
Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

author:The White Goose Age

Author: Pharisees

Recently, the manga "Maiden's Final Journey" announced that it will be animated. The contrast between the weak maiden and the cold ruins in the original work, the lily element and the apocalyptic background has attracted a lot of attention. In fact, in the "last days" it is not only disaster, chaos, barbarism... In the following few "unique style" doomsday theme comics, the protagonists are basically soft and cute girls, and the storyline is also quite warm and healing, let's go to the end together ~

<h1>1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Girl's Final Journey


Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

The naming of this work is a clear stream in the title circle under the world's wind day: the protagonist is "Girl":

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

Chito (left) and Yuri (right), as well as a tracked car called the Ketonkrad

Time is "the end":

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

The other creatures were almost extinct, leaving only a few humans to survive

The main plot is "Travel":

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

A diagram summarizes the plot

Two girls roaming in a huge abandoned city in a three-wheeled tracked car, and that's what the comic is all about. Only in the inadvertent details of the conversation between the two of them do we learn that the whole world, like the city, has been tightly covered by the curtain of death.

Where do the protagonists come from? Are they survivors or outsiders? Where will they go? ...... These questions are unanswered, and readers can only quietly follow their perspectives and visit this huge steel amusement park, including: weapons cemetery, pipe hot spring, sewer waterfall... Occasionally, they also encounter other remnants of life: the cartographer who aspires to map the dead city, perhaps the last living fish in the world, and the fish's keeper, an intelligent robot.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

Mention of comics that roam huge buildings, and they are always reminiscent of the famous "Blame! 》。 But compared to Blame! There is still a "wasteland" atmosphere in the book, and this comic is a "doomsday road movie". Above the wasteland, there are traces of human survival and the struggle of various creatures to survive, and in this work, these traces have become ancient memories - only crumbling steel structures, and robots that strictly follow the instructions of the program, stand tenaciously on the earth in the posture of the epitaph of human civilization. This also sets the tone of the work: lonely remembrance, wandering wandering. In this regard, "The Girl's Final Journey" is more cold than the general post-apocalyptic style work, and the criticism of the absurdity of modern civilization and the reflection on "life" are also more thorough.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

But the story itself does not fall into utter nihilism. On the one hand, the two young girls support each other in the comic, sell cute and engage in lilies, providing a rare warmth for this cold human world - it must be admitted that this is also one of the main attractions of this work. On the other hand, the footsteps of vulnerable young girls, surrounded by a series of fatal crises such as hunger, cold, and mechanical failure, symbolize the true meaning of "travel": go forward, go to the farthest place you can go.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

<h1>2. Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle"

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

I think all readers have heard of the science fiction novel that claims to be the shortest: "The last person on earth is sitting alone in the room, when suddenly there is a knock at the door..." No matter how you look at it, it is the unfolding of the horror novel! But if you put it in the world of Yokohama Shopping Chronicle, then the ending must be that the kind and cute robot Alpha walks in and gives you a warm hug.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

Yokohama Shopping Chronicle is a post-apocalyptic science fiction manga created by manga artist Ashina Nohito. After the climate catastrophe, the truth is unknown, human civilization is close to extinction. Mt. Fuji has become a ruined volcanic crater, rising sea levels, and flooding large numbers of cities – with the complete demise of humanity just around the corner. However, the wonderful thing is that the humans in this game seem to have calmly accepted this fact, and still live leisurely, waiting for the arrival of the end of the world.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

The protagonist of the story, Hatsuneno Alpha, is a female robot who runs café "Café Alpha", which is left by her owner and rarely visited by customers, and the manga records her life of working, being alone, or visiting friends, and going to Yokohama to buy coffee — which is also the origin of the title. Never aging, she is silently waiting for the master of "maybe tomorrow will come back, maybe never come back", and at the same time witnessing the dusk of "human beings" and "world" with gentle and firm eyes. Although a robot, Alpha has the same perception and love for life as an artist. In a world that is dying, she finds the beauty that is about to disappear with a childlike eye.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

Under the sparse and soft lines of Ashina Nojin, the simple and elegant pictures, and the outline of the storyboard, the sad atmosphere of "the end of the world" melts in the water-like age, and the classical material mourning temperament lingers in the prose-like chapters. Meet, grow, and eventually disappear – but no matter how time passes, Alpha will be waiting for you in the coffee shop at the end of the cliff, smiling.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!
Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!
Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

<h1>3. Stealing Half a Day's Leisure - "After Class on Earth"

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

The last work to recommend is from the manga artist Yoshifu Akihito, who is known for his brain holes and lily elements. Compared with the slightly cold "Maiden's Final Journey" and the mournful "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle", as can be seen from the title and cover, this work is much lighter (or frivolous) and cheerful.

The mysterious monster Phantom attacked all the animals on the earth, and the victims disappeared from this world without exception, and in the end, only the male protagonist Masashi and three girls were left: Sanae, Yaeko and Xingnan - people are gone, but food, daily necessities, vehicles, etc. are all available, in a world without survival pressure, the four people try to uncover the truth of the incident, while spending a leisurely day. Partying, fishing, filming... The life of the four people after the disaster is as enviable as living in a resort called "Earth".

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

Flooded cities – isn't it the same as a seaside vacation!

I'm afraid that every middle school teenager has fantasized in his heart that one day all the people on the earth will disappear. In this work, this delusion not only becomes a reality, but the male protagonist is accompanied by three beautiful girls with different temperaments - it is simply heaven! However, unfortunately, the pure love of the male protagonist is like Yanagishita Hui, so the delicate feelings of the girls can only quietly bloom and wither, the interaction between the thoughtful girls is more interesting, and the crisis of the end of the world is not worth mentioning in the face of the confusion of adolescence: Is there a chance to fall in love? Which dress is more beautiful? What does the future hold? Like the title, the playfulness and lightness of describing the destruction of the world as "the earth is off" is the girl, and it is also the biggest charm of this work.

Cute Wasteland Comics Recommended 1. The North Wind and the Sun – The Maiden's Final Journey 2. The Pastoral Pastoral of Human Twilight - "Yokohama Shopping Chronicle" 3. Stealing a floating life for half a day of leisure - "After Class on earth" If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number!

The girls who are seriously troubled by the question of the demise of mankind

Of course, since it is only a temporary "class", it is still necessary to go back to "class"; in addition to the leisurely and joyful adolescent daily life, the main line of this work, the truth of the "Phantom" incident, is also quite brain-opening. Just children, how are they going to solve this crisis? Please also go to the manga and find out for yourself!

Looking down all the way, even if the world is destroyed and civilization collapses, as long as there is a cute girl, it is not a big deal! (Sure) What are your feelings about the three manga recommended this time? Welcome to leave a message to share with you~

<h1>If you like this article, welcome to collect and pay attention to the [White Goose Chronicle] headline number! </h1>