
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence

author:A dropped chicken leg

On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day."

The audience who heard this sentence was stunned, thinking that she was a white-eyed wolf and an unfilial child. But hearing her say the reason, everyone fell silent.

Zhou Dongyu's father died early, his mother remarried, and grew up with his grandmother and grandfather.

Because my mother remarried, my feelings for my mother's love were very strange, but my feelings for my grandmother and grandfather were particularly deep.

Perhaps it was also because the granddaughter's father died early, and the second elder loved this poor granddaughter even more.

At first, Zhou Dongyu did not know her grandmother's love for her, and every time she came to her grandmother's house, she would clamor to eat big fish and meat, until she saw her grandmother's daily pickles with white porridge, and she understood their dedication to her.

Moreover, Grandma and Grandpa saved money to save her tuition and dowry.

In the summer, the weather was hot, watching Zhou Dongyu often sweating hot, Grandpa secretly took out the thousands of yuan he had saved, bought an air conditioner, specially in Zhou Dongyu's house, let Zhou Dongyu use it alone.

Zhou Dongyu was very thin when he was a child, and his grandfather heard people say that fish and meat are very nutritious, and he supplemented his brain, so he ignored the cold winter moon and went to the river 10 kilometers away every afternoon to go fishing.

In 2010, Zhou Dongyu became a hit with the film "The Love of hawthorn trees".

Every month, I gave my grandmother more living expenses, from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

Zhou Dongyu sent clothes and various supplements to grandma's house every three to five minutes, and as long as he had time to go home, he would accompany grandma and grandpa to the park for a walk and give them dumplings.

In order to make Grandma and Grandpa happy, Zhou Dongyu also took them to participate in the activity together, knowing that he paid for it but cheated them into inviting them to the organizer.

Zhou Dongyu's filial piety made her grandmother and grandfather very moved, and under her filial piety, their old age was very happy.

Zhou Dongyu, who was so filial, was very distressed in his heart when he saw his grandfather's pained appearance. In fact, she especially hoped that Grandpa could leave peacefully, so that she would no longer have to suffer from this human suffering.

So when Grandpa really died suddenly, Zhou Dongyu did not shed a tear, and her heart was happy for Grandpa, because finally Grandpa got rid of this human suffering.

Zhou Dongyu's grandfather is more than 80 years old, which belongs to the joy and mourning, and the whole family is very happy, happy for the relief of the grandfather. How can a human being escape this last fate?

However, it is a dignified and calm departure, or a full of tubes, a painful departure, and in the end it is the old man who cannot make a choice.

Many people are reluctant to leave the elderly, and always try to do everything possible to prolong the life of the elderly, but make the elderly more painful.

No one wants their loved ones to die, but it is the common feeling of people to live, old age, illness and death, and if they really can't stay, and they live so painfully, this is a kind of torture for everyone.

A bowl of water in front of the bed before death is better than ten thousand tons of ash in front of the grave, in order to avoid the desire to raise children and not to wait, usually still have to be more filial piety to parents, so as not to regret it later!

On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence
On the show, Hua Shao asked Zhou Dongyu: "When your grandfather died in his 80s, you should be crying very sad, right?" Unexpectedly, Zhou Dongyu said: "I was quite happy that day" to hear this sentence

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