
"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

author:Spit on Aceba
"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

She was once a gray-headed factory bricklayer, climbing and rolling all the way, becoming a "rich woman professional household" on the screen;

She weighs up to 230 pounds, but she is mixed up in the entertainment circle full of handsome men and beautiful women.

It is the "golden supporting role" of Zhao Benshan and Zhang Yimou;

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

She is nearly sixty years old, but she has only been in love once in her life, and she is still single and unmarried;

She was meticulous to her parents, and the doctors were moved to tears by her;

Her name may not be familiar to you, but her face you certainly remember.

She is Dong Lifan, the "fat woman" of "Crazy Racing", and the "golden sister" of "The Great Gold Robbery".

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters


Dong Lifan was born in 1964 to an ordinary family in Shenyang, Liaoning Province.

Both parents are workers, and although the family is not well-off, it is also a worry-free life.

Dong Lifan liked to sing since she was a child, but unfortunately her physique "drank cold water and gained weight", which hindered her body shape, and no one supported her at that time.

Coupled with her father's preference for sons and daughters, he never thought of cultivating her in art.

Therefore, as soon as he graduated from junior high school, Dong Lifan went to work as a mason in the factory arranged by his father.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

The bricklayer's job was so heavy, not to mention that she was just a teenager at the time.

The hands are often worn to the blood, and back pain is commonplace.

But Dong Lifan did not accept defeat, and since he had done this job, he must bury his head in hard work and not be afraid of hardship.

Finally, her efforts were affirmed by her colleagues in the factory.

But what her father did was really to pour a basin of cold water on her.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

At that time, his father was promoted to the director of the factory, and he was afraid of others gossiping behind his back.

Always replace Dong Lifan's honors and awards and let others replace them.

When Dong Lifan works, any small omission will be scolded in public and extremely humiliated.

Unable to bear it, she applied for a transfer to a rolling mill with a slightly lighter job and away from her father.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

In his spare time, Dong Lifan picked up his former love - singing, and specially joined the propaganda team for this purpose.

In order to improve her singing skills, she "Sangu Maolu" asked her teacher to teach her vocal music,

Singing while working, the days are busy and fulfilling.

In a performance, she was favored by the breath and the pleasant singing voice, and joined the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

But Dong Lifan did not stop there, she studied hard and practiced hard, and also joined the ballet tour.

There, looking at the "white swans", Dong Lifan's heart that wanted to dance ballet was also stirring.

She diets, exercises, takes pills, and frantically wants to lose weight.

But all kinds of methods are exhausted, that is, they can't lose weight, and ballet is doomed to lose her.

Since ballet has no way, so can the performance.

The stubborn Dong Lifan is determined to study acting at the Beijing Film Academy.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

At that time, this decision made her suffer a lot of sneering,

Everyone said that she was delusional, and with her physical appearance, it was absolutely impossible to be an actress.

But Dong Lifan did not think so, and really made a lot of hard work to study.

Just arrived in Beijing, rented a warehouse of a friend's mother, only 6 square meters,

In the "home", more than 200 pounds of her body can not even turn, this is 3 years.

It is said that opportunities are left to those who are prepared, and this is not the case.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters


While performing with the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, by chance, Dong Lifan got acquainted with Zhao Benshan.

It is also because of her outstanding body shape and fierce temperament that Zhao Benshan was extremely impressed with her.

In 1990, Zhao Benshan and others were preparing to make a comedy movie "Living Treasure in the World".

Just missing a passionate and pungent rural woman role, Dong Lifan suddenly thought of dong lifan.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

This is Dong Lifan's first film,

There are not many scenes, but the personal characteristics are very distinct,

She cherished this opportunity very much, acted brilliantly, and brushed a sense of existence.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Immediately after, Zhao Benshan took her to shoot a movie "All the Guests Who Came",

Although she is a newcomer, she is not afraid of the stage, and her performance is remarkable.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

In 1994, Zhang Yimou filmed the movie "Alive",

When Fugui was a young master, every time he came home drunk, he needed a person who specially carried him.

And this candidate is Dong Lifan.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

A small person, not even a supporting role, but Dong Lifan is still meticulous and serious.

It was her seriousness that impressed Zhang Yimou.

In 2000, he invited Dong Lifan again to star in the movie "Happy Time".

This time the role is flesh and blood, the bazaar scheming and the domineering in one,

Her role as "Fat Mom" received unanimous praise.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

But just when her career was booming, bad news came from home, and her father was diagnosed with cerebral thrombosis.

Although my father was ill in bed, his temper did not relent in the slightest,

Because of the pain, even more irritable, he scolded two nurses in one day.

So, who takes care of the father?

The mother is not in good health, the brother is busy at work, and the sister is still in Singapore.

Therefore, Dong Lifan took the initiative to shoulder this burden.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

The father collapsed on the bed and could not move, and life was completely unable to take care of himself,

She fed food and medicine every day, scrubbed her body, urinated and peed, and did not say a word of complaint.

The hospital does not let the family accompany the family at night,

Dong Lifan secretly put three chairs side by side and put them together into a narrow bed.

