
Myths are the dreams of all, and dreams are the myths of all

author:Mrs. Lu's life hall

"Hero with a thousand faces" means that there is only one hero in mythology, and the heroes in the myths of different eras and different nationalities, although varied and different, are actually the same hero who has been given a very different appearance by different cultures.

The more familiar something is, the stronger the impact when there is a new elaboration. Campbell's description is delicate and moving, those myths and stories, he does feel deep, including the relevant religious legends of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, time and space changes, but the roots must go deep into the ground, at this time, it is along the root vein to comb, human beings, peoples, and of course, including themselves.

Our life, even if it is short, is still an adventure. The footprints of heroes throughout the ages are like a kind of calling, whether it is a primitive jungle or a jungle of reinforced concrete. We are independent individuals, but also part of the whole, and the myth of human creation is also nourished by myths, in which dreams and pursuits are told, from ancient times to the present. No matter how advanced science is, myth still has a place.

In Campbell's words, each of us has a temple of our own, unapproved, preliminary, but implicit dream of great power. Dreams are detached from the ethical control of reality and reflect the truest self. Yes, it is the application of Freud's psychoanalysis in the field of mythology. This seemingly simple interpretation actually solves another conundrum: why similar myths and stories have appeared all over the world.

There is only one hero. Or rather, everyone is a hero. If life is an adventure, then mythology is the clue of consciousness in the depths of the soul, and mythology is a map of inner experience. For Jung, the hero's inability to return to the everyday world meant that he failed to resist the temptation of the unconscious; campbell further created a new world that arose from the everyday world and transcended the everyday world, and Campbell's heroic adventure thus became an adventure of the mind, about human existence and the deepest anxious experience of the world.

Myths are the dreams of all, and dreams are the myths of all