
Yesterday my daughter-in-law said that she would not give me a pension, just because I helped my daughter bring a grandson for 7 years, did not help him bring his son, and now that I am older, I want my daughter-in-law to take care of me, but she refused, facing this

author:The yearning of the heart is plain

Yesterday the daughter-in-law said that she would not give me a pension, just because I helped my daughter bring 7 years of grandchildren, did not help him bring his son, now that I am older, I want my daughter-in-law to take care of it, but she refused, in the face of this kind of filial piety daughter-in-law I use the law to protect my rights and interests too much?

My name is Mei Fang, I am 58 years old and have a pension of 3,000 yuan. I have a son and a daughter, my son graduated in 211, and now I am a civil servant, and my daughter-in-law is his classmate who is now a teacher in middle school, and the two work very decently.

Before marriage, I helped my son to pay a down payment of 150 square meters in Suzhou, spending all my savings of 800,000 yuan. Now as long as their two children repay the loan of 5,000 yuan per month, in fact, they all have a provident fund, these money is not under pressure, life is very rich.

My daughter and my son's life is far from it, because on the day of the college entrance examination, the sudden fever played abnormally and only took a secondary school, in that kind of school, the daughter did not learn to only learn to fall in love, just graduated and my girlfriend was unmarried and pregnant, I had to agree to this marriage without a bride price and married my daughter far away, I only hope that she is happy.

Who knew that after getting married, I learned that my son-in-law is not a person who lives a life, not only does not work, but also lets her pregnant daughter earn money to support the family, eats and lazily plays games every day, and if she is not happy, she will coldly and violently her daughter. Half a year after getting married, he spent the 20,000 yuan I gave to the network recharge and tip anchor.

Daughter for the sake of the child, in order to pay off the family's mortgage and car loan, helplessly she can only rent a morning shop to sell breakfast, see the daughter in order to support the family to take the child while doing business so hard, I think at that time the son's family did not want children, and I have retired anyway at home idle is also idle, so I went to help my daughter.

Later, when my daughter was pregnant and gave birth to a son, I brought her a child, and when my little grandson was two years old, my daughter-in-law was also pregnant and gave birth to a granddaughter, at that time I took care of my daughter-in-law out of the confinement, and then I went back to her home to take care of her grandson at the daughter's begging, because the daughter did not have a mother-in-law and father-in-law, and the son-in-law was a person who could not help.

Originally, I planned to bring my daughter for another year when my nephew went to kindergarten and then help my daughter-in-law. Who ever thought that the daughter-in-law simply quit the iron rice bowl and went home with the child. Then since she resigned, I thought that I could help my daughter all the time, anyway, my daughter-in-law's online store is not very busy, and she is more than enough to take the child alone.

So I went to my daughter's house to bring my grandson, and my granddaughter had a daughter-in-law with me, sometimes I think too much about my daughter-in-law, so when my granddaughter was born, I wrapped 10,000 red envelopes for her, and then subsidized 500 yuan per month to my daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law did not say anything at the beginning, I also thought that the daughter-in-law did not go to work, and it was not so busy to do an online shop, but from the time I brought my grandson for three years, I found that sometimes when I thought that my granddaughter went back to her son's house to see her, the daughter-in-law was lukewarm to me, and the meaning of the words was always that I did not help her with the child.

Later, the daughter-in-law was pregnant with the second child, considering that she was pregnant to take care of the child is inconvenient, after consulting with the daughter-in-law, I took the granddaughter to the daughter's home and the grandson together, but the daughter-in-law did not agree, wanted me to take the granddaughter wholeheartedly, the thought of the daughter still busy early shop and take the child I can't bear it, besides, the daughter also said that I can take the grandson to the primary school, so I want to insist on it for two more years.

After the daughter-in-law gave birth to her second child, her relatives were here to help take care of her, although I also knew that my daughter-in-law would definitely have an opinion on this matter, so I wrapped up ten thousand yuan for her and gave her a thousand yuan a month as compensation, because my daughter's difficulties in life are indeed true.

Finally, my little grandson was in the first grade and didn't need me to bring it, so I went back to prepare to bring a child for my son, but my daughter-in-law said that she didn't need me to bring a child now, and she also said in a strange way why don't I continue to bring children to my daughter's family?

Seeing that my daughter-in-law is this attitude, I didn't say anything, I thought that after all, I brought my daughter a child for six years, and when my two grandchildren grew up, I didn't take a hand and she wanted to complain a few words.

A few days ago when I was doing housework, I suddenly dizzy and fainted, fortunately my son came home and found that I was sent to the hospital in time, the doctor said that I had a cerebellar infarction and needed to be hospitalized, because the lower body could not move, my bowel movements were all in bed, my son took care of me inconveniently, so I called to let my daughter-in-law come to serve me for a few days, but she said on the phone that your daughter watched the child for seven years, and now you are hospitalized, why not let her take care of it?

My daughter's life is so hard, my husband can't rely on getting up early every day to sell buns, if she comes to take care of me, I will definitely close the shop and my grandson has no one to take care of me, so I did not inform my daughter that I was sick. My daughter-in-law knew that scolding me for being eccentric said that she would not take care of me, nor would she pay for a nurse.

I said in a huff that if you did not agree to serve me, then I would go to court to sue you, but my son said that after all, they are all family, don't be so excessive. I said that I am only living in a hospital now, she is not willing to take care of it, so when I am older, I can't count on it, is there really no way to meet this kind of filial daughter-in-law?

The author has something to say: This is the article I recently saw my mother-in-law complaining about her daughter-in-law's filial piety, but to be honest, I personally feel that the old man fell to this point today, all because she did not have a bowl of water to level the situation.

I think this daughter-in-law in the text is not filial piety, but any normal person will do this, when taking the child to help the daughter's family, regardless of the daughter-in-law's feelings, now you lie in the hospital bed can not move, but think of the daughter-in-law.

And although the daughter is bitter, but we must also help a degree, the more you help your son-in-law, the less motivated, the more the daughter depends on you, which is harmful to them. I think you should tell your daughter about your situation, close the store for a period of time to take care of you is also what she should do, and the daughter-in-law's affairs should be considered from her point of view. She quit the iron rice bowl in order to take care of the children, although you are giving money, but there are things that money cannot solve.

The emotional expert teacher once said: "The most important thing in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is mutual respect and mutual understanding, many things can obviously be sincere and calm communication, why not give each other a little care and love, you can close the distance between each other, so that the relationship between each other is more harmonious." ”

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