Weighing more than 200 pounds, 40 centimeters wide "bed", she lay on it and slept sweetly.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Worried that the medical expenses were not enough, she tried her best to deduct herself,

Buy medicine and nutrition for my father, but I don't feel stingy at all.

Looking at the tired daughter,

The stubborn old man who has always attached importance to his son silently wept: "Dad regrets it, he didn't hurt you well before."

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters


During the period of caring for his father, Dong Lifan's work came to a near standstill.

And when she comes back, where is her place in the entertainment industry that has long been renewed?

"It's okay, I can start all over again",

In this way, she began to start from a small supporting role like a dragon set.

Fortunately, there is no way out.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

In 2007, Zhao Benshan recommended her to director Ning Hao to play Li Fara's wife in the movie "Crazy Racing".

This character is flexible, fierce, and unreasonable, and it is eye-catching enough to appear on the scene.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Vivid performance, with Dong Lifan's unique burly figure,

For a time, the characters who came to her were all kinds of tough rich women.

Since then, he has become a "rich woman" professional household, and his fierce image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

But fate is so cruel, just when her career is thriving again,

At the end of 2011, my mother was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer.

His father had died of illness, and Dong Lifan did not want to and could not afford to lose his mother.

Even if the medical expenses and surgery costs add up to millions,

She must also find the best doctor for her mother and do her best to treat the disease.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

When my mother first learned of the high cost, she wanted to give up treatment.

But he could not resist Dong Lifan's pleading, or accepted the operation.

7 rounds of chemotherapy, 1 month of radiotherapy, Dong Lifan stopped working again,

Wholeheartedly accompany the mother, take care of the mother who is sick.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

My mother recovered well after the operation, but she still couldn't rest assured and refused to start work.

Until the mother had tears in her eyes: "If you don't go again, I won't be able to live." ”

In those days of the crew, Dong Lifan also insisted on calling his mother every day to ensure that her mother was healthy.

Even the doctor was moved to tears by her filial piety, praising her for not being an ordinary star and being a good daughter of filial piety.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Dong Lifan, for the sake of his parents, was willing to stop work twice during the rising period of his career.

After the matter was reported inside and outside the circle, several directors came to her to shoot a scene.

After that, she continued to shoot "The Great Gold Robbery", "Four Commandments", "U Disk" and other excellent works.

The business is steadily moving forward.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

In the interview, she smiled happily, "I have worked too much this year."

Dong Lifan originally looked average, and his figure could not be seen at all in the entertainment circle of "thinness for beauty".

But she turned her weakness into an advantage, relying on her superb acting skills to turn it into a personal feature.

With hard work and strength, she reversed a "bad card" to victory, and hit the face of the person who laughed at her at that time.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters


However, the cause is proud, the love field is frustrated,

The 57-year-old Dong Lifan has only been in love once and is still single.

When she first arrived in Beijing, she met a man who was gentle and caring.

Dong Lifan, who has never experienced love, soon fell in love, and poured out his heart and lungs for his boyfriend.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

The boyfriend is a businessman, and it didn't take long for him to say that he had some problems with his funds and wanted to borrow 50,000 yuan to save the emergency.

50,000 yuan is not a big amount now, but in the 80s it was a huge amount.

But the simple Dong Lifan did not think much, even if she had not yet established herself in Beijing at that time,

She still did not hesitate to borrow everything she could.

However, as soon as the money arrived, the man ran away and disappeared.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Dong Lifan realized that he had been deceived,

What she thought was a two-way affair was actually just a long-planned scam.

In the 1980s, all technologies were not developed.

The man cheated money and ran away, she couldn't chase it back, and after so many years, it was still a knot in her heart.

She said in an interview: "I see him again and strangle his heart. ”

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

More than 30 years have passed, Dong Lifan has not started a new relationship for a long time.

She laughed at herself: "It's not that I don't want to be in love, it's that no one dares to ask me." ”

Indeed, the classic "tough rich woman" on the screen is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,

As a result, some men were so frightened when they saw her that they were so stuck that they stopped moving.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

In fact, in her heart, she has been expecting that a man who understands that she loves her can appear, but that person has not arrived.

She also sighed and said that maybe she didn't have that life.

For so many years, there is no such thing as the opposite sex around,

But when she was tired and sick, no one appeared,

The most painful times are always just yourself.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

Dong Lifan said that there are many sincere friends around her now, good for her, good for her family,

It's good to get together with friends and have nothing to do.

Life is not only a way to find a partner,

Now she has money and a career, and she can live comfortably with her family and friends.

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

From the masons of the factory to grope forward step by step, and finally realize the dream of the actor,

Along the way, Dong Lifan has experienced too much.

Parents' support, people around them do not understand,

Just save a little money to be cheated, people have no money, so they are not disappointed.

A love affair with all one heart, wounded, the scar is still there.

The road to acting has just improved a little, the family is seriously ill in bed, the parents' grace of birth and support is unforgettable, and they will do their best to support them.

Alone and alone, fifty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, after the success of the career, the love is slightly frustrated, and I don't know when I can "win the hearts of a person".

"Rich woman" Dong Lifan: Saved his mother with terminal cancer, and urinated for his father, who preferred sons to daughters

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