
"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

author:Fat toots who don't like to think

Foreword: A Christmas Carol is an 1843 novel by Charles Dickens, one of charles Dickens's three Christmas novels.

The novel is mainly about the story of a miserly ghost. A miserly man has accumulated a lot of money, but he is not willing to add a piece of coal to the staff's fire, his nephew kindly invites him to the Christmas Eve party, but he thinks that his nephew resigns in order to take advantage of him, and the social activists ask him to give him a little Christmas meal for the poor, but he also ruthlessly and categorically refuses. He came home at night, and in the night he saw a grimace, is this really a ghost? Or his vision? However, the appearance of the ghost has changed him drastically.

After the book was published, Christmas has become the most important holiday in the West. Even in the year of publication, everyone would buy a turkey in unison. And on the day Dickens died, a girl said to her mother, "Mom, Santa Claus is dead." ”

So, today I will analyze the factors that miserly Krutch has changed from miserly selfishness to generosity and kindness from the three time nodes that appear, namely, past, present, and future. In the last part of the article, combined with Krutch's transformation, I will analyze my thoughts on the concept of money and life.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

01, the past Christmas elves: tragic childhood experiences make Krugge reluctant to recall the past; because the loss of money to a beautiful girl makes Krugche desperate and closed his heart at the same time

Krutch runs a firm called Krutsch and Marley, and after the death of his partner Marley, Krutch became the sole owner. As a capitalist, he can probably only be regarded as an entry-level, but as a miser, he can be called a temple-level.

He was alone, the neighbors were afraid of him, no one greeted him on the road, not to mention the children did not dare to ask him for time, even the beggar knew his temper, and would not expect to get a small amount of money or two from him. Perhaps the only person who would come to the door to wish him a Merry Christmas was his nephew Fred. But even in the face of the greetings of the relatives of the happy personality, Krutche was a stinky face, and he did not say a good word to blow people away.

What was it about Krugch who made him such a miserly and nasty person?

In my opinion, it was the trauma of the original family that made Krutche lonely and indifferent. Just think, if Krutch had a healthy and happy family with healthy parents, he would be a warm adult like many people. But because of the departure of his parents in his childhood, when he met a lover he liked but could not stay with when he was a teenager, he felt desperate for the warmth of this world. So he slowly closed his heart.

Just as Krugch was getting ready to go to bed, something weird happened. Krugch's old partner Marley turned into a ghost and came. Marley's coming to earth this time is not to meet his relatives, he is to send three ghosts to take his old friend Krugch to see his past, present and future. Through three trips in three early mornings, let this stubborn guy change his mind and become a man again.

The first ghost, called the Spirit of Past Christmas, takes Krugche to see his past. Krutche drifted into the air with the ghost, galloped all the way back to his hometown, saw the familiar village, turned the familiar road, and returned to the classroom where he had studied as a child. At this time, we learned that the original abominable Krutche had a tragic childhood.

Sukholimsky once said:

Whoeverse childhood is illuminated by the sunshine of love, then he will create happiness for each other, and he will have a special sensitivity and ability to accept the words of his parents, his kind heart for them, his persuasion and gifts to them, and their warmth and warnings.

Indeed, every child's childhood has an impact on his character as he grows up. I still remember Wang Ziwen saying: "How much trauma a person suffered in childhood, it takes a lifetime to make up for it." "Like Krooge, he didn't have a happy childhood, so he didn't know how to be blessed by his family and how to get along with his friends, and he still had the same attitude as before, alone and without relatives.

Is the sad krug of his childhood really not grateful? I don't think so. Remember ma Dong once said: "People whose hearts are full of bitterness can be filled with a trace of sweetness." And Krutch, in his sad childhood, he still had the company of his sister and the happy times he had with his partner, but he could forget it. For a long time, Krutch had been thinking about making money because he knew the hardships of life, but money had made him lose himself.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

Later, growing up a bit, Krugch had a beautiful fiancée. But this beautiful fiancée broke up with Krutch at the funeral. The reason is that Krugche now only looks at money and loses himself.

"Your changed disposition; your very different soul; your breath of life different; your other hope as the ultimate goal of life. Everything that made you cherish my love is now gone. ”

Krutch hated that the girl did not have a dowry, and thought in his heart that he wanted to break the marriage contract. And the clever girl had already seen through everything and offered to lift it. Since then, the two have peacefully broken up.

Many people say that it was the girl who took the initiative to leave Krugche. But it wasn't, and what really separated them was Krutch's growing ambitions. He longs for money, he just wants to make money. Isn't it clear to the girl that all this? She knew it, so she took the initiative to leave this man who didn't particularly love her.

Does Krugern regret it? I think he must have regretted that he had done such a thing, but once he did, then he would admit that he looked at money more than anyone else. At the same time that he can't lose this face, in my opinion, it is because he has lost the girl he loves the most, and he doesn't want to lose money anymore, so he can only go one way to the end.

