
On the eve of the Spring Festival in Lingdatang Community, he visited party members in difficulty

author:Nine factions view the world

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the Party Committee of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee Veteran Cadre Bureau, the Party Working Committee of Changqing Street, the Party Committee of Lingdatang Community, the Party Branch of Lingdatang Temporary Workers Distribution Center, and the Party Branch of Hefei Sunshine Digestive Disease Hospital visited and comforted the party members and veteran party members in the jurisdiction, bringing them the cordial care of the party and the government.

In the Wanghu Xiyuan, Nanling Community, Lingmeiyuan and Jiangqi Communities under their jurisdiction, the leaders of the Old Cadres Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee, the leaders of the street leaders and the community and the party branch talked cordially with the party members in difficulty, learned more about the physical health and living conditions of the party members in difficulty, and sent condolences such as condolences such as gold and rice oil, and sent the care and warmth of the party organization to their hearts.

A total of 23 families of party members and old party members were visited and comforted, and through visits and condolences, the warmth was transmitted to every party member in difficulty, so that everyone could truly feel the warmest care and sincere blessings of the government for difficult party members and old party members. Sheng Yuanyuan

【Source: Anhui Business Daily】

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