
Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

author:Lonely Winds
Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

On November 7, 2008, a special event was held in the Sichuan-Shaanxi District of Bazhong City, where a stone stele was erected with a regular and standard font written on the surface, and this stone stele was dedicated to an old man who had just passed away a few days ago.

The old man's name was Chen Huanying, and in the Soviet area, she once left her own glorious legendary deeds, running through the Long March with the Red Army, and treating the wounded with shells.

The reason why her deeds can be excavated by everyone is not only because of her identity as the "Iron Lady of the Red Army", but more about her experience of fighting for seventy-five years in order to find relatives.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Chen Huanying's childhood</h1>

Chen Huanying was born in 1919 in a small rural village in Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, at a time of civil unrest, and the people's lives were miserable.

Chen Huanying's original family is also in the depths of the water without exception, not only the family is surrounded by walls, even hungry, her parents after raising her to the age of eight, they died in natural disasters and man-made disasters, leaving Chen Huanying with only one hopeless day.

Although Chen Huanying is not very old, but she is very sensible, after the death of her parents, there are only two relatives in the family, one of whom is an elderly grandmother, and the other is a brother who is a few years younger than her.

Chen Huanying in the dilemma, with her small shoulders to support half of the sky at home, during the day, she has to go up the mountain to cut firewood and chop firewood, back home she has to start cooking, carrying water, picking cotton, such a job.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

For a child who is only eight years old, the requirements are really harsh, And No matter how diligent Chen Huanying is, he is still overwhelmed by the burden of life.

The grandmother was worried that she would become a drag oil bottle for her granddaughter in the future, so she made up her mind and found a family in the village and sent Chen Huanying to be a child bride.

Chen Huanying, who became a child bride, although she can fill her stomach, but the work that needs to be worked is much more than before at home, and the day and month make Chen Huanying feel tired, often falling asleep halfway through the work.

Chen Huanying's dark childhood ushered in a new hope five years later.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

In 1932, the rising Red Army swept through many difficulties, conquered Tongnanba, and created the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area, which was later the Soviet Zone, the Red Army brought a spring breeze of ideological emancipation, fighting landlords, helping the people, chen Huanying also got rid of the identity of the child bride in the process.

In gratitude, the thirteen-year-old Chen Huanying resolutely threw herself into the Ranks of the Red Army, cut off her long hair, put on a military uniform, was assigned by the party organization to the Women's Independent Regiment, and became a heroic female fighter.

Chen Huanying served as a medical soldier in the independent regiment, mainly in the rear line responsible for rescuing the wounded comrades sent from the front line, and the rescue work was very rigorous and sloppy.

However, because of family problems, Chen Huanying has not had the opportunity to read, resulting in her not recognizing one in big characters, but the clever Chen Huanying has a clever move, relying on distinguishing the color of the drug, and even wrote down the use of hundreds of drugs.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

In addition, Chen Huanying's clever performance in work can be more than this time, during the shortage of materials during the revolution, when the equipment and drugs are not enough, Chen Huanying will replace the gauze that stops the bleeding of the wounded with thick paper or other cloth, or replace alcohol with salt water.

Although the medical effect is lacking, in the burning eyebrows of the post, Chen Huanying's careful care helped the organization rescue many comrades, making a significant contribution to the recovery of the front-line combat forces.

In 1935, after the Red Army failed in five anti-encirclement and suppression operations, Chen Huanying followed the team and embarked on a long march, with the Kuomintang pursuing troops in hot pursuit behind them, during which several battles of different sizes broke out.

Finally, one day, Chen Huanying was unfortunately injured while rescuing the wounded, and the injuries caused by stray bullets made her lose her left eye and her legs became disabled, but Chen Huanying did not give up her desire for revolution, and walked through her before the ghost door closed.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

Instead, they became stronger and fearlesser, and the leader responsible for leading them forward came to advise Chen Huanying to stay and rest with some other disabled comrades.