Krutsch believes that money is the most important thing in the world. So he tried to make money, but his partner Marley worked hard all his life, and was bound by countless chains and money after his death. Marley was unhappy because he had no relatives. And if Krutch doesn't turn around, he'll soon be following in Marley's footsteps.

In Krutch's eyes, money is the most important. And for money he lost too much and has become a slave to money. But while he became a slave, he was still a coward. He didn't dare admit that he had lost so much, and he didn't want to bear to lose more. It is precisely because of the fear of being hurt that it will be ignored.

It's not that he doesn't know that "money is not a panacea." This sentence is only in the heart of this coward, he has lost his family and friends, he does not want to lose again, so he is not willing to invest too much in feelings, because he is afraid of pain. And money is the most loyal to him, because as long as he is not willing, he will never lose.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

02, the current Christmas elf: Little Tim's illness makes him reflect on himself; the blessings of his nephew and Bob's family make his frozen heart begin to loosen

The next day, Marley sent a second ghost to meet him. This second ghost is called "The Spirit of Christmas Now", and as the name suggests, it is to take Krugche to see the current world. Just like on his last journey, Krutzy followed the ghost and jumped out of the original field of vision, no longer reaching his own small world, but gaining an omniscient and omnipotent perspective. This time, he fully appreciated the living conditions of the laborers, witnessed their sufferings, and also felt their kindness and open-mindedness, and his iron heart gradually softened.

He knew that his employee Bob was going to feed a large family, but he only gave him 15 shillings a week. On Christmas Day, bob's family is poor, but they can still sit happily together for Christmas. Even though the clothes are mended and mended, the family can only eat potatoes and carrots. But they still smile and face life.

Many people may encounter a miserly boss, and poor families will complain. But Bob did not, he will still try to find some sense of ritual in life in poverty. Strive to bring optimism and positivity to your family. Contrary to Krugche's mean-hearted selfishness, Bob was generous and kind to his family. Willing to share their food and clothes with their families. Loved family members will also use love to give feedback. This is the warm and happy family. It is also the warm family that Krugch dreams of.

In particular, the son of Bob, the clerk of the business house, Little Dingm, was particularly concerned about Krugche. Seeing little Dingm's pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but ask the ghost: "Tell me, can little Dingm live in the future?" But he got the answer: If these dark things are not changed "in the future", the child will die.

At this point in the story, Kruch's soul has changed, the coldness and cruelty of the past have gradually been replaced by a warm conscience, and he has begun to have feelings of guilt and pain.

Later, when he knew that the people he had hated, even those who were not good to them, prayed for him and thanked him on Christmas Day. His frozen mind had gradually loosened.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

It is said in the Three Character Sutra;

In the beginning of man, nature is good.

At this stage, Krutch is no longer short of money. But he still has the misfortune of being alone, Bob is very happy, but he has no money. In the face of life's difficulties, Krutch uses the most stupid way to pessimistic passive resistance; but Bob still faces his insoluble difficulties with a positive and healthy attitude when he encounters difficulties.

In my opinion, Krooge has also had warmth, and he has also wanted to warm others. But he was locked in the atrium of the real world. In the eyes of outsiders, he is mean and stingy, and it is also such a view that makes him lock his heart tightly and refuse to come out.

But as we age, behind our meanness and stinginess is distrust of outsiders and inferiority to ourselves. We can see that Krutch actually wants to warm others, but because of family reasons, he does not know how to warm, he can only silently suppress his own nature with a cold and mean temperament.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

03, the future of the Christmas spirit: money does not bring death, death will only let countless people take advantage of the fire to rob; Krutch finally woke up after seeing it, and decided to make a change

After seeing so many scenes of life in the "past" and "now", Krutzy is no longer the inhuman "lone star" of the past. At this time, he ushered in a third ghost, the "Spirit of Future Christmas". This ghost is the most solemn and mysterious, unlike the other two peers who will have verbal communication with Krugche, it is silent. No matter what question Krooge asked, the "Spirit of Future Christmas" didn't say a word.

The scene where the ghost wants to take Krutch to see it is shocking, it turns out to be the scene after Krutch's death - he is still in his bones, and someone has taken off all the valuable things on his body. And his little Dingmu, who was worried about his stomach, eventually passed away.

After this baptism of soul, Krutsch finally understood the tragic fate of the good and the wicked of the poor people. He suddenly realized that only by reflecting on the past and starting from the present can he change the future. The next day was Christmas, and he immediately gave the clerk a raise, went to his nephew's house to enjoy family affection, wished everyone a happy new year, and wished God bless everyone.

