
Forever burning Chinese red

author:Information News

"Urgent! urgent! Two positive cases of new crown pneumonia appeared in Yuzhou City, Xuchang, Henan Province, and the red characters appeared on the screen, "Henan! "Xuchang! Familiar words jumped into my eyes and slowly clicked on the article - the new crown epidemic is coming again! The battle of epidemic prevention and control has begun again!

His eyes were fixed on the words, but his thoughts drifted into the distance. This year's Henan can be said to have suffered from wind and frost, suffering from hardships, first encountered decades of extraordinary rainstorms, more than 100 West Lakes water fell from the sky in an hour, and then came positive cases of the new crown epidemic, a sharp increase in medium and high-risk areas, there is a trend of first turning over snowy mountains and then crossing grasslands, and there is even a new idiom on the Internet - "combination of flooding and epidemics".

Although the new crown epidemic is very serious, the new crown virus is terrible, and even foreign countries have let it go, but Chinese is still firmly fighting this epidemic prevention and control war, especially when I see that the epidemic prevention and control isolation point at my doorstep needs volunteers, I feel that as a young person, in this most brilliant and youthful and energetic time of life, I must do something!

When I joined the WeChat group of young volunteers in the demonstration area, I saw that the members of the group were growing every moment, from dozens of people to more than a hundred people, and finally the group could not come in, and could only be pulled in one by one through the group members, and the number of people in the group was still rising.

On the 13th, I signed up to volunteer, on the 14th, I met in the morning, and gathered in the afternoon, so I began my volunteer life.

Forever burning Chinese red

Dressed in white, different from the volunteer work of wearing a red vest and a little red hat, this time we are facing the virus, on the front line, wearing a white armor, and some people affectionately call us "great white" in protective clothing. Shaped like a big white, with a cute posture, but wearing a strong and sharp, overcome difficulties, this big white has become the most solid armor for us to fight the epidemic and fight against the disease, and has become the protective coat of our shining Chinese heart.

Layer by layer of protection, sentence by sentence, precaution after precaution, time and time again to wear and take off drills, from the seven-step hand washing method starting from "hand hygiene", to the removal of protective equipment for one person to stare at one person; from strictly following the zero inventory of materials at the isolation point, to the people who do not see people at each time the materials are handed over, and do not go out of the isolation point step; from opening two doors at the same time, to eliminating and killing before and after opening the door. The implementation of one article, one item, one detail, and a little bit of security protection is the strictest protection for our own safety, and it is also the most effective guarantee to prevent cross-infection of isolated personnel. It can only be said that in the face of dangers and viruses, we Chinese people never fight unprepared battles, but also continue to forge ahead in practice.

The night was hazy, and at two o'clock in the morning, the bus carrying the quarantined people from Yuzhou slowly drove into the isolation point, everything was quiet, as if the haze brought by the virus was crushing the city with a black cloud, making people breathless, only the tight fingers showed their uneasiness and wandering. "The killing personnel began to kill" "So-and-so, the room number is 134" "Uncle, we are here in Building 3, your room is..." Suddenly the loud sound exploded in the night, it was a loud white enough to penetrate the volume of the back of the paper, through the protective mask, so that the isolation personnel could hear more clearly.

"Sister, the child is small, I will give you a bed quilt, hot water bottle we will wait for you to come over, you first scan the two-dimensional code at the door, plus the group of nurses, what need to contact us in time"... The lights in the room lit up one by one, lighting up the warmth in the hearts of the people of Yuzhou, facing fear and uneasiness, as long as the Chinese people are there, we will never be alone!

We are volunteers, we carry that touch of Chinese red, maybe the sky will be haze, maybe the earth will have floods, although the heavens and the earth temporarily lose color, but I believe that that touch of Chinese red will never burn!

——Chen Shaoqing, a college student who is a volunteer for epidemic prevention and control