
From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

author:Dr. Yu Fang talks about health

Recently, many volcanoes have shown signs of activity, and the eruption of volcanoes could have global implications. Throughout Earth's history, volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts on Earth have the potential to replace an entire era of civilization

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?
Now that the global warming situation is gradually increasing, some people suggest that volcanic eruptions may reduce global temperature and usher in the era of "Xiaoice river". So is this possible to offset the negative effects of global warming?
From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?
Whether it is global warming or cooling, the impact on us as a whole is very large, although a small temperature change, our human body will not have a lot of reactions. But if there is a large change in global temperature, then the human body will have a strong reaction.
From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?
Whether it is excessive elevation or excessive cooling, it will threaten people's life and health. But which of these two situations will make the human body feel better?

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

How well the human body tolerates high temperatures

When the temperature in the body rises, as the temperature rises and the time increases, people will be unconscious, and even have the risk of coma shock. But before the heat death, the human brain is still relatively awake, and there will be no conjecture. But when the human body heats up, the body is more sensitive to pain, according to relevant research, when the water temperature is at 25 degrees, people can endure 24 hours, but if people are at minus 25 degrees, it may not take a few minutes to endure.

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

Therefore, the human body's tolerance to higher temperatures is much better than that of low temperatures.

Most of the people who are killed by heat occur in the following two situations

1. Humid and hot environment

In the context of rising global temperatures, it is common to see people dying of heat in hot areas on social media. According to experiments, when the human body is in a humid and hot environment of 45 ° C, people will fall into a coma in less than an hour

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

2. Dry and hot environment

Dry and hot environment, mostly occur in the desert, the desert in a day the temperature changes greatly, during the day the temperature will be higher than the ordinary environment. But the test results are unexpected, in this dry and hot environment, the human body can hold out for longer.

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

When the temperature in the desert is higher than 45 ° C, our human body can actually hold out for about two hours.

So why are these two different situations? This is inseparable from the heat dissipation mechanism of our human body, when we feel hot, we will adjust the temperature of our human body by sweating, when our sweat evaporates, it will take away part of the heat in our body, thereby maintaining human life and health.

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

But the moisture contained in our human body cannot be discharged for a long time to help us dissipate heat. In a humid environment, the air will contain a lot of moisture, preventing our body from perspiration and slowing down the rate of perspiration. It will lead to the temperature of the human body not being well controlled. Therefore, in a humid and hot environment, it is easier to make people die.

Hallucinations before freezing to death

Our understanding of freezing to death basically comes from social news and film and television dramas. Many mountaineers die because they freeze to death. The decrease in temperature can make our bodies stiff and even shiver uncontrollably. What happens to a person's body before freezing to death?

In the film and television dramas we watch, there will be simple pictures of people being frozen to death, and some people even leave while sleeping. From a scientific point of view, when people are in an abnormally cold environment for a long time, the heat of the human body can not be offset with the heat dissipation, resulting in the insulation of the human body can not better provide warmth for the human body, the physiological functions of the human body will be abnormal, and finally lead to the death of the human body

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

Our human body has a relatively perfect body temperature regulation mechanism, which can ensure that we can achieve a stable state of body temperature in a normal environment. But this mechanism will not be suitable for all kinds of harsh environments. So in the case of extreme cold, this function is lost, people who freeze to death do not have the pain we think, and many people who freeze to death will hallucinate before dying.

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

Stiff limbs reduce our sensitivity to pain. So in the beginning, people will feel that the cold environment will make people feel pain, but as time goes on, the human body will produce hallucinations, which will lead to more excitement. So this may also be the reason why many people who have frozen to death have a smiling expression on their faces.

Which of these two cases is more comfortable with death?

Although in the case of extreme cold, the pain caused by the cold will be felt in the first ten minutes. But over time, the pain will gradually decrease. When the brain hallucinates, the body's perception of its surroundings becomes sluggish

From a scientific point of view, heat death or freeze death, which one is more comfortable?

In the high temperature environment, the human body's pain will be more sensitive, so in the case of high temperature and heat, the human body will feel abnormal pain, dizziness, vomiting and other adverse reactions will follow.


The results are also obvious, even if our bodily functions are very perfect, but in extreme environments it is easy to have problems. From a scientific point of view, perhaps freezing to death is more pleasant than heat death.