Someone once said, "Money, life does not bring death." What's the use of a lifetime for money? ”

This sentence makes me very agree. Think about it, what are we trying to make money for? It's for a better life. But many people have lost themselves on the road to making money, just to make money for the sake of making money. It certainly doesn't make sense.

In order to earn money, Krutch ignores the people around him who love him and care about him. In the end, he hated him except for money. Fortunately, he finally woke up. Learn to care and love with the help of elves. He began to use his actions to learn to be warm and to love others. Krutch finally learned companionship and love.

To me, Krugche is like a microcosm of us. We spend our whole lives working hard for money, for houses and cars, which has led to many people not having a lot of time to go back to their parents, and even many children have become left-behind children.

Therefore, when time has passed, we will always regret that the time spent with our parents is too short, and the children are not close to themselves. Why bother. Spending more time with your parents and your family is more important than money.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels

04. Based on the male protagonist Krutch in "Christmas Carol", who eventually changed from greedy and selfish to benevolent and generous, I will talk about my thoughts and enlightenment on the concept of money and the handling of people in life.

On Christmas morning, employee Bob was late for work, and he thought Scrooge would be angry. But instead, Skrutsch said to him, "Merry Christmas to you, my good fellow!" I'm going to give you a raise, and I'm going to do my best to help your poor family. Hurry up and start the fire, and then go buy a coal basket. Then he bought a very large turkey and asked someone to send it to Bob's house.

Then, he visited his nephew for the first time, and greeted people on the street with "Merry Christmas", and people smiled kindly.

The mean-spirited Krutch tells us in his actions that he has learned to be kind and kind. He really changed, and this change of his has the following thoughts on our real life:

(1) Always retain a "child's heart" and establish a correct view of money

Every child has a clean and clear heart, which is why everyone says that children are the cleanest people in the world. And childlike heart is reflected in the good qualities of love and compassion.

In the story, Krugche's nephew, Bob's family, are sympathetic people. Krutch, on the other hand, lost himself in the adult world of money. As a result, it becomes mean and stingy.

Krutch and Marley, they have lost their "childlike heart". Know that children are the most compassionate and kind people in the world. They don't particularly care about money because they know they have something more precious and important.

In real life, we also encounter this situation. In the temptation of the outside world, he gradually lost himself and lost his childlike heart. However, the child's heart is the cleanest and most precious thing in the world. He represents more of a person's good and kind qualities. And this quality is what everyone hopes for and yearns for.

(2) Pay more attention to the people around you and accompany them more

Crouch lost his beloved woman, and he had no close relatives and friends. And the only nephew was also treated coldly by him. He only has money in his heart. But is he really happy? I can't see it. He lived every day with piles of cold coins, no one cared about him, everyone hated him, just think, it was really a very bleak thing.

The famous writer More once said:

People who have traveled the world and can't find what they need will find it when they return home.

Imagine, what was Mohr looking for? I guess it's the warmth of the family. Family will always be our closest people. In my opinion, family members are people who can let go of their tiredness and can talk to them at will. Family will always be a haven to support you. Cherish your family and spend more time with them, because that is a precious gift you have.

(3) Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and smile at life

In the story, Crouch is mean and maintains a pessimistic attitude towards life. And the Bob family, on the other hand, though they were poor. But he still found a different kind of fun in the poor life.

After an accidental injury at the New York Friendship Games on the evening of July 21, 1998, the obscure 17-year-old Member of the Chinese Gymnastics Team Sang Lan became the world's most concerned person.

It was an accident indeed. At that time, Sunland was warming up before the vaulting race, and at the moment when she took off, the probe in front of the "horse" of the foreign team coach interfered with her, causing her to deform her movements, cutting from high altitude to the ground, and landing her head first.

This sweet-smiling girl from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, joined the national team in 1993, has a docile personality, but after suffering such a major change, she showed rare perseverance, her attending doctor said: "Sunland showed great bravery, she never complained about anything, the word I can find for her is 'courage'. Even after knowing she would never be able to stand up again, she never regretted practicing gymnastics, she said: "I have confidence in myself, I will never give up hope." ”

In the face of disability, Sunland, who has a sweet smile, still does not change her optimistic attitude, but faces life with a positive attitude. Now Sunland has a happy family.

In my opinion, the attitude of life affects the mood of doing things, which will affect the daily life. Things always happen, and pessimism does not change the outcome of things, but increases their burden. Therefore, maintaining an optimistic mood and laughing at life is, in a way, also a happy successful person.

"Ode to Christmas": Interpreting the process and reflection of Krutch's gradual transformation from three levels


Jumping out of the book "Ode to Christmas", the author wants to tell us not only the transformation of Crouch's life, but also wants to tell us: to be born as a human being, not only to be generous and benevolent, but also to be kind to all aspects of life. How you treat others, how others will treat you.

Gorky once said, "Give someone a rose with a lingering fragrance," hoping that we can all be the ones who give kindness to others.

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