
The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

author:Huluwa movie

Korean films are keen to attack the government, while Spanish films, which are also "realistic", prefer to take advantage of bold themes such as homosexuality, transgenderism, drugs, and sexual immorality to reflect on the current state of society. This year, the Spanish suspense film "Invisible Guest", which has just been introduced into the country, has made countless fans and friends addicted to watch with three characters and a few seemingly simple entanglements, and this same small pattern film "Deep Blue is Black" has won a Douban score of 7.9 with a literary title, posters and plots that are not chicken soup but are equally enlightened. Of course, the excellence of Spanish cinema is not limited to the film itself, but also allows viewers to capture many topics that can be borrowed.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

Literary director + official CP's film lineup

The director of the film is Daniel Sanchez Arevaro, who won the Spanish Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay and the nomination for Best Director for "My Grand Spanish Wedding" and "Fertile Choice", who is deeply influenced by the well-known Spanish director Almodóvar, and many of the details and plot treatment of the work are slightly a little Almodóvar. In this film, some quiet "small tricks" are used to make the film unique, such as the plot stopping abruptly in the gap between the dialogues of the characters, the clever interweaving of several side stories with the main line, and the use of fast and efficient and even somewhat broken short-lens narrative methods.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

Although wrapped in the shell of literature and art, in fact, the essence is a relatively cheesy love-hate entanglement caused by the borrowing of sperm to give birth. The film's male protagonist George is played by Gutierrez, who has a handsome appearance and good acting ability, and friends who have seen the dark side should be impressed by the gap between his two front teeth. Marta Etuna, the heroine of Paula, charmed many viewers with a short fluffy hair in this film, but the relationship with the official CP of the male protagonist in the film is not the so-called couple, but the gimmicky relationship of the uncle and sister-in-law.

The story continues amid a lot of uncertainty and doubts about the characters

Just like the title of the film, the whole story is sustained by a lot of uncertainty and doubts of the characters, there is dissatisfaction with the work, there is emotional anxiety, and there is the panic of urgently needing to find the answer to the next moment. The male protagonist, George, is a young man with a dream and a desire to go out and have a break, but unfortunately, his mother died, his father suffered a stroke, and a series of family chores of his brother's imprisonment have become stumbling blocks to his future plans.

So he had to stay at home to take care of his father, who could not take care of himself, and succeeded his father as the gatekeeper of the building who sorted out mailboxes and cleaned up garbage every day. So much so that George, who wanted to change the environment and get a finance degree in 7 years, also received a slow drawer of job rejection letters because of his lack of work experience and perfect origin.

At the same time, his brother Anthony, who is still serving a prison sentence, meets the heroine Paula in the drama class. The two people who were originally just gun friends gradually underwent emotional changes, and one wanted to enjoy the preferential treatment of the pregnancy cell with the baby, and the other wanted to use the baby to trap each other, and began the "human creation plan".

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

But tragically, Anthony's body simply could not make the heroine pregnant. This also makes the brother who does not want to lose Paula beg the male protagonist's brother to have an almost incestuous affair with Paula, so as to have a child and keep the beloved girl. In the end, under the pressure of his brother's "your sperm can save my love", the male protagonist had 3 sexual relations with his brother's girlfriend and let him successfully conceive a baby.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

Of course, there are also those who have doubts about life, and the male protagonist, who specializes in secretly taking pictures of some "gay" taste massage parlors opposite, is a nemesis. He accidentally saw his father visiting the massage parlor in a sneaky photo, and began to use his massage time to squeeze his father out. Unexpectedly, in a simple massage, he and the boss had an indescribable emotion, and even felt that they were in love with the young and handsome masseuse.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

Everyone has their own uncertainties, George is not sure if he loves Natalia, Anthony is not sure if Paula will fall in love with George, and Paula is not sure of the real purpose of having children, but life often likes to joke with these people who are already confused about the future. The male protagonist and the green plum bamboo Manatalia, who is obviously different from him, gradually quarreled over the inequality in life, but gradually found a sense of belonging and even a love in the sexual relationship with the "sister-in-law".

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

However, life has never been a "black and white" multiple choice, so that such a film, which does not see any hope from the beginning, also replaces the heart-wrenching conflict with compromise at the end. The male protagonist chooses to wear the long-awaited suit to another place to continue his goalkeeping work and wait for the release of his pregnant girlfriend. The male brother is no longer swayed by money and selfishness, and starts his new life with daily care for his father. The male protagonist's nemesis is also willing to give up running away from home and continue this seemingly harmonious family life after learning that his mother has long forgiven his father's dirty deeds.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

It is an indomitable attitude towards life, and it is also a step that constantly catches up with the future

Poison also agrees to interpret the title's "deep blue is black" as a state of uncertain life for the future, just like the words of the film's male protagonist when he was about to smash the glass and steal his favorite suit: "I don't want to be in between all the time, me and what I want." George longs for a job to get out of his current situation but finds repeated failures, Paula wants to use pregnancy to transfer to the better maternity room in prison but finds that Anthony has no fertility, Natalia, who longs for happiness, eventually partes ways with her beloved George, and every time she wants to be a Mass, her father is always taken to the bank by Anthony, and she wants to expose her father's unspeakable death but let herself be trapped in the quagmire of homosexuality.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

So, when you know that there are so many uncertain things in life and you have to go on no matter what, why do you have to be blue or black if you really get or are about to have? So the film doesn't sublimate to a decent ending, just as there are many things in our lives that have not yet been answered. George chose to break up with the young plum bamboo horse in the compromise and continue his career as a janitor, the brother took care of his sick father in the compromise, and the dead party also chose to acquiesce to his father's behavior and continue to stay at home. Everyone is also in the seemingly mutual compromise and acceptance, more clear about their positioning.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes

But one thing is for sure, even if you are in a difficult situation and can't change your life, or don't have the strength to get what you want, you must maintain a positive attitude towards life. Just like the male protagonist who wears a suit to apply for the most suitable job for her goalkeeping job, even if she still has many dissatisfactions with her work, she still takes her current position seriously when she can't grasp a better position.

In this way, "deep blue is black" is not only an indomitable attitude towards life, but also a step of catching up with the future. Life is probably like this, there needs to be serious change, but also there are seemingly confusing compromises.

The realist Spanish film "Deep Blue is Black" is precisely the prism that refracts the social changes