
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home


On January 27, our county hospital supported 45 members of the Xi'an nucleic acid sampling team to successfully complete the task, and after 7 days of hotel isolation, they returned with honor and triumph.

Iron horse escort, police car open road, retrograde march, victorious return, salute to the hero, welcome home, "white armor, fight against the epidemic, cold winter rush to help, today's triumph" banner is particularly eye-catching, all the courtesies, are dedicated to the warriors who have fought in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Xi'an, at 3 p.m., the team members returned to Heyang. The leaders of the county party committee, the county government and the heads of relevant departments, and the representatives of medical staff jointly welcomed the hero home, and when they saw the leaders who were specially greeted, the triumphant heroes were full of spirit and smiles.

The welcome ceremony was held in Tianhe Garden South Square, a bouquet of flowers, a certificate of honor, a letter of thanks to every team member made every team member feel warm in their hearts, the secretary of the county party committee delivered a speech, expressing high respect and gratitude for the outstanding performance of the team members in supporting the prevention and control of the epidemic in Xi'an.

After the ceremony, the team members held flowers in their hands, took photos with their relatives, shared their work experiences and the joy of reunion, and some could not wait to return to the hospital.

In this fight against the epidemic, the members of the aid team in our county fought side by side with the people of Xi'an, showing the spirit of life first, the unity of the whole country, and the spirit of sacrificing life and forgetting death, the sweat they paid was a continuation of life, they inspired the people of Xi'an with the spirit of great love, and they and their families are our pride.

Originally created on January 28, 2022

The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home
The heroes of the fight against the epidemic are welcome home