After all, going forward, there were three meadows, over snowy mountains, and the harsh environment was undoubtedly a difficult challenge for Chen Huanying at that time, but Chen Huanying did not agree, she insisted on the decision to go on the road, and vowed to die with the party.

When turning over the Jiajin Mountain, Chen Huanying was on crutches, and only when he reached the middle of the mountain, he was physically exhausted and almost passed out several times.

But in order not to drag down the team, she relied on her tenacious will, trembling and continuing to move forward, and the instructors of her companions were distressed by this little girl who was still underage.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

But unable to help her share the pain, he took out a few dried peppers from the bag to Give Chen Huanying a refreshing meal, for Chen Huanying, who was born in Sichuan, these dried peppers became her biggest help to cross the Golden Mountain.

This incredible hot girl has once again completed incredible achievements, some comrades are different from her, stopping to rest in the middle, most of them have not carried the wind and cold, and have been sleeping forever on the waist road of Jiajin Mountain.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > Chen Huanying's lover</h1>

Even if life is merciless, there will be ordinary warmth hidden in the shadows, Chen Huanying followed the team to Yan'an, the holy land of revolution.

In the process of treatment and cultivation, Chen Huanying met the love of his life in his destiny, a company commander surnamed Fu, who was also seriously injured on the battlefield, and was sent to the hospital with Chen Huanying by the party organization.

It can be said that the day of cultivation is the loneliest time for Chen Huanying and her future husband, but because of mutual companionship, the feelings between them have also sublimated from friendship to love.

Two years later, the two married as they wished, and soon after returning to the army, a large number of disabled and wounded returned to their hometowns so as not to drag the team, and Chen Huanying also bid farewell to his Career in the Red Army and followed her husband to Henan to live.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

In Henan in the 1940s, because of its vast territory, which belonged to a strategic point and was also the main war zone between the two parties, although Chen Huanying and her husband left the army, their lives did not improve, and dangers were still lurking around the common people.

Farmers could not cultivate land, patronized and fled to other places, Chen Huanying and her husband at this difficult juncture, also gave birth to a daughter, named Fu Yuanying.

In the face of the dolls waiting to be fed, the two sons can only save the grain, and they are hungry beyond human form, and in extreme despair, they often lie in bed all day, afraid that meaningless labor will aggravate the torture caused by hunger.

However, the first one who could not bear it was Chen Huanying's husband, whose body was inexplicably ill, because there was no money for medical treatment, and finally he died, leaving only the lonely Chen Huanying to live with his daughter.

In that chaotic era, a woman raising a child alone was a difficult responsibility, and her husband's misfortune was even worse for Chen Huanying's already sad life.

Therefore, Chen Huanying was introduced to Zhang Junzhong in 1948, Zhang Junzhong was an honest farmer, treated Chen Huanying quite well, and the composition of the new family made Chen Huanying's life much better.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

At the very least, there is no shortage of food in the land, Chen Huanying also gave birth to three children for Zhang Junzhong in the next few years, the eldest daughter is named Zhang Zhiqing, the second daughter is named Zhang Zhixiu, and the younger son is called Zhang Zhiqiang, and the children's names represent Chen Huanying's expectations for the future of the motherland.

Because at this time, our country had completely ushered in a change of dynasty, the invading Japanese side had surrendered, and the remaining Kuomintang forces were also collapsing, Chen Huanying finally recalled the homesickness he had buried in his heart for many years.

After the liberation in 1951, Chen Huanying moved the idea of returning to his hometown to visit his relatives, but in reality, he still poured a basin of cold water on the poor woman.

In childhood, Chen Huanying was sent by her grandmother to become a child bride, while her younger brother Chen Huanfu was passed on to a relative's family, although she did not see it for many years, but the blood-linked family relationship was not severed.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

Chen Huanying did not know the misfortune of her brother's life and death, but she still held out hope and asked Zhang Zhiqing to help her write a few letters and send them to her impression of home, but they were all returned on the grounds of "not knowing the place".

Chen Huanying thought about returning to his hometown in person, but considering that the family was still poor, did not have enough funds, and did not bother his children, this decision was shelved indefinitely, but every New Year's day, Chen Huanying would go to the village to cry.

Fathers and fellow countrymen did not know why this elderly woman was so sad, and perhaps the wind that blew could hear her words, like those letters, and eventually disappeared.

In a few years, Chen Huanying's age is getting older, his physical condition is gradually declining, and he can no longer realize his wish to return to his hometown across thousands of kilometers.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

In 2008, Chen Huanying became seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital for treatment, at this time she was ninety-eight years old, her organ function was close to failure, and treatment could only temporarily delay Chen Huanying's life.

For his own illness, Chen Huanying understood better than anyone, knowing that the limit was coming, Chen Huanying said his last wish to his family: "I want to go back and see, the rice in my hometown is delicious, the tofu is delicious, I dreamed of my mother, I cried, I also dreamed of threshing, cutting grass, picking cotton, stir-frying sesame, why don't my relatives come yet?" I don't want to say it, but the tears come out as soon as I say it. ”

Looking at the mother lying on the hospital bed, the eldest daughter Zhang Zhiqing was remorseful, and at the last moment, in order to meet the wishes of the old man, she decided to make a final attempt, that is, this decision, which actually gave Qianli a chance to recognize his relatives.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" chen huanying > searching for relatives</h1>

Zhang Zhiqing sent a letter to the Propaganda Department of Bazhou District of Bazhong City, which was received by Li Tianfu, a press officer.

When he opened the letter, the following lines of words came into view: "I inquire about the hometown of Chen Huanying, a veteran Red Army soldier of Pakistan and China who is now living in Xinxian County, Henan Province, chen joined the Red Army at the age of 13, suffered a lot after the defeat of the Western Route Army, and now every New Year's Day, he will miss his hometown and shed tears, and he is even more sad that he cannot find his relatives."

Chen dictated that the origin of the clue is only Xishuitan, Sanchagou, Tongmiao, Liubazi and other place names, such as finding four place names in the same area of the township, basically can determine their origin, Chen has a brother Chen Huanfu, inherited to his uncle to raise, such as finding his brother or descendants should be the best result, whether it may be with incense, hope to be able to get your help. Please, thanks again."

Chen Huanying's deeds touched Li Tianfu, who was deeply attracted by the old man's strong homesickness, and soon, Li Tianfu called Zhang Zhiqing and showed his attitude, but things that he thought were simple ran into walls everywhere at the beginning.

Since it is to find a family, it is natural to go to the public security bureau to inquire about the household registration, but because of the long age and the impact of turmoil, the lives of many elderly people have long been lost in the torrent of history, and there is no household registration record of Chen Huanfu.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

So Li Tianfu planned to start from the place name, Chen Huanying mentioned xishuitan, Sanchagou, Tongmiao, Liubazi and other places, but Li Tianfu asked someone to inquire, and the results were greatly disappointed.

No one had heard of these places, only the same temple, some people said that it was in Chen Jiazui, Tongzi Temple Township, but when Li Tianfu went to the scene to check, he found that this place was very different from the scene described in Chen Huanying's recollection.

Seeing that the clues were found, the hospital once again sent bad news - Chen Huanying was given a critical illness notice, leaving Li Tianfu with little time to help.

Just when Li Tianfu was sad, he suddenly thought that Chen Huanying had mentioned that her hometown was at the junction of Bazhou and Pyeongchang, so Li Tianfu held the psychology of trying it out, called the Pyeongchang County Government for consultation, but unexpectedly learned that there was a town of Horse at the junction of Bazhou and Pyeongchang.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

However, there was no Sanchagou and Liubazi in that place, but instead Sancha Creek, Liulin Creek, Li Tianfu heard that the place names were similar, and considering that Chen Huanying was older, his memory was easy to blur.

Moreover, with such a long time ago, it was normal for the place name to change, so Li Tianfu went to the town of Sima to investigate non-stop, and the truth seemed to stand out.

Li Tianfu, who went to The Town of Sima, found the local secretary, and after clarifying the situation with him, the secretary immediately paid attention to it, saying that there was indeed an old man named Chen Shilu in the local area who matched his identity.

His father had long since passed away, but before he died, he often told Chen Shilu that he had an aunt named Spicy Baby.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

What made Li Tianfu excited was that this aunt in Chen Shilu's mouth also joined the army when he was thirteen years old, and the shocking news made Li Tianfu no longer be able to resist his excitement, but was the truth of the matter really like this?

But regardless of whether the name of the place is right or not, Chen Shilu's father, Chen Changli, is also different from the information provided by Chen Huanying.

At the same time, the TV station also sent reporters from two parties to participate in Chen Huanying's search for relatives, and one of them also went to the town of Sima, and took local photos and sent them to Chen Huanying in Henan, including Chen Changli's photos.

When Chen Huanying saw it, the scene of the past seemed to be vividly remembered, and she said excitedly: "Yes, yes, see, brother, do you know where I came from?" You heard no, more than seventy years, I think of my loved ones, I am most satisfied, and voila. ”

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

Although Chen Shilu and Chen Huanying had never been masked, they were very concerned about the departure of this aunt, and he took a train to Henan soon after, and finally met Chen Huanying in the hospital, Chen Huanying was very fond of his nephew, and asked at first sight: "Do you like me?" ”

Chen Shilu replied, "I like it." Then he told Chen Huanying about his father, indicating that he had not come out to look for it all these years, because his family was in the countryside, and there was no clue, which was really inconvenient, but in the end, he was able to reunite his family as he wished, which was also a great luck.

Chen Shilu also brought Chen Huanying local bacon from home, a bunch of dirt, a bottle of water, the soil was planed from the backyard of the family, and the water was scooped from the Sancha Creek.

Chen Huanying, in addition to rejoicing, washed his hands with clean water, smelled the smell of dirt, and contentedly put down his heart knot.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

Chen Huanying's daughter

On September 8, Chen Huanying passed away, and this touching story was just about to end on the screen, but a phone call turned the truth upside down.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > what the truth is</h1>

The call came from a guy named Cheng Haozhou, who called Li Tianfu's office, and Cheng Haozhou told Li Tianfu that Chen Huanying's hometown should be in Tongfo Village, Zhenlong District, Pyeongchang County, not Asima Town.

Things became confusing again, and in addition to the shock, Li Tianfu also felt a deep sense of guilt rise in his heart.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

He unfolded the map and carefully examined it according to Cheng Haozhou's statement, and finally found that Chen Huanying did not misremember the place name at the beginning, and the Sancha Creek, Liubazi, and Copper Temple could all be matched.

Chen Huanying searched for his family for more than seventy years, and later it was still a misunderstanding, Li Tianfu was not reconciled, and drove to Tongfo Village.

Tongfo Village is very poor, even in the twenty-first century, still has not opened a road, the local people are native farmers, living by the mountains and rivers, the closure of information, so that this place is left out of the scope of Li Tianfu's original investigation, Li Tianfu visited the village, only to understand where the root cause of this misunderstanding is.

Female Red Army Chen Huanying: 75 years of searching for a home road, before the death of the final wish, after the death found that found the wrong Chen Huanying's childhood Chen Huanying's lover Chen Huanying thousands of miles to find the truth

Chen Huanying did not remember the wrong place, but she made a mistake in her surname, which is a loss that does not understand culture, Chen Huanying's original surname should be "Cheng", and now Cheng Huanfu, that is, Cheng Huanying's cousin has passed away, leaving only one son - Cheng Wenxiang, he is Cheng Huanying's real nephew.

At the end of the matter, Zhang Zhiqing returned to her truly native village with her mother's relics and buried them in the ancestral temple under the witness of more than a dozen Cheng parents.

The words that this legendary female warrior once said were imprinted on the hearts of her family: "My family is in Sichuan, the same temple down, Sanchagou, I can't forget Oh, my father's name is Chen Junsi, my little name is Chili." ”

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