
Do children drink bone broth after fracture surgery? One postoperative dietary advice should be checked


What to eat after fracture surgery has become a headache for many parents, after all, the method of form complement has been passed down to this day, and there is still a certain reason. However, the kind parents next door said that they should not drink bone soup, which is not good for the child's health. Asked her why, the parents scratched their heads again, unable to say why.

In the usual sports and play, children will inevitably bump, after the occurrence of fractures, parents in addition to timely treatment, pay attention to daily care, do not know that there are many places to pay attention to in terms of diet.

"Who is right?"

"Is it unreliable for a child to drink bone soup after a fracture or during the growth period?"

Here are some of the dietary recommendations for the recovery period of fractures

A. A balanced diet

After a fracture, it is important to eat a balanced diet. Both healing and repair of bones require nutritional balance. Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. should be ingested, especially pay attention to the intake of protein, pig skin or pig trotter food is very beneficial.

B. Calcium supplementation with vitamin D and lysine

Eating more foods containing calcium and foods that promote calcium absorption is beneficial for fractures, such as dried shrimp, tahini, soy products, dairy products, etc.

C. Vitamin C supplementation

Vitamin C is a bone healing promoter, eat more vitamin C-rich foods to benefit fracture patients rehabilitation, vitamin C-rich fruits such as hawthorn, fresh dates, kiwifruit, strawberries, guiyuan, lychees, citrus, etc., vegetable tomatoes, peppers, bell peppers, bitter melons, watercress, cauliflower, amaranth, etc.;

D. Mineral replenishment

Eating more foods rich in copper, zinc and iron is equally important for fracture recovery, and seafood, soybeans and other zinc-containing foods are more; Cereal, egg yolks, etc. contain more manganese;

E. Supplementation of cellulose

Fruits and vegetables can provide vitamins and minerals, while the high content of fiber in vegetables and fruits can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation during recuperation. Good intestinal moisturizing effect include bananas, honey and so on.

Why not recommend drinking bone broth?

To be precise, it is not recommended to eat excessively, because meat bones are mainly composed of calcium and phosphorus, so patients who eat bone broth will increase the inorganic components in the bone in the body, which will hinder the early healing of fractures and affect the early recovery of patients. And patients with long-term recuperation will have symptoms such as increased blood calcium and decreased blood phosphorus due to eating a large amount of bone broth. However, bone broth is delicious and has a stimulating effect on appetite, so it is more recommended to eat it in small quantities. In addition, parents should also pay attention to making children avoid foods that are high in sugar, spicy and irritating and difficult to digest.