created his own fashion brand - "Deyun Guillotine Lifestyle".

This is not a personal brand in the traditional sense, but extends his symbolic characteristics in Deyun Society into a life concept and lifestyle, and conveys it to more people.

It is precisely because of his unique insight into tide brands that he connects with Wu Jianhao, who is also a tide brand master.

It is not difficult to explain why Shang Jiuxi and Wu Jianhao are obviously in different circles, and the two people who seem to have no intersection are in "Chasing the Light!" The first time the show met, it was so familiar that Shang Jiuxi would not hesitate to join the "6 Times the Speed of Light" studio.

Shang Jiuxi: Deyun She's worst "Pickpocket Coat", now chasing the light rap out of the circle, opening a slash life

Chase the Light! On the stage, Shang Jiuxi surprised the audience the most was his rap.

The rap lyrics created with heart and closely following the theme in "Suzhou Creek" let the audience see Shang Jiuxi's creative strength and also amazed Jin Jie.

The passionate interpretation of the song "Nezha" and the sharp and decisive look at the end let the audience see a domineering and confident Shang Jiuxi.

From the beginning of the personal stage to the upcoming final stage, #Shang Jiuxi #Shang Jiuxi is stepping out of his comfort zone step by step and towards a bigger